Kurulus Osman Episode 166 Kurulus Osman Season 6 Episode 166 With English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 6 Episode 166 With English Subtitles
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Kurulus Osman Episode 166 Full English subtitles

Watch All Episodes with English Subtitles and FULLHD quality only on our site: ............:: ArDirilisErtugrul.net ::............ ............:: ArDirilisErtugrul.net ::............ I'm sorry for your loss, sister. May Allah bless you with patience. May our state live long, Bala Hatun. I had a son... ...and he is now gone. Allah has blessed you with him... ..and to Him he returned. My Halime. My beautiful girl. Give it to me. -Bala Hatun, I can do this. Give it to me! Bala Hatun, don't. Ulgen. Now he returned to Allah. I won't be sad. At least let me do it. No, Kismet. I couldn't dig my daughter's grave. I will dig my son's grave. In the name of Allah, the merciful, the beneficent. My child! My gold hearted little boy. My Alaeddin. Take care of your sister, okay? She is so little. Take good care of her. My Halime. Allah blessed me with him, and now he returned to Him. Just as I held him in my arms when he was little... ...I will dig his grave with my hands as his mother! It's my right as his mother! Oh Allah, spare my Bey's life. Bring him back to his child. Sister, drink this. No, Fatma, thanks. Gonca Hatun. Gonca Hatun, Bala Hatun is digging a grave. My Bey! Stop! My Bey, stop! Stop! Cerkutay? My Bey, stop! Cerkutay. My Bey, stop. My Bey. What happened. My Bey, Shahzade Alaeddin. He is in danger. They put him in a cage and hanged the cage in front of the gates! Damn bastard! Damn Tekfur! He hides behind my son! My Bey, we can't strike precisely from this distance. If Cerkutay Bey hadn't arrived... ...we would have killed... Allah protected him, my Bey. Allah protected him. My Bey. This Tekfur is trying to hit us where we are vulnerable! The catapults stopped. Osman faced the harsh truth. He will go back now. We can't use the catapults, my Bey. We can't besiege the castle with just our swords. We would get destroyed. It's best to make an agreement, my Bey. We can't attack while Alaeddin Bey is there. What's our Bey's decision? What shall we do now Osman Bey? My Alps, my Beys. We can't stop because they have my son. But... ...we can't give the Tekfur what he wants. We might not come back from this. Tell me... Do you have my back? We are my Bey. Will you be there? We will my Bey. Are you with me? We are my Bey. We'll follow your path Osman Bey. We'll go wherever you wish. Boran. My Bey. Prepare 40 Alps. As you wish. Orhan. My Bey. You'll stay. When you see the fire arrows... ...you'll attack to save your brother. As you wish my Bey. It's time for Ghaza. It's time for blood. Allah! Allah is the Greatest! Cerkutay. Yeah? Don't fall back brother. I'm coming. We're going up. Only we're crazy enough to do it. Tekfur will be shocked. I'll hit him where he least expects. Come on Alps. Go on! Come on Alps. Climb for Shehzade Alaeddin. Come on. Aunt. Aunt. Aunt. Alaeddin. Ala- Mother. Don't keep it from me mother. Mother is Alaeddin dead? Mother. -Gonca. Is Alaeddin dead? -Gonca, look at me. -Alaeddin... I don't know girl, I don't know about tomorrow and the day after that anymore. Let not one but hundreds of Alaeddin Alis be a sacrifice for this nation, girl. Let them be a sacrifice for it. -Mother. -Gonca... Mother the baby... -Call the midwife. -Run. Mother... The baby is coming. They fired the fire arrows. Thank Allah... They gave us the sign. Osman Bey did it. Our bey is inside the walls of the infidels. Now our destination is Karadin Castle. -Allah is the Greatest! -Allah is the Greatest! Raid! How could this be? Oh HAQQ. Soldiers, to the yard. Attack positions. Attack. Allah is Everlasting. Allah is Truthful. Alaeddin, we made it brother hold on. Brother. Brother... Allah is the Greatest! Put up the ladder. Thank Allah. Thank Allah.. Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest! You will pay dearly for this, Osman! Your son Alaeddin will die! I did not come here to pay... ...I came to make you pay! Kill Alaeddin! Hold on brother! Hold on Alaeddin! Hold on Alaeddin! Hold on tight! I will finish this myself! Tekfur! Tekfur! Karesi Bey. So... ...you are the famous commander that is favored by... ...the emperor. Did you come to Bursa with 20 warships to show off? Not to show off, but to make a statement. You should know that if I don't get what I want... ...I will not leave any building standing... ...and any heads over shoulders! Don't confuse me with ordinary Tekfurs. I wouldn't run from a fight. Why did you come here, tell me that. Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest! You will die! Tekfur! Alaeddin! I won't let go! Alaeddin! Father... Don't worry. I will never let go! I won't! My Bey! Alaeddin, hold on! My Bey. Hold on, son! My Bey. -I'm coming Osman Bey. Hang on brother. Hang on. Pull! Hang on Alaeddin! Pull. Cerkutay! The gate! Come on! Behind us! Come on! Alaeddin. Come on. Alaeddin. -My Bey. Son. -Father. Thank Allah. I knew it. Brother. My brother. You're okay. You're okay. You're okay. You're okay. Thank Allah. It's my fault... I put you in a tough spot. Forgive me. Don't say that. Don't. There's good in everything son. There's good in everything. There is. Karadin castle... ...is Kayi property now. Allah is the Greatest! Blessed conquests Osman Bey. EyvAllah. Thank you. Thank you. Son. Your mother and Hatun are worried about you. Go to the tribe now. As you wish my Bey. Don't make them wait. Come on. I came all this way. Because... ...our holy relics are stolen. And you suspect me? If I did, I'd be here... ...with an army. But my men lost the thief's track... ..in your land... ..in Bursa. And here I am. So... ...let's say.. ...I found the relics for you. What's in it for me? A long life span. And I'll keep my ships in Bursa. What else? Your ships... ..and your men won't scare me Karesi Bey. I'll do as you wish under one condition. Osman. Osman. Osman wants my tribes in the border. We both know what he wants. I ask you Karesi Bey. Can you stop Osman? My greatness is capable of everything. Of course Osman will obey me. Then we have an agreement. If it's as you say and the relics are in Bursa... ...then I'll find them for you. Commander Lucas, Osman Bey has taken the Karadin Castle. Get out. All of you, out. Out. Tell me if they're okay. There's still time, Bala Hatun. Gonca. Is the baby coming? What's happening? Alaeddin... You came, Alaeddin. -You came. -I'm here now dear, I'm here Gonca. Thank Allah. Alaeddin. Thank Allah. I'm here. Mom. -Brother. -Son. -Welcome. -Thank you mother. Sister. My dear. Thank Allah.. Mother? What happened to you? It's nothing. Since the birth is near my grandkid is not staying still. You say so... Go ahead. Go. Gonca. My dear... You came. Mother. Osman Bey has conquered Karadin. He told me to tell you that there will be a feast tonight. MashAllah.. Ulgen. Get whatever we need, let's celebrate well for our success. Don't worry at all Bala Hatun. Come on. You're okay, right dear? We're okay. MashAllah. If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on: ..........:: ArDirilisErtugrul.net/v ::.......... How are the doors? The north and the west doors are very worn down, my bey. Fix them as soon as possible. EyvAllah my bey. How about the walls? There are some weak spots at south, my bey. Then put all the alps there. They're going to work on it until it's as strong as possible. How about the wells? When they realized the castle was going to fall, the infidels poisoned them all. Then we're going to dig up new ones. Alps, hold on. Osman Bey. God bless you, you who showed us... ...Christians mercy by not ripping us apart from our land. EyvAllah, may Allah bless you. Don't worry. With this conquest not only will mercy come your way... ...but also a just will. My bey. The door to the treasury has been opened. EyvAllah Turan. Then let the alps and the beys take their share from it. Turan, we're going to the tribe. You will watch over this place. As you wish my bey. Come on then. Sister. Who do you think Osman Bey will give the Karadin Castle to? Gencer, that ill looking Bayhan... Even though they don't say it, all the beys in the divan want the castle. Even though lot of people are after it, the rule over the Karadin Castle... ...is suitable for us, the Kecelisahs. Osman Bey doesn't do wrong. He will give us the rule.. ...and give us more glory, InshAllah. Insh'Allah. Choose a gift for Fatma Hatun from the treasure. Once we go back to the tribe you can give it to her. EyvAllah my bey. When will we move? When commander Lucas give us the word. Just like God, I don't like... ...cowards and impotent men. Life doesn't.. ...give second chances to weak people. Look at my face. What did he do? He committed the greatest sin! Weakness! He showed weakness! It's a pit creatures called humans constantly fall in! While fighting for Holy Rome, there is no place for cowardice! No place for inattention! If necessary, your heads... ...will be removed from your bodies! No matter who the enemy is... ...they will be under my feet! Turks have taken another castle! That much weakness is enough. Now it's my turn to make a move. Wait for my orders! Peace be with you my Bey. Peace be upon you. What's the situation. Is there anyone that heard about the relics? I asked around my Bey, but no one knows. The sacred relics of the Islam world are stolen, but no one knows? Someone's there! Alps! Look around Baysungur! Spread out! Search everywhere. There he is! Capture him! I learned it, my Bey. I learned it. Beys are coming! Osman Bey is coming! Beys are coming! Osman Bey is coming! Osman Bey is coming! My daughter. Father. Fatma. Brother. Bala. Brother. Sister. My Osman. Congratulations on your victory, my Bey. Thank you. We will glorify our victory at the feast. I will declare at the feast whom to give the castle. InshAllah. Boran. My Bey. Start the preparations for the feast. As you command my Bey. Aykurt. Come on. Yes Boran Bey. Brother. Feast is tonight. Bey will announce the castle's owner. Make sure everything's set. Don't worry Boran Bey. We'll do it Allah willing. EyvAllah brother. Begum Hatun. Come. Mother cooked amazing food. Come on. Let's go. Begum Hatun. Sisters will show you your tent. If you need anything tell us. Thank you Fatma Hatun. Thanks for your trouble. Astagfirullah. Excuse me. I told you to make good with her. But she's running from you instead. Sister, there was chaos. I didn't have the time. Hurry up Yusuf. Future of our tribe is in your hands. Your father saved Shehzade Alaeddin and Osman Bey. MashAllah. My husband. Osman Bey will give you the castle then. InshAllah. If Karadin is ours... ...I'll be of higher status among Beys. They'll obey me. Now that I've earned the castle... ...Osman Bey will give it to me. InshAllah. He'll do it my Bey. He's not going to give it to someone else when there's you. Osman Bey will give me it. But... Saruca... ..give Fatma Hatun your present. My Bey. I'll do it. I'll do it but... ...what if she doesn't accept? Bey. Listen to him. Son. Saruca. You're a handsome and brave man. Of course she'll accept. Right my Bey? Yes. Right. Right. Give Fatma Hatun your gift. Make good with her. Father. Maybe we'll get the castle and Fatma Hatun. InshAllah my son. Father. I'll go... ...and give Fatma Hatun her gift. Yes. I'll do it father. Go on. Good. Good. Father. I was afraid you'd be hurt. What if you die like mother? My girl. My sweet girl. Don't be afraid. I'll be here always. Look at me. Do you pray for me? I do of course. Father. When will we talk to Osman Bey? It's a secret Ayse. Did you forget? I didn't. But I don't know why it's a secret. You promised your father. You won't say a word. This is between us. Promise? Promise. -Good work sisters. -Thank you. -Thank you Fatma Hatun. -Thanks Fatma Hatun. Fatma Hatun. Saruca Bey... Are you busy Fatma Hatun? Not at the moment. It's not worthy of you but... ..it's my share from... ...the castle treasure. I'm sorry Fatma Hatun, giving this to you... Thank you... ...but I don't understand the reasoning behind this gift. Out of politeness. You've been a good host to us twice now. He is showing his appreciation through this kind act. I believe... ...that's why you're here too... ...Yusuf Bey. Yes, Saruca Bey. Fatma Hatun. I've heard your talent with the bow. It might not be my place but... ...when I saw this bow in the treasury I thought it would be a waste if someone else had it but you. If you accept it, you'd make me really happy. You've heard my talent with the bow but... ...Osman Bey's daughter doesn't take gifts from everyone. Now you know that too. The sacred relics of the Muslims. This give us immense power. We have to use it well. Power... It's a great gift, commander. Who will you give this to? Once Osman and Karesi get on each other's bad side... ...they'll be wiped clean from my path. Since Karesi Bey has the reign over the seas he's stronger, commander. On the other hand, with his nation growing bigger day by day everyone knows how talented Osman Bey is when it comes to war. The servers of the great Rome. You may leave. Sweet Holofira. You see how much I try for peace, right? Osman Bey is holding a feast to celebrate taking Karadin Castle. I want you to attend that feast. I'm sorry. Unfortunately I won't be able to fulfill your request. Holofira... Don't forget why I went all that way to find you, okay? You have the power to make Osman Bey believe in my good will. I want you to tell him that I'm inviting him to the arena at this feast. Cecilia.. Do you know when the feast of Turks... ...turn into a real feast? When their joy is tainted by death. How will that be sir? A sparkle that will be placed by your hands... ...will turn into a wildfire. That's when Osman's feast will take a turn. You're going to drown his happiest moment... ...in grief. Osman... Bayhan Bey, Begum Hatun... All of your beys want the castle. Who are you thinking of? You tell me Bala. Who do you think... ...deserves it the most? From what I heard, Bayhan Bey is greedy. Begum Hatun is ambitious, he aims for higher places. So they wilI stay with us as long as it's in their interests. Then we will give the castle to the one with weakest loyalty. Begum Hatun? No, not her. Why is that? I don't trust that Hatun. You shouldn't entrust the castle to him. Look at me. Come on. So you are saying telling me that you know the answer to that question? My dear, why are you angry? I am not angry. I am just saying that we should be cautious. Don't laugh. I am serious. Understood. But if you want to give it to her... ...then you will suffer by my hand, Osman Bey. Well, there is nothing to do. If it's you, I am ready to suffer. Alps! Two brave alps, both strong and courageous. They are here. Now, they will fire arrows... ...and we will see who is the... ..most skilled archer. You are the prey. And you are the hunter. Yusuf Bey will fire the first arrow. Yusuf. I will accept you as the winner if you can hit even once. You won't even be able to do that, incompetent man. Go on. Yusuf Bey... ...couldn't even hit once. Now it's my turn. Are you ready? Allah is Truthful. Throw! Cerkutay Bey. EyvAllah. Allah is Everlasting! Allah is Truthful! Oh MashAllah! Well done! That's a skilled archer. Come on. The preparations are complete. MashAllah, those who stand with Osman Bey... ...are satisfied with gold and food. Attention! Osman Bey! Have a seat. Beys. Sisters. Brothers. Shahada is a title.. ...and being a Ghazi is a reward. Our fathers left us with a duty of conquest. Thank Allah we have succeeded. Thank Allah. Now the duty... ...is to make the Karadin castle... ...a place in our state, like other tribes. To do that... ...we need one of our great beylics... ...to take control of... ..Karadin Castle. So... ...this sacred duty... ...will be appointed to... Begum Hatun. It's you. May Great Allah keep our great Bey with us. EyvAllah. Tomorrow you and your men... ...will go to Karedin. You'll be in charge of it. Alright. You may start eating. In the name of Allah. Don't forget what I said. You're in trouble. Enjoy your meal. Holofira. My girl. What is it? I'm here as Commander Lucas' messenger. He wants to welcome you in the arena... ...and meet you. I understand. If I accept... ..I'll go to him. Come on my girl. Baysungur. Come brother. Brother. Alps. Come on. Hold him. To the healer's tent. Gonca. You haven't eaten anything all day. Why won't you eat now? I don't want anything mother. I haven't been able to eat. How could she have an appetite? The castle is haunted. We all know you're jealous. Wait for more. If you keep boasting, I'll finish what Bey didn't. I'll kill you. Girl. For the glory of this day, bring my halva with extra pekmez. We hurt a lot of our enemies. May we eat something sweet. Bayhan Bey. I now owe you a life, huh? Astagfirullah, my bey. It's my duty. EyvAllah. No. You sit down. Don't get up and continue to eat. Brother... All this time we thought... ...you fell martyr. Where have you been? Baysungur. What happened? Brother. Who did this to you? My bey. Karesi.. Karesi alps, my bey. Karesi? Yes. My bey. The Vizier. I know why he came. What is it? Sacred relics that was left from.. ...our Prophet... The infidels have it. What? How... Watch where you're going hatun. I'm very scared of spiders. What is that hatun doing in that tent? It smells very nice. Even I crave it. Then you can have the first bite. Gonca Hatun, you're pregnant. Enjoy. Then I'll take it. Here you go. Go ahead sister in law, you haven't eaten anything all day. I really didn't. It's very tasty. Thank you Begum Hatun. What is it Osman Bey? Is it bad news? The sacred relics... ...of Islam have been stolen. Oh no... Today is the darkest day of the muslims, my Bey. How can we live with this shame? We can't live with this shame. No. Wait a second, Beys. We are not dead yet. So there is still hope for Islam world. Bayhan Bey. Did we not make oaths to fight against the... ..infidels? We made, my Bey. Gencer bey, you tell me. Didn't we say that our cause will last forever? We made an oath, my Bey. Then. Don't forget your oaths. We will not fall into despair. We won't allow the infidels. If necessary... ...if necessary... ...we will suffer from within... ...but we won't show it to anyone. Even if they put the relics inside the... ...nest of the scorpion... ...we will go in there and take them all! InshAllah my Bey! InshAllah my Bey. We will take them. Thank Allah. Gonca. Are you okay? I am okay. What happened? I am okay. Come sit down. -Come on. -In the name of Allah. What happened? My stomach burns, Alaeddin. I didn't eat anything today. I don't know. It must be flu. It must be because you were scared. I was so scared that something would happen to you. What happened? Look. He is playing. He must have missed you, just like me. It can't wait to come out. Wait there, we will meet soon. My daisy. Allah Allah! You call him "my brave son" and "my daisy". Make a decision, madrasah student. But I know why you are doing that. Why? When it's born, you will say that you guessed correctly. I learned it from you, trickster hatun. You are right. If we can't find the sacred relics, blood will be spilled, Holofira. The enmity between Greeks and Muslims will get worse. I wish we could stop that. If you hear anything about... ...the relics... ...inform me, okay? Okay. Holofira. That man named Lucas. Don't trust him. Commander Lucas is not like any Byzantine I have ever seen. He is merciful and fair. Holofira. You should heed my warning. Orhan Bey. Are you jealous? Well... Of course l am jealous. But it's not just jealousy. I am sending you to the inn of the enemy. -If anything happens to you... -That's my home, Orhan Bey. No. Your home.. ...is here, Tekfur's daughter. In the name of Allah. Gonca. Look at you. You shouldn't bother. Gonca. Are you okay Gonca? What happened Gonca? Baby's coming. It's coming this time Alaeddin. Baby? Baby's coming? Baby's coming. Gonca come. Come on Gonca. Mother! Mother! Baby's coming. Alaeddin. -Come on. Prepare the hot water. Come on. Come on. Mother! Mother! Baby's coming! Time's passing Karesi Bey. But your Alps didn't sent word. My Bey. Osman Bey's coming. Did he hear? Peace be with you. Peace be upon you. Peace be upon you. Enjoy your meal. Enjoy your meal. EyvAllah. Osman Bey. What made you... ...get in your ship and come here? The Vizier Hadrath.. ...came to the borders for a reason. That's why I'm here. Vizier Hadrath. We invited you. You didn't come. EyvAllah. Most sacred Islam relics are stolen. You... ...discriminate among Beys. And you kept it from us. Why? Islam world.. ...and the Caliph's honor must be protected. We disgraced Allah and His Prophet. There is nothing worse than that. Anyways. So... ...Caliph Hadrath... Does he have known enemies? Who would steal them? They looked like monks. I think they are members of a cult. But that's all we know about it. The Vizier Hadrath was chased to the Borders but... ...the moment he lost them... ...he came to the most powerful of these lands... ...so, to US. So your powers are not enough... ...Karesi Bey. Where are you looking for the monks, tell me. All the monasteries and the churches around here. Where else would I look for them? Monks don't always stay at the churches. Just like our dervishes... At the fields, at the caves... They live in seclusion when it comes to that too. We're going to look for them together. We're already searching for them. If you're so keen... ...you can look for them yourself. Even for such an important thing you divide us. Karesi Bey... Shame on you. Shame on you. In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most beneficent. It looks like if I don't find it, Lucas will. And if Lucas doesn't... ...Osman Bey will. Let Sancar know. Some of them will look everywhere, the fields and the caves too. And the others... ...will follow Osman. As you wish my bey. Osman... You are as smart as you are strong. If you swore loyalty to me... ...we would have shook the world together. Come on girl. -Come on girl hold on. -Come on. -My grandchild is coming. -Come on girl. No mother I can't do this. -No, you're nearly there girl. -I can't mom. Hold on. In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most beneficent. -The baby is coming. -She's burning up, this can't be Bala. Come on girl. Come on Gonca. She'll be okay. Brother. She will be. -Mother. -Mother. Mother is the baby born? No, girl. Alaeddin. Gonca is not okay son. She has a fever, her eyes are bloodshot, her lips are dry. This isn't about the birth. -Hold on. -Let me check mother. -Come on. -The baby is here. The baby is here. Mother. Come on. Gonca. Thank Allah. Gonca. Good news my Shahzade. -You have a daughter. -Thank Allah. Thank Allah. Alaeddin. Thank Allah, Gonca. Why isn't she crying? Dear... Give her to me. Come on girl. Come on. -Mother... -Come on girl. Come on. Come on dear. In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most beneficent. Come on my dear. Come on! In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most beneficent. Mother, why is my baby not crying? Alaeddin do something? Why isn't she crying? Alaeddin, do something! No! No! No, darling! Come on, my daisy. My baby. -Come on! Don't do this. -Alaeddin, give her to me. Something's happening, my shahzade! Gonca! Alaeddin, turn her over! Turn her over! Gonca! Her mouth is dry. She said her stomach was burning, and her arm was cold. Mother! She is poisoned! Poison? She is poisoned! That's wolfsbane! Kismet! Kismet, bring milk, honey and black sesame! I will prepare an antidote! Come on! Gonca, you will be okay. Ulgen, she will throw up first. She will throw up first. I will make the antidote. I will. I will make the antidote. Ulgen, Kismet, Gulce. You will learn what Gonca ate and drank yesterday. She felt sick all day. Yeah, she didn't eat anything I brought her. She didn't even drink water. She must have eaten something. Think carefully. -Son. -Brother. How is Gonca? I gave her the antidote. She will be okay, InshAllah. Gonca ate some of my halva yesterday. Yeah, She craved for it. But that halva was made for me. The one who put the poison must have wanted to kill me. What are you trying to say, Begum Hatun. Hazal did it! She did it because Osman Bey gave the castle to me! You snake! That's a lie! Tevbeh! It's a slander, Bala Hatun! Stop denying it Hazal! You said you wanted to kill me! Enough! Enough! I didn't do it. I didn't do it. Begum Hatun, did someone else hear Hazal Hatun saying that? I heard it. Hazal Hatun threatened Begum Hatun. Mother, I heard it too. You heard it. They want to kill my sister. Kismet. Interrogate all of Bayhan Bey's alps. Search their tents. Come on. How could you do that Bala Hatun? -Those were words said in anger... -Shut up! Alaeddin. It was my daughter that died! You are not to talk! Alaeddin! Their tents will be searched. I didn't accuse anyone. Until the investigation is over, no one will leave the tribe. Brother. It's okay. Come on. -Come on. Come on, son. -I didn't do it! Black Widow! Let go! I want this to be our last separation, Holofira. Orhan. Do you still keep this necklace? Not just this. I... ...kept you.. ...in my heart all this time Tekfur's daughter. My.. ..biggest test in this life... ..was to live without you. My hardest battle was to leave you... ...for my state. But... But fate... ...has brought together... ...for the third time, Tekfur's daughter. I'm yours... ...and your mine. The first time I saw you... ...the first day I saw you, I fell in love. We were so little. My small heart fell for you day by day. Let's not be apart. Let's be together. Holofira. Will you marry me? Orhan. I... After all this time? -I know... I know it's sudden. But I.. I don't have the patience... ...to live without you anymore. Let's talk Tekfur's daughter. If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on: ..........:: ArDirilisErtugrul.net/v ::.......... Wait for my answer then. Okay. As long as you say yes. I'll wait for a life time. A life time Holofira. Come on. Tekfur's daughter. I know... ...we paid pur dues. We'll be together now. Now... ...we'll be happy. Come on. The Turk I heard about in Constantinople. Osman Bey. Finally we met. Holofira told me. You wanted to talk. Thanks for coming. Have a seat. They're for you. We're not here to eat and drink. Commander Lucas. I'm listening. I wanted to meet you. Because I always want to meet my enemies before battle, Osman Bey. Is that so? Okay then. Let's meet. Before we battle. By the way... ...should I call you monk Lucas? You came to Bursa in a monk disguise. Are you wearing a... ...monk's tunic... ...or... ...the clothes of a commander? When it's needed I'm a poor monk of our religion... ...and when it's needed I'm the great commander of our nation, Osman Bey. From Caliph Hadrath's palace... ...our relics were stolen. When it happened... ...tell me if you had... ...the clothes of a monk on or not. I don't know what you're talking about. But, a monk and a thief... ...cannot be said in the same sentence. You're looking for the things you lost at the wrong place. You say that... EyvAllah. Don't you dare be the one behind this. If you are... ...then you'll meet my sword. We don't need excuses for that. I can't wait for the day our swords... ..meet each other. Just you wait. Of course, just wait. Wait... Let me see you off Osman Bey. No... They had monk clothes on. May God bless you. I think they belong in a cult but... ...we don't have anything else either. No need. We'll leave on our own. Those who stole the relics... I don't know if it's Lucas. But the one next to him, Magnus or something. He might be in on it. The monk that came up to us at the castle. He has the same ring as him. They might belong to the cult the Vizier talked about. Cerkutay. My bey. Go and bring me that monk. We found this Bala Hatun. It looks like poison but I don't know. It was under a pillow. Lies. It's poison. He is the one who poisoned my Gonca. Bayhan Bey. Bayhan Bey, let me go brother. Let me go brother. They're playing a trick Alaeddin Bey. My wife wouldn't do that. The poison was found in her tent yet you still talk. This is where words have no meaning Bayhan Bey. Let me go brother. Brother let me go. Let me go brother. Let go. Brother let me go. -Alaeddin. -Bayhan Bey. When you can fight like a proper person... ...you chose the poison like the devil. You took a baby's life. You can't be good. You did it. -You set up this trick and made me the scapegoat you snake. -Mother. -Mother. Mother come here. -Snake. Enough. We'll investigate. Take Hazal Hatun to the holding tent. I didn't do anything. Bala Hatun. Take her to the tent. Come on. Take her. -Quick. -Bayhan. Let me go brother. -Let me go. -Alaeddin. I swear neither I nor my wife have anything to do with this. This is just slander, Alaeddin Bey. Besides... ...is this how you repay your owed life? He's still talking. If you have something to do with this... If you do... ...I'll make you pay Bayhan Bey. -Alaeddin. Alaeddin. Whoever did this... ...will die for it. But first... First we'll make sure brother. Bayhan Bey. Until we make a decision you and your son won't leave the tribe. Come. Let me go! Let me go! My baby died! Osman's ambitious. Karesi is an old wolf. But they're blind. They don't know what's waiting. Arrogance Lucas. God's deadly poison. What's your decision Commander. Who will you give the relics? The arrogant one of course. Karesi. In return, he'll get Osman's eyes off Bithynia. Osman and Karesi.. ...will tear each other apart. Exactly what I want. To war and Turk's hell! You work too hard. Lucas must reward you for your hard work. War... ...is a matter of power and strength. I am successful.. ...because I expect no reward. Without doubt you are a wise man. The sacred relics of the Muslims... ...were stolen. In the eyes of a just and fair commander like you... ...that must be a despicable thing to do. Who could have done that? I am sure it will be revealed. Now excuse me. I need to work. General. Prepare the soldiers. We will hit the road for the delivery. May peace and mercy of Allah be upon you. May peace and mercy of Allah be upon you. Oh Allah. Ameen. Oh Allah. I wore my armed. I took my sword. I left the wordly things behind, and came to you. Oh Allah... ...we are your weapons on earth. We will cut the tongue that would... ...insult You and your prophet, oh Allah. Oh Allah... ...this poor servant of Yours... ...make him successful. Give us hope, oh Allah. Allow us to cut the hands that tried to harm the relics of the Islam. Allow us to find us those relics, oh Allah. Allow us to spill blood... ...die... ...and destroy the whole world.. ...for this cause. Allow us, oh Allah. Ameen. In the name of Allah... -Boran. -My Bey. We will meet Cerkutay at dawn. As you command my Bey. -Ambush! -Protect the monk! Let go of the monk, Cerkutay. He'll come with me. Well... Get your dogs off my way. Or I'll hurt you. Alps! So you won't listen. Okay. Your Alps are wasted. We'll see who'll get wasted. They won't let us pass. We can't kill them. I'll stall. You get on a horse. Tell my Bey. Then... So... I... ...say... Alps! Attack! Cerkutay. Wait for your turn. First you'll talk, monk! Where are the relics? Speak. I hope this will help you. May God be with you Orhan. My Bey. He's Cerkutay's Alp. What happened? Hey you. Are you okay? Where's the monk? Who did this? Karesi Bey's Alps. They caught us. Come on. Heal him. Get him up. Come. Karesi Bey. Relics are still gone but he's waging another war. Bring the horse. Follow me. Karesioglu Beyhood Bey. Commander Lucas is here. Let him in. InshAllah you have good news. Did you find our relics Lucas? Relics are stolen by... ...a cult that aims to make Christians and Muslims destroy one another. But don't worry. They won't make it. Who are they? Where do they keep the relics? Go there right now... ...and tear up the place. My men will raid the monastery of the cult and bring you the relics. They told me you were strong and wise. They're right. It's your turn. Osman... ...is our mutual problem. Neither you want him to grow stronger... ...nor I want him to attack my walls. Don't worry about Osman. It's not even an issue for me to stop him. I don't doubt a promise from such a powerful bey like you is in vein. The relics will be in your hands before the sunset. Karesi Bey. Talk, where are the sacred relics? Tell me and your pain will end. Hold on monk. You're still holding on. Alps, break his bones.. -Brother he's going to die. -Not before he speaks. My bey, Osman Bey is coming this way with his men. Untie the monk. Alps, retreat to the forest. Run. You can only run away. My bey, the monk. Untie the monk. Look at what they did to make him speak. But he didn't talk. We don't disrespect others'... ...sacred things while looking for our own. Tell me now. The sacred relics of Islam have been stolen. Who did it? Tell me, who are you working with? Who are you working with? The mona... Mona... They hid it in the monastery... Let's go and get it my bey. Brother they must have taken so many precautions. No, once the wolves appear the jackals just run. But... ...I'll walk to death if I need to take the relics. I will never let the infidels have it. The traitors are taking a stroll in the tribe. They served poison at the bey's table. They murdered Osman Bey's... ...unborn grandkid. But those who were standing guard...- ...the ones I trust with my life and my country are sleeping standing huh? Is that so? My Shahzade, the alps were on the look. We didn't see anything that night; You have to see. You have to hear. You have to find. What is standing guard? Standing guard is honor. Those who don't take care of their honor have no place in front of me. Get out of my sight. My bey. Tell me. Prepare my horse. As you wish my bey. Bayhan. My brave husband. Do something and get me out of here. What are you saying wife? How could I do that? There's no other way. That Black Widow must've played this game. Osman Bey's grandchild died. They'll kill my mother, dad. I am going to die so young because of that black widow! You don't know what you are talking about. If you escape now, it will be like accepting that you committed the crime. Then we will lose our reputation! I am worried about my life here! Okay, my hatun. Calm down. Look, I will do everything I can to prove your innocence. Okay? Wait here. Saruca. My son. You won't leave me here, right? I won't, mother. I will find a way to save you. I will... ...but it will be hard to prove your innocence if it's Begum's scheme. Oh no! -Mother... Wait for me. My brave son! Oh Allah. Oh Allah, I swear... ...if I can get rid of this slander... ...I will slaughter 10 goats. No, I will slaughter 20 goats! Oh Allah, save me. Magnus take the relics and bring them to Karesi. As you command. Karesi Bey will earn great fame with this. Let him think that. At the end of the day, he and Osman will fight each other. While they fight... ...we will revive Holy Roman Empire. Hasten to the prayer! Hasten to the prayer! Hasten to happiness. Hasten to happiness. The prayer has begun. The prayer has begun. Allah is the Greatest! There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Oh my daisy. Your name is Hayme. Your name is Hayme. Your name is... ...Hayme. Alaeddin. My child! My child! My daughter! My daisy... Oh my child! Oh Allah! Come on dear. No. Come on. No. Alaeddin I won't give her. Don't take her Alaeddin. Alaeddin. My baby. Don't take our baby. She'll always be with you. Come on. Hey. You can't put her here. No. My girl.My girl. Please for the love of Allah. Please don't. Please for the love of Allah don't. How can you? Allah. In the name of Allah. My baby. It's a tough test. May Allah give you power. My baby's in the grave now. My girl's gone! It'll pass Gonca. It'll pass. My baby. Alaeddin what are you doing? How did you handle it mother? How am I going to hold on? Tell me. How can I hold on? What will I do mother? It'll pass my girl. It'll pass. It's hard. But It'll pass. My baby. What will I do? Allah gave her to us. And Allah took her. Holofira sent word my Bey. Magnus left with his men. They'll make an important delivery. But Holofira doesn't know what. Magnus. He'll go to the monastery. To take the relics. We'll go there too. Come on. Sent word to Gencer Bey. He must support us. As you wish my Bey. Come on. We'll Karesi Bey his relics. Hurry! Now! Allah. Allah. Sisters! Allah. Oh no! Sisters come quick. Take me to a healer. I'm dying. Let's take her to the healer. It's your turn Sarucam. I'm cold. I'm shaking. Let's go now. Was there anyone but you while cooking? Think about it carefully. No. I swear. Think again. Was anyone from Bayhan Bey's family around? It was crowded outside Begum Hatun. So there was. Who told you to investigate Hatun? Is this your place to do this? What are you doing here instead of going to Karadin Castle? I'm working hard so that the one who killed your grandkid and tried to kill me gets punished, Bala Hatun. No. I know what you're trying to do. You want to punish Hazal Hatun, not the murderer. But what you're doing is stepping over the line. Now. Go to your position. From now on.. ...don't try to do something that wasn't given to you as a duty. Come on. Everyone, back to work. Commander Lucas... ...gave me such a gift... ...that I can say that it's even worth this nation. All of the Islam world will talk about the Karesi Beyhood, my bey. And when Osman Bey hears that you found the relics... ...he will get so jealous. Just you wait. I'm going to do so much worse to him. Osman say my nation... ...this and that all the time. I'm going to show him who has the real nation. This name will bring the beys to your side, my bey. Firstly, Begum Hatun. Then... ...the other beys will come to me and swore their loyalty to me. All of them. Karesi Bey. Vizier Hadrath. I have good news. Today is a very blessed day for us. The relics... Did you find them? It was a bit hard but.. ...we did find them Vizier Hadrath. Thank Allah. You trusted the best man there is for the job. And Karesi.. ...didn't let you down, would he ever do that? Thank you Karesi Bey. The Caliph Hadrath... ...will reward you for your hard work. Your name will be the first to be mentioned... ...in the Islam world. That's not important at all. What's important is... ...the honor of the Islam world. Thank you Karesi Bey. Thank you. Let me go. What does this mean commander? Let me go this instance. If you have doves that spy... ...then I have birds in this castle. Did you think I wouldn't figure it out? Are you going to kill me? No. I won't kill you for trying to making a fool of me with... ...with your tiny brain. Soldiers. Treat our captive well. She's going to be a bride soon. What are you saying? I don't understand. You're going to marry a Byzantine commander without wasting time. Keep your eyes peeled, we're going to take the relics and leave. Surround the monastery. He won't make it out of here. Magnus Kill him! We will cut the hands that touch our sacred relics! #unrecognized text# Magnus or whoever you are! Where are you running to!? Magnus! You are lucky you are carrying the relics! You can never get the relics back! Iltutan! V/'" . Oh no. Saruca Saruca! Allah! They are coming! I can see! Demons are coming to take me! Allah! You are feeling a bit nervous. Calm down first. I will give you some medicine. It will make you sleep nicely. Make me sleep? You will sleep so tight. Allah! Saruca! Allah! Allah! Saruca! You will forget everything. Hazal Hatun, come on, open your mouth. Drink this. Saruca! Open your mouth. Open it. Help me! Sister! Healer! Go on, healer. -They are calling for you. -I'll be back. Are you okay? I am coming. -Help me! Help me! Healer! I am dying! Finally! Mother. Where have you been!? Mother. Saruca. Mother. Come on. Come on. Take this. Mother, come on, hurry up. Hold me! Come here. In the name of Allah. Are you okay? I'm okay. -Okay. Close your mouth. In the name of Allah. If Hazal Hatun gets charged... ...what can I do? She'll pay for it. Well... I'm a good old man. I can't be a Bey with no Hatun. I can't mourn forever. I'll look for a new Hatun. Sarucan. Sarucan. You'll be the death of me. Mother. Mother it's father. We're doomed. Bayhan Bey. You look great. Why are you here? Look. What are you doing here? This must end now. Go back. Come on. No. I can't. Sarucan. Ride. Come on. I told you to go back. I'll scream. Father. -Okay Bey. Come on. Go back. Karadin Castle. Hurry. Kill the Kayi Alps. Prepare the burning arrows. This castle will be the biggest trading spot. There will be inns and traders. Allah willing we'll have more castles sister. Alps. Shut the gates. Watchers on duty. From now on, no one will enter and leave the castle. As you wish Begum Hatun. If you want to support us, Subscribe our site: ..........:: ArDirilisErtugrul.net/v ::.......... Here they are. The castle will be torn when Lucas sends word. Get up Hatun. You embarrassed me. Someone will see. get up. Allah... -Mother? Is someone here? -No. Alps! Alps! She's getting away. Wait. Wait. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I'm letting go. Wait.Okay? Wait. What are you saying? You're mistaken. Hazal's taking a breath. She's going back. Okay? Don't scream okay? Good boy. Hazal go inside. You, get los. Okay? I saw what I saw. But I want something in return. What? Gold. -No way. What did you say? Gold. If you won't give it...Alps! Shut up Gazi. Okay wait. Dad give it to him. Here. -Go now. -Go, go now. -Get lost. -Go. Go. Go come on. Mother hold on. -Son wait. Who is going to protect you from my rage? If you wish it so much.. ...then let your death be by my sword, Osman. Do you want the sacred relics? I'll give them to you. But in shreds. Don't you dare, or I won't make you wait for hell to suffer. I'll die once. But you will die a thousand deaths... ...because you couldn't save your relics. Thank Allah... Our dark days are gone now. Oh Allah, show mercy to our Prophet and his ummah. Oh Allah, show mercy to our Prophet and his ummah. In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the moat beneficent. Allah is the Greatest... ...there is none worthy of worship except Allah. Allah is the Greatest... ...Allah is the Greatest, there is none worthy of worship except Allah, praise is only Allah's. Allah is the Greatest.. ... there is none worthy of worship except Allah. Allah is the Greatest... ...Allah is the Greatest, there is none worthy of worship except Allah, praise is only Allah's. Allah... Thank Allah... Allah... Thank Allah.. Thank You, oh Allah. You... ...made me come across these precious relics. Allah... Allah is the owner of the earth and the sky. Thank You, oh Allah. You blessed a servant of Allah like me with this. Allah... All the prayers are to Allah. Allah... Allah... There is none worthy of worship except Allah There is none worthy of worship except Allah Watch All Episodes with English Subtitles and FULLHD quality only on our site: ............:: ArDirilisErtugrul.net ::............

# episodes
165 episode 165 Kurulus Osman Episode 165
166 episode 166 Kurulus Osman Episode 166