AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 With English Subtitles HD

( Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Season 2 )

AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11

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Yinal Bey? What is going on?

We lost a lot of
soldiers on the field.

Heathens raided the
headquarter, Hasan Bey.

I did What I had to
do and fought them.

I stopped heathens before
they took the headquarter.

Heathens waited
for Alparslan Bey leave the headquarter
to raid, my Bey.

Yinal Bey, we know how
sharp your sword is

...but what is this sitting
on Alparslan Bey's chair?

Headquarter is our
Bey's sword right.

Then he should have
acted like a Bey

...and been at the
headquarter to protect it.

I saved your Bey
from great troubles. not giving it
to the heathens.

Yinal Bey...

The headquarter will no longer
be under Alparslan's control.

It will be Seljuk property .

And a Mosul governor,
I will control it.

With whom will you
meet, Akca Hatun?


Are you okay, daughter?

Don't worry, I am okay, father?


Jesus Christ, thought I would die
when I thought you were wounded.

When you did not come to the
castle and called me here,

...I thought you had
important news for me.


What?Is there something wrong?

Something wrong?

Isn't the fact that I almost
died something wrong, father?

I called you here because
I wanted to ask you.

While they were setting up that trap, didn't
you think that I could be among them?

Maria... You are my daughter.

I am your father. How can I
even think about hurting you?

If you say so.

I should go back to the tribe so that
they wouldn't notice that I'm gone.


Go and bring me good news.

Yinal Bey.

As you know, authority
is taken with sword,

...and given with blood.

Thank Allah, Alparslan
Bey is fine.

So only Alparslan Bey can
control the headquarter.

Do you tell Alparslan to
rebel against the rules,

...Hasan Bey?

How can I tell Alparslan Bey, who was
raised by Cagri Bey, the son of Mikail,

...the heir to the throne of Sultan Tugrul,
who has the divine gift of ruling... do something, Yinal Bey?

Brother, you know that my brother Sultan
Tugrul got the divine gift of ruling

...but you don't know that we are the
Seljuks, the descendants of Afrasiab.

We know, of course, Yinal Bry.

We don't tell you to
do something, either.

We only remind you
the situation.

How dare you? Ibrahim Yinal, the son of
Yusuf Yinal is standing in front of you.

Who do you think you're
talking to, Hasan Bey?

Obviously you don't care about
the rules and laws like your Bey.

...and only care
about defeatism.

Arrest them.

Can you judge people based
on a suspicion, Yinal Bey?

If we don't take precautions,

...we will lose our Bey
position, Batur Bey.

Akca, the Turkmen girl who came
to our tribe that had nobody

...turned out to be Lord
Kekavmenos' daughter Maria.

You traitor.

You played a game with your
dishonorable father, huh?

What kind of a traitor are you?

My Bey, please listen to me.

I heard and saw enough.

Akca, who said she was a
Turkmen girl that had nobody,

...was the daughter of
my mother's killer.


It's not as it seems.
He's not my father.

Stop lying.

If he's not your father why
do you call him father?

What do you meet him secretly?

You fooled all of us. Me,
my father Cagri Bey,

Mother Akinay.

Everyone in my tribe embraced,
loved and protected you.

But you came among
us to poison us.

Did you think that the truth
would not be revealed?

When the truth is revealed, these
words you say will hurt you.

I will regret.

I wish I believed
my eyes, not you.

You were the one I
saw in Vaspurakan.

I wish when I asked you how you
knew fighting with swords,

...I had not believed
your answer.

I wish instead of saving
you from that well.

You treacherous dog.

I told you. I told you that
you can't trust any Turk.

You'll beg me to
kill you, liar dog.

Got it? You will beg me.

But this won't change anything.

Because you don’t
deserve to die quickly.

Our hearts are filled
with the love of nation.

That thing you hold can't
do anything to us.

You miscreant.

Miscreant, huh?


How dare you to call me
miscreant, you barbaric dogs?

Miscreant, huh?


Let him be.

Take him to the infirmary.

This liar dog needs
to die, dear Tekfur.

Not yet, Diyojen.

Every Turk needs to die, but
some of them can die later.

I haven't finished with him yet.

What is your next useless plan?

I'm curious.

Dear Tekfur.

Sir, Alparslan's banner came
down from the headquarters.

Instead, Seljuk
banner was planted.

May Allah accept this, mother.

Amen, daughter. For all of us.

Akca hasn't come yet. She still
has things to do I guess.

She said that it
won't take long.

Her wound was fresh.

I'm worried that she
got sick on the way.

If it's as I feared, she
may have fallen somewhere.

Let's catch up before anything
bad happens. Come on.

Alparslan Bey.

What happened Emir Ali?

We defeated the infidels. Thank
Allah, we destroyed them all.

Help me.

Inform the doctors.

Yes, my Bey.

Are you okay, daughter?

Don't worry, I'm fine, father.

While I'm waiting for you to
wake up, to ask you that...

...shall we join our
hearts and be together...

...I woke up, thankfully.

Now it is your
time to wake up...

...and you will pay
tor your treachery.

Her wound is bleeding again. Do
whatever it takes to heal her.

The sooner she
heals, the better.

Does Kekavmanos have a death wish? How
can he attack us, breaking the deal?

How did this happen?

We arrived at the last
moment, Alparslan Bey.

Where were you at the beginning?

Where is my Ata Bey.
Where are my Alps?

Yinal Bey...

Captured them all.

Yinal Bey?

The corpses of the
Byzantine soldiers...

...will be sent to Vaspurakan.

As you wish Governor Hadrath.

What are you doing
here Yinal Bey?

With what right?

With what power?

You own this land but you weren't
here to protect it nephew.

We got here and took
care of the infidels.

Are you questioning
me for helping you?

Did 20 infidels come here
to seize the base...

...they couldn't
protect with 1000 men?

I guess they thought
you were weak nephew.

They didn't need more than that.

This base is
my right by my sword.

It will stay that way
as long as I live.

And my right is by
my sword as well.

This place you claim is yours...

...was going to be
taken by the infidels.

I didn't take this
base from you.

I took it from the
Byzantines with this sword.

You're not trying to protect.

You're trying to take it over.

We took the capital of
Great Seljuk, Rey...

..and gave it to our Sultan.

Why would we want a small piece of land
my nephew got from the Byzantines?

You must know your place nephew.

Cut off my neck if you will.

I am my father's son.

I'll say what I please.

I won't learn my place
from someone like you.


I order you as the
governor of Great Seljuks.

Take the swords of...

...Cagri Bey's son Alparslan.

He will be kept in
Damgan Castle...

...until I give a second order.


Become a wind and tell
Cagri Bey what happened.

You were right about
your doubts, dear Lord.

Alparslan never
left the dynasty.

He is still with the Seljuq.

And the deaths of our soldiers who were observing
Sultan Tugrul and the support Alparsln received...

...were the proof of it.

He waited for us to
accept all his...

...circumstances to give the
quarters to the Seljuq.

No matter what happens...

...I will take the quarters
back from Alparslan!

If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on:
..........:: ::..........

It is the result of your
magnificent plan...

...dear Eudokia.

What else could I do, General?
How could I let my uncle die?

Your uncle's life... not more important than our
dozens of soldiers who died.

What is your plan, dear Lord?

I will offer giving him Goktug
in return for the quarters.

Even if Alparslan doesn't want
to give the quarters back...

...he will still
bargain for Goktug.

You were almost going to die when you and
Alparslan were bargaining the last time.

Let me remind you
that, dear Lord.

The Hatun in the hospital...
Keep your eyes on her.

Don't let her go when
she feels better.

Your entrustment will be
safe witfi me, Alparslan Bey.

And tell my Atabey and
Alps what happened.

I sent news to Cagri Bey.

With Allah's consent, you will
get rid ot captivity soon.

Even our enemies
couldn't take him... can we put chains
on Alparslan, Yinal Bey?

I didn't put chains on
him, the state did.

If I hesitated, they would
put chains on the state.

We used to play Asik oyunu(Shagai)
really well, right, Erbaskan?



My Bey, lift up your foot.
Let me take my bone.



Don't you hear him? Move, let
children take their bones.

What are you thinking about?

Do you remember the days you used to play this game
or the girl who you possibly fell in love with?

You were still playing this game
when you fell in love, Suleyman.

Don't make me mad.

Horses are coming!

What happened, Emir Ali?

Why are you in a rush?

I have to talk to
Cagri Bey right now.

Come with me.

My daughter... We
were looking for you.

We couldn't find you anywhere.
Are you alright, my daughter?

I am not, mother.

I am not alright.

Batur Bey said
some things but...

...let me ask you.

Alparslan told everyone to keep
Akca Hatun here and not let her go.

ls it because you are hurt
or did something happen?

He saw me, mother.

He saw me when I was
talking to Kekavmenos.

He heard me calling him father.


I understood.

We will leave this place first. Then you
will tell me what happened. Alright?

Can you walk?

Come on.

How can Yinal take the quarters?

How could he arrest Alparslan?

He is either confused...

...or seeing things
wrong, my Bey.

I don't think so...

My brother Yinal Bey wouldn't do
anything without making a plan.

Get ready.

Let's see what Yinal Bey's plan
is, we will see and find out.

We can't let Akca Hatun go.

It is the order of Alparslan
Bey and Batur Bey.

If someone asks, tell them
that I took her out, my son.

I can't, mother.

If I let her go, I will be
in a difficult position.

I am not going to abduct an
injured woman with my horse.

I will take her to the tribe.

Move aside.

No, mother.

What is happening here?

Yinal Bey? What happened?

What are you doing here?

This place is now the
property of Mosul province.

We heard that you are now
the Governor of Mosul.

May it be good.

So this place is now
under your control.

Send my salaams to Cagri Bey
when you go to the tribe.

Sure. I will.

But I need my soldier son... allow us to
go to the tribe.

What does that mean?

This Hatun is under
arrest, Yinal Bey.

It is the order of
our Alparslan Bey.

I am the one who
orders here now.

You can go wherever you want.

You served our da'wah
in a great way... letting us know that
Alparslan was put in a dungeon.

Serving you and our da’wah is
a great honour, Mighty Natik.

Now they are seen.

Alparslan's life, who
is enchained and...

...who doesn't have
his Alps with him...

...are now in our hands.

Attack, my fida'is!

Go to the quarters before
they notice my absence.

Be on alert.

Yes Mighty Natik.

As you can see by looking
at our glorious flag...

...the quarters does not belong
to Cagri Bey's son Alparslan now.

It belongs to the Seljuq.

And it is under my control as
I am the governor of Mosul.

What about Alparslan Bey?

Lieutenant. I am sure that the soldiers of Byzantine are
educated well enough to understand a simple sentence.

But... still, let me tell you.

The authority belongs to the Governor of Mosul,
Ibrahim Yinal on the lands of the quarters.

We really don't
care about names.

And I am sure we can
agree with you...

...Yinal Bey.

Good messengers always
talk less and listen more.

What do you want to say?

We demand the quarters... return for
Goktug Bey's life.

Tens of our soldiers
were martyred...

...when we took this quarters.

And... what makes you
think we can sacrifice...

...the quarters for his life?

Let alone the quarters, we
won't even give you a stone.

And even if you go and tell this to
Goktug Bey, he would give his head...

...but not a single
stone of the quarters.

Would you drink
some water, my Bey?

Thank you.

I still can't understand why the
infidels would attack the quarters... day after
making an agreement.

We always knew that the infidels
were dishonest, my Bey.

Right, but... Would the Lord, who has
thousands of soldiers in Vaspurakan...

...attack the quarters with 20 soldiers
if he didn't know that he would take it?

Who informed you about
Yinal Bey's invitation?

Goktug Bey did, my Bey.

And he was the only one at the
quarters when the raid happened.

Then the infidels
took him captive.

Being convinced that these
are all coincidences... just denying the reason.

I see that Goktug Bey
is the only person...

...who can solve this.

Yes my Bey.

Ask for support from the quarters!
-Right away, my Bey!

Cakiroglu, they are too crowded!
Give me the keys!

Alparslan Bey!

Horses got scared, my Bey!




-Stop the cart!
-It's not stopping my Bey!

I will feed Alparslan's body the vultures.

What are you wait ng for?
Go and kill him.

You are trying to take
revenge from Byzantine,

...who exposed where
your lair is, huh?

You demons.

However you disguise,

...I will be your Azrael.

He refused our proposal, huh?

Who is this Ibrahim Yinal?

Sultan Tugrul's step brother.

He is a good warrior
like Alparslan.

The dynasty member who
sent the Bashi-Bozouks our land.

What about Alparslan?

I am sure he is not
at the headquarter.

But as far as I can tell,

Ibrahim Yinal does not
like Alparslan, either.

He is as stubborn as Alparslan,
they have that in common.

I do not care about that
despicable Goktug's life.

At least, Alparslan
will not be after us.

I need to say that you
disappointed me, Goktug Bey.

Your life is worthless.

You don't have a Alparslan
that will save you.

Now, either join
me with you alps

...and help us take
the headquarter,

-I know Yinal Bey.

He will never let you
keep a Turkmen Bey.

Everything you talk about here

...Is a low game you play
to get me to switch sides.

You trust Yinal
Bey so much, huh?

Take our martyrs to
the headqurter.

Come with me.

You escaped, huh? Or
someone took you.

These are not Byzantine soldiers.
They do not look like Greek people.

So Qarmathians are behind this.

They are planning
something but what?

Go after Alparslan.

Search every little corner.

Don't come back to the headquarter
before you find Alparslan.

- Is your pain better, daughter?
- Yes, Mother.

If we had told the truth before

...Alparslan saw you
with that heathen,

...this wouldn't have happened.

What's happens has happened.

There is no way back.

I cannot go back to the tribe

...because Alparslan Bey
thinks I am a traitor.

Why not?

Your risk your life
for these lands

...and fight.

Keep your head up, daughter.

When Alparslan Bey learns the
truth, he will be proud of you.

He as furious.

He did no let me
say even one word.

We need to ease
Alparslan's anger.

There's only one person
he will listen to

...and that is Cagri Bey.

Now, we will go to
the tribe with you.

We will tell everything
that happened our Cagri Bey
from the beginning.


How dare you arrest my Alparslan,
the conquerer of this headquarter a random criminal?

Alparslan could not

...protect the
headquarter for which many soldiers
gave their lives for.

I saved the headquarter
from the Byzantine.

But your son drew his sword

...against Seljuk's
Mosul governor

...instead of being grateful!

Alparslan knows for whom he should be grateful
for and for whom he should draw his sword.

I arrested him and sent
him to Damghan Castle.

But on the way,

...Qarmathians dressed as
Byzantines set up a trap.

Alparslan escaped.

What are you saying? What
do you mean he escaped?

What do your soldiers do?

They die, Cagri Bey!

We lost our precious soldier
Cakiroglu and many more...

...because of Alparslan!

But don't worry. My soldiers are
looking for him everywhere.

They will eventually find
him and follow my verdict.

Call a messenger. Call back your
soldiers looking for Alparslan.

Free Alparslan's alps.

They will find their
Bey safe and sound.


...something happens
to Alparslan,

..I will make you pay for it.

Don’t do things you
cannot pay for, Yinal!

All of this is a game,

...a scheme, maybe.

What game?

Maybe Alparslan made Qarmathians
dressed as Byzantines

...and set a trap so that
he could save his life.

Maybe Qarmathians take their
orders from Alparslan,

...Cagri Bey.

My disrespectful,
dishonorable brother!

If you had a little honor, would not mention Qarmathians and
my Alparslan's name in the same sentence.


My Bey.

Free Alparslan's Atabey

...and his alps.

Send a messanger. The soldiers
looking for him should come back?

If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on:
..........:: ::..........

Hasan Bey. Tell me now, what
is the bottom of this issue?

We don't know too, Cagri Bey.

When we got to the headquarters,
Alparslan Bey was not there.

Yinal Bey faced with us.

We were in the dungeons
in an instant.

Something weird going on, but...

...I can't say
something for sure.

Yinal Bey will pay for
this before the Sultan.

He is so tactless that

he even claims that Alparslan
sided with Qarmathians..? cover for his flaws.

How can he say that, Cagri Bey?

He's ta king as if he
was born yesterday.

He'll pay for this before
the Sultan eventually.

Now, it is time to leave
no stone unturned... find Alparslan.

Set off now.

Keep me posted.

Yes, my Bey.

As-Sultan-ul Muazzam

Amr-ul Jaleel and
the Shah of Shahs.

Mighty Sultan Tugrul is
visiting our bazaar.

Long live the Sultan!
Long live the Sultan!

Long live the Sultan!

Those who were persecuted,

those who were
wronged and usurped,

and faced with tyranny,

shall write it down and put
it in the justice chest.

The sun of our state,
Sultan Tugrul Bey... here to
avenge the wronged.

Hear ye!

Like our great ancestors, you
don’t consent to tyranny.

With this ceremony
you do every week,

you can reach out to the
distressful people.

Thanks to you, these papers contain both the.
fear of the cruel and hope of the wronged.

We do what we saw
from our ancestors.

We know that a leader who is without
customs has neither a name...

..nor a state.

If the subjects of the Sultan are
tortured in his own property...

...wouldn't that
sultan be disgraced?

Then, what we need to do... destroying
the cruelty where it emerges.

Our Sultan knows the best.

Yes, Altuncan Hatun. Whatever you
want will be prepared for you.

May Allah let you earn more.

Just tell me the debts
written on your notebook.

...then give us the notebook.

Welcome, Altuncan mother.

Thank you, mother.

3000 dinar gold, Altuncan Hatun?

May our Tugrul father and
Altuncan mother live long.

My Sultan.. Yinal Bey
arrested our Alparslan Bey...

...and ordered them to
take him to Damgan castle.

The result of arresting
Alparslan Bey...

...and sending him
to Damgan castle... now a heavy burden on
your shoulders, Yinal Bey.

We sacrificed our men
and a Turkmen Bey.

May Allah accept
their shahada...

We are all holding our
hearts in our hands... give it to Haqq
on the way we walk...

...don t you know, Batur Bey?

I know, but..

...I don't know if Alparslan Bey is
alive who is also walking on the...

...same way.

And Goktug Bey is a captive
in infidels' hands.

Why aren't we doing
something to save his life?

If we do this, the other Beys who
do everything for the state...

...will think that they are
not important for the state.

Until this day...

...many soldiers
became martyrs...

...for a piece ot soil.

And after this day, our soldiers
will keep becoming martyrs.

If we capitulate
to the infidels.. will harm our state.

Can I come in, Hadhrat Governor?

Come in.

Lord Kekavmenos wants
to talk to you.

Let him in.

He told me that he will wait
for you at the square, my Bey.

Gome on, my valiants. The
traces go to the forest!

Yinal Bey... ha?

I am not going to
introduce myself... I think you know who I am?

What do you want?

I already talked to
your messengers.

If you are going to tell me the
same thing, there is no need.

My father used to say..

"Make an offer...
but don't insist."


I didn't come here to insist?

Do you know what they tell
about Turks the most?

They tell about your bravery..

...and that you never leave
someone who is one of you...


And to understand
if it's real...

..or just a myth..

...I came here, when
I had the chance.

My decision about Goktug Bey...

. .is still the same.

It was just a myth.


-If that’s all you are going to say...
-That's all.

You heard him.

Your life means
nothing for Seljuk.

But you are so lucky
because it does for me.

My offer still stands.

You have time until tomorrow.

May I come in, Selcan Hatun?

Of course, come girl, come.

We can't say how grateful
we are, daughter.

You used yourself as a shield
for my Gevher. Thank you.

Isn't Cagri Bey
here, Selcan Hatun?


He left angrily after he
heard what Yinal Bey did.

Do you have something to say?

I was going to ask him that.

I'll tell when he comes.

I owe you my life.

Forgive me for my
previous mistakes.

No big deal, everyone would do what I did.
You don't owe me anything.

If you'll excuse
me, Selcan Hatun.

People told me that
you have returned.

I decided to take a
look, I was curious.

Now tell me, Akca Hatun.

Why was the Byzantine
garment in your bag?


If she's not a traitor, she
must have something to tell?

Don't you wonder?

Why was Byzantine
garment in your bag?

We had a neighbor in Vaspurakan.

- It is her gift.
- You think you can fool me?

I saw it with my own eyes. When you came
here, you had nothing but that garment.

You didn't have
your bag with you.

I couldn't take my bag with me when I
had no choice but to escape Vaspurakan.

Our neighbor kept it.

When she heard that I came here,
he sent it with a vendor we know.

And garment was inside it.

- You are lying. I saw...
- That's enough!

We believed what she
told, daughter.

You are wounded. Don't
wander any longer.


- How can you believe her?
- Karaca!

What’s your problem with Akca?

You played with her honor many
times, she didn't say a word.

You can't use your position Malik's wife
position as a shield and hurt Akca.

I won't let you.

My mother is right, Karaca.

Akca is a fine girl.

Stop blaming her.

Now, apology to Akca and
fix her broken heart.

And don't blame her again.

This is my last warning.
Don't you forget.

Yinal Bey's intentions
are clear, my Sultan.

He did this because the headquarters
is in the fields of governorship.

He’s doing his job in
accordance with the procedure.

He doesn't want Alparslan
to grow and be valuable. the eyes of
Bashi-bazouks in his fields.

He can't accept this.

Can he do anything he wants as long as it is
in accordance with the procedure, my Sultan?

Didn't Alparslan went to the
headquarters with your order?

Yes, exactly.

But afterwards, Yinal Bey
did his own responsibility,

with authority, Altuncan Hatun.

To gather the power of
the state in the center,

he raised the Seljuk flag
in the headquarters.

As you ordered, my Sultan.

Yinal Bey's purpose is
to be the only master of

Bashi-bazouk Oghuz crew.

That's why he's trying
to form a final army... put an end
to such matters.

We are running the Ghilman.

What is your plan with
this situation, my Sultan?

We'll do what we need to do.

I'm worried that Cagri Bey will not
approve this decision, my Sultan.

Inform Cagri Bey and Yinal Bey.

They need to come here.


Prepare a bowl of honey
and a bowl of barberry

before they come.

As you wish, my Sultan.

Where are you, my Bey?

The sun is about to set.
We need to hurry up.

Come on, brave soldiers.
This way.

When I was ill, Karaca said that

I used the Byzantine
garment as an evidence.

Alparslan Bey planned this game
after Karaca said that, obviously.

Alparslan said Karaca to
stop talking about that.

But when she insisted, he
wanted to find out, I guess.

What if Alparslan Bey comes to the
tribe before we talk to Cagri Bey?

My poor daughter, don't
think about these now.

Go to the tent, rest.

Your wound is not healed, yet.

I will pick cornel-wood
and boil it that you
will get stronger.

Come on, daughter.

I didn’t believe the
lies you told me.

What do you want from me, Hatun?

You are a shameless Hatun.

Why are you still here
after everything?

You are like a tick. You
are not wanted here.

Obviously you are a traitor.

If you want to stay
here that much,

...I will bury you
in this tribe, then.

No one believes me in this
tribe because of you.

You should've never swam in
a river so deep, Karaca!

Only your dead body will
get out of this tribe.

Are you trying to kill me?

Why do you attack
me tor no reason?

What's going on here?


I came to apologize
as my mother said,

- ...but she attacked me with her sword.
- That is a lie!

She was the one who
attacked me with her sword.

Are you calling my wife a liar?

How dare you? Go
back to your tent.

Don't walk around.

We gave her food because
she was hungry.

This is what we get in return.

If she was not so shameless,

...she would not stay here
in this tribe one more day.


My Sultan, you asked to see me.

Emir Bozan, the
news is not great.

Alparslan. While he was being taken do Damghan
Castle with Yinal Bey's order, they set up a trap.

- Byzantine soldiers.

We don’t know where
Alparslan is.

We don't know if he escaped
or someone took him.

He is missing.

Don't worry, my Sultan. Alparslan
Bey will not be beaten the heathens easily.

Everyone is looking for him.

If we don't get good news until
tomorrow, we should be prepared.

We will send soldiers.

They will find Alparslan,
wherever he is.

They will find him alive, inshaAllah.
If not...

What should I have done, my Sultan?
Should I have ignored the heathens raid?

Should I have not cared about the lives of
the Beys and soldiers in the headquarter?

Alparslan took the headquarter but
did not think about the rest.

He was careless.

Now, my Sultan. Is
my fault being brave

...or beating the heathens?

Obviously, the heathens waited for
Alparslan to leave the castle.

Then attacked.

Why do you think Alparslan
is careless, Yinal Bey?

Isn't it obvious
that this is a game?

How can you try to take the lands Alparslan took
with great efforts? They are his sword right.

Don't you know the law?

We learned the law when we could
not take what we deserved,

...Cagri Bey.

Yinal Bey is right, Cagri Bey.

If we are central states,

...wherever is conquered,

...they are state s property.

Putting a tribe
flag to the lands

...where Seljuk flag waves

is not appropriate.

Even if it is Qiniq flag.

You are right, my Sultan.

But what Yinal is
doing is unjust.

The state is a
three-legged throne.

One is justice.

One is loyalty.

The other one is wealth.

If one of these legs is broken,

...the state sun will set.

Our future will be destroyed.

The Sultan's decree
secures the justice.

Like this blade cuts,

..I will cut the obstacles

...against the people looking for justice
and give them what they deserve

Whoever is right will
leave my chambers

...will have a taste
in their mouth

as if they ate this honey.

Whoever is not right,

...they will make a wry face if they ate this barberry.

They will not stand the
taste of injustice.

Now, the verdict we bring
about the headquarter

...will disappoint the wrong one.

...and make the right one happy.

If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on:
..........:: ::..........

boiled marrow. It
will make you stronger.

Akca daughter...

From now on, I cannot
stay in the tribe.

Don't come after me
and look for me.

Until I find a way, I
will not come back.


Oh, my beautiful daughter.

I hope Allah protects you.

You were going to be captured
desperately, Alparslan, huh?

Kill him!

You played a game with you
dishonorable father, huh?

What kind of a traitor are you?

You fooled all of us.

Everyone in our
tribe embraced you.

Loved and protected you.
But you...

...came among us to poison us.

Akca, who said she was a Turkmen girl without
anyone was the daughter of Kekavmenos.

Mother's killer's daughter.

I wish I had believed
my eyes, not you.

You were the one I
saw in Vaspurakan.

I wish..

...when I asked you how you
could fight with a sword,

..I hadn't believed
your answer.

Do you thinkhe is only
your mother s Killer.

If you knew what he was like to live
with the killer who killed my mother...

You will.

Everyone will know why I
put up with this cruelty,

...and the ever-burning
fire inside me.


Thank Allah, we found you
safe and sound, my Bey.

I am alive thanks to
first Allah, then you.

I am alive thanks to
first Allah, then you.

What will we do now, my Bey?

We will carry Cakiroglu
and our martyr alps.

Yinal brought them to
the quarter, my Bey.

Maria, what are you doing
here at this hour?

You are cold. Your
hands are freezing.

What happened?

Tell me.

I am not wanted in
the tribe, father.

Everyone started to suspect me.

Including Alparslan.

It is a matter of time
I will be exposed.

My beautiful Maria.

You are tired and agitated.

-I can understand this.
- My life is in danger, father.

Do you understand?

Until I find a way
to gain their trust,

...I cannot go back there.


I'll make them prepare
a warm room tor you.



And recover yourself.

We will talk about
this tomorrow.

But do not forget

...why you are doing all this.

This will give you strength.

Martyr Cakiroglu Bey... lived like a
Turk and a Muslim.

And you surrendered your
soul to your Owner.

For your da'wah, you saw your
sword as your beloved one...

...and your horse
as your companion.

May your shahada be blessed, and may
you be placed next to our Prophet.


It is the symbol
of our mourning.

Cakiroglu is now free..

And now his companion
is also free.


I passed out when he
was yelling at me.

No matter what I tell him,
he will not believe me.

No one wants to
listen to me anyway.

When they sneaked
in the castle...

...when I killed the soldiers who
caught them and when I helped them..

...Alparslan put his
sword on my throat...

"Why are you helping us?
Who are you?"


If it wasn't for your father...

..I would have
been dead by now.

He was always angry, even
when he was a child.

He kept nis eyes on me...

..until I took them to Yannis.

He never trusted me.

But then, he believed me.

He understood.

You are right, Alpagut.

You never forgot who you were.

He will believe you.

So that it became an issue...

...I have to talk to Alparslan.

When I tell him what
you told him...

...Alparslan will
have no doubts.

InshaAllah Alpagut...


You heard what I said.

You will give Goktug
Bey to us right now.

In return for what?

You know what I want in
return for Goktug's life

The quarters...

But the quarters belong
to Yinal Bey now.

And in that case, he is the one
who I should be talking to.

Listen to me well now.

If you forget or
ignore my words...

...words won't be coming out of my mouth,
but my sword will come out of it's sheathe.

You know that I would never
leave a Turkmen Bey... captivity.

You will either give Goktug Bey to us
with your own consent right now...

...or will come unexpectedly,
and take you with him.

I am not going to give
Goktug Bey to you.

And when you come here again... can be sure that I
won t be so hospitable...


I said what I said.

Now you are the one who
should be concerned.

Let me accompany him, sir.

Where were you when the Lord's daughter sneaked
in the tribe and got so close to us Alpagut?

How can't you know
that and tell me?

Answer me!

It is not like what you think.

It wasn't a guess,
it is what I saw.

Akca is innocent. It is not
a good time nor a place.

I will tell you everything.

What's happening? Let him go!

What are you doing, Alparslan?

This isn't over, but it will be.

Alpagut, go.

I will accompany Alparslan
Bey to the castle gate.

It is suitable for a
wolf like you to...

...make the infidels
shiver, Batur Bey.

From now on, you are the
Bey of this headquarters.

Headquarters is yours. We know
that Batur Bey will protect it.

We won't need to worry.

When we were born, first
thing we heard was azan and

the ballads of
battle, Yinal Bey.

Your trust is our task.

But are we not here to

fight with the enemy

instead of seeking position?

You gave this state
a life, Batur Bey.

From now on, it is not your job to
go to battle with the amateurs.

You need to stay here at the
headquarters and make it prosperous.

May I come in, dear governor?

Come in.

We are ready for
trip, dear governor.

Let me go!

Let me go! Let me go!

Alparslan came here,
asking for you.

I can't refuse him.

I will give you to him.

But will the delivery
be as a whole

or partially will
be your decision.

Alps are searching but...

...we couldn't find
Alparslan yet, my Bey.

Inform the surrounding villages. No one shall
return to the tribe until we find something.

- May I come in, my Bey?
- Come in.

My Bey. We heard that Alparslan
Bey was found safe and sound.

Thank Allah.

Thank to the One who forgives.

Congratulations, Cagri Bey.

Thank Allah.

I have a personal
matter I need to ask.

What happened, Akinay Hatun?

- Akca...
- What happened to Akca?

Goktug must be the key name in
Alparslan's loss of the headquarters.

Kekavmenos won't give Goktug
before he takes the headquarters.

He can kill him anytime.

We need to get Goktug
out of the castle.

Hard, but I have a plan.

So, Akca is one of our soldiers?

But like I said, Alparslan
wouldn’t listen.

So he thinks that
Akca is a traitor.

We need to calm
Alparslan's anger...

...before he hurts Akca.

And nobody but you can do this.

This is my responsibility.

Don't you worry, Akinay Hatun.

And tell my Akca daughter
that she shouldn't worry.

Increase the number of guards
in the walls, Diogenes.

And troops shall patrol
outside of the walls.

Forgive me sir, but... option is to give
Goktug to Alparslan.

What nonsense are
you talking about?

Keep going, Alpagut.

Sir, as long as Goktug is n the
castle, Alparslan will never give up.

Even though we can't take the headquarters,
we can protect the castle if we give Goktug.

Alpagut is right.
Alpagut is so right!

-I will give Goktug to Alparslan!
- What are you talking about?

It is our only chance
against Seljuk.

Why would you give
him to Alparslan?

Not Goktug's himself...

...I'll give his head.

If there is no Goktug to take, why
would Alparslan sneak into the castle?

Alpagut! Bring Goktug here?

Yes, sir.

Ready the prisoner. He
will be before Tekfur.

- Move, we are going.
- Who are you?

Where are you taking me?

Move, if you want to live.

Stop! Where are you going?

Wait here.

Welcome, Alparslan Bey.

It would be a disrespect to
sit here while you are here.

You are our Bey.

The office is yours.

I don't want a
position or a fame.

You can sit there.

We have more important
things to talk about.

We need Goktug Bey.. find out what
Yinal Bey's plan is.

You are saying that Kekavmenos
is not giving Goktug Bey.

How is that going to
work, Alparslan Bey?

We will sneak in the castle
and take him. -My Bey.

They improved safety after
the death of Yannis.

It will be hard for us
to go in and take him.

Even if it looks like a mountain,
it is not really hard to pass it.

Apparently our Bey has a plan.

My Bey.. It's important.

Here. I brought what you
wanted from Kekavmenos.

Take him to the doctor.

Let him treat his wounds.

Feed him if he is hungry.

So your father sent
Goktug Bey with you.

He is not my father!

I brought Goktug to you,
because I am not a traitor!

I am just a Muslim Turk who is
loyal to her religion and state...

...and who just serves
them just like you.

I want the same thing with you.
I dream about the same thing.

And I did everything for this.

How did you take him out
of the castle alone?

The same way you took
your Atabey out.

Where were you Lord's daughter sneaked in
the tribe and got so close to us, Alpagut?

Why didn't you tell me?

It's not what you think it is.

I didn't think, I saw it.

Akca is innocent.

We will understand
soon if it's true.

If it's also a game...

...then I will not put my sword in its
sheathe before I wash it with your blood.

Know that.

You will not leave this
room until I come back.


My Bey.

Place a man at the door.

No one will come in or out.

If one comes in or out...

...he will pay for it.

Yes my Bey.

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..........:: ::..........

Alpagut! Who killed the soldier?
Where is the captive?

I didn't understand
what I happened.

They hit my head from behind.

I didn't see them.

When I opened my eyes,
the guardian was dead.

And the captive was not here.

The guardian is dead...

And how come you
are still alive?

Dukas! Alpagut is
a loyal soldier!

I told you that before!

Put that dagger down!

Then.. tell me how
you lost our...

...only chance... loyal soldier!

Know your limits, General!

Yinal Bey arrived on time when
the Byzantines were about to...

...take the quarters.

With his support, we
defeated infidels.

How did Yinal know that the
infidels would make a raid?

Batur Bey was there.
He can tell you.

When Yinal Bey was
making a meeting... his tent, a soldier
came and brought news.

So Byzantine waited for me
and other Beys to leave...

...the quarters to attack.

If I wasn't sick, I wouldn't
be at the quarters.

Yinal Bey called all of us.

Goktug is right.

If he was alright, he was
going to attend the meeting.

Yinal Bey didn't listen...

...but we have to make
Byzantine pay for it.

There is a way to make
Byzantine pay for it.

Kekavmenos demanded an army and a lot
of weapons from the Constantine... take the quarters back.

I heard that the weapons were going to be brought
through the valley of Ahlat when they were talking.

There are suitable places to lay
an ambush at the valley of Ahlat.

When we kill those soldiers
and take those weapons...

...Byzantine lose its mind.

My Bey.

My Akca daughter.
Are you Iright?

Thanks to Allah, my Bey.

I don't know if you know...

There is a story.

Once upon a time...

...there was an apprentice
at the weaver's place.

And his master was
such a man that...

...everyone would
wait in a line to... the clothes he
weaved and wear them.

This apprentice would always
sew the same figures...

...on the clothes
his master weaved.

And one day, someone asked.

"You keep sewing
the same figures.

Why don't you sew
different figures?"

And the apprentice looked at
him and lowered his head...

"I don't know how
to sew a figure.

My master sews those figures.

I just embroider the figures...

...that my master gives me.

This is destiny, my daughter.

My holy Allah, whose pen I'd
sacrifice myself for...

...draws our destiny,
and gives it to us.

And like that apprentice...

...we keep processing
what is given us.

Don't you forget. No matter
what state we are in.

Someone else put
us in that state.

That's why wise people
always pray like this...

O, the One who changes states,

Turn our situation into
the most beautiful.

One day you might
use this prayer.

I will, my Bey.

I will pray with my heart.

Thank you.

I don’t know what
Alparslan Bey...

...thinks, what he does,
what will his order be.

But if he asks me
by any chance...

I will tell that
I don't think...

...these shivering eyes, this face
glaring with a clean heart...

...would ever be a traitor.

Thank you, my Bey.

Hearing this, knowing that this is
what you believe is a cure for me.

I hope Alparslan Bey
will think that way too.

Sometimes Beys do mysterious
things, my beautiful daughter.

But it is key to be patient
about that mystery... achieve the relief.

Take care of yourself.

I can't believe this!

How could a prisoner in the
dungeon escape so easily?


I want you to take a troop and lay an ambush
in the road surrounding the Ahlat Valley.

Ahlat Valley?

I couldn't get it, dear Tekfur.

Alparslan will be
there at sunset.

What is this nonsense?

How can you know that
Alparslan will be there?

I know that but Alparslan doesn't
know that we will be there.

This is what is important.

If you don't want me to cut your
head, you need to decide in no time.

Okay! Okay!

Okay, I'll do whatever you want.

What you need to do
is really simple.

You'll tell Alparslan that...

...we asked for Constantinople's
help to capture the headquarters.

You will tell that
you heard that...

...soldiers and guns...

...will pass Ahlat Valley.

How can I do this
without leaving here?

Will I fly a bird?

I will fly the bird, and you
will be that bird, Goktug Bey.

But if you think
that you escaped and..

..try to trick us when
I let you go...

I will tell the plans you
have made with Evdokya... Alparslan.

You know very well
what happens to the...

...traitor Turkish
Bey, Goktug Bey.

Before Alparslan gets there...

...lay an ambush
with your troop.

But don't you forget that.

Kill them all...

...but don't touch Alparslan.

Bring him to me.

He is mine.

I will kill him
with my own hands.

Come on.

Yes, sir.

Take up a position in south.

Hurry, come on.

Go to the north side.

Nestor, take the
soldiers you picked.

And take up a position in the woods.
Come on.

Yes sir.

Soldiers! Come with me!

Come on now, Alparslan. We'll see
will you be able to escape this time?

This is not the place we
need to arrive, my Bey.

Look down.

- My Bey.
- Shut up!

You're trying to ambush us...

...siding with the infidel, huh?


You treacherous rascal!

Forgive me, my Bey.

Two things can destroy us.

Enemy's mercy...

...and a friend's treason!

Send his head to the
devil he sided with.

From now on... one is safe
except the dead.

Come on Alparslan.

Turks gallop when they
are about to battle.

Where are you? You
must be here by now.

Shield wall! Come on!

I didn’t think that this rascal Turkmen
would take us to the Alparslan, uncle.

I can't see anyone for
now, dear Edokya.

Don't be so sure, general.

Yes, soldier?


- Alparslan?
- Open it.


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..........:: ::..........

You look so innocent.

You are hiding the
darkness inside you...

...with the false
brightness of your face.

But it is over.

Your tricks you made with your
father are revealed again.

You will pay for your treason.

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