AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 13 With English Subtitles HD

( Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Season 2 )

AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 13

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Watch AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 13

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-Akca Hatun.
-Shut up!

Alpagut, let Alparslan Bey go.

Maria, what do you
think you are doing?

-You traitor!
-Do not take another step!

Nobody come close.

Maria, let the Lord go.
Are you mad?

Everybody calm down.
Alpagut, you calm down too.

Maria, put that dagger
down immediately.

If you want to survive this,

...let the Lord go.

If you want your
Lord to stay alive, will let Alparslan Bey
get out of the castle safely.

For God's sake! We're in the church!
In the house or God!

You fed and raised a snake
for years, Lord Kekavmenos,

Maria, you will pay for this.

I will make you pay
for what you all did.

If you want to live that long,

...order Alpagut to let
Alparslan Bey go immediately.

I won't say this twice.

Alpagut, let him go!

First Maria shall let you go, sir.
Otherwise, I won't.

Everybody out!

We'll walk to the
castle gate together.



Everybody listen to me now.

Until we get rid of the
traitor beside me,

...nobody will hurt
Alparslan even slightly.

Is that clear?



Everybody stop! Do
not come close!


Stay away.

He won't be hurt.


Alpagut, I told you. Do
not even try to stop me.

You’re blinded by vengeance.

Who is blind is not
Kekavmenos, but you.

-Listen to me well now.

If the long years we
spent together...

...mean anything to you,

...listen to me.

For our cause, you should get out
of here safe to continue our plan.

If you do exactly what I say,

...Kekavmenos will trust
you even more than before.

I don't want Kekavmenos
to trust me,

...but to die, you understand?

You just want to relieve
your vengeance.

Do you think...

...they will let you live
when Kekavmenos is dead?

Let's say you survived...

Who do you think will replace
him when Kekavmenos is dead?

Someone who we can never
be so close to...

...and about whose plans
we can have no idea.

Diogenes or Dukas?

Think about what might
happen afterwards.

Alparslan has a plan.

What is it?

He'll come to the
castle to take you.

I've got the night patrol.

I'll reduce the number of the
guards on the north wall to two.

And when the bell rings
for the night prayer...

I will never hurt you, father.

I have to do this for
Alparslan to trust me.

I will tell you everything.
Trust me.

Open the gate.

Do not try to move!


What are you saying, Emir Bozan?

Our loyal officer...

Your aide Memun.

Arc you sure he is Natik?

Memun was my right hand.

I trust him without doubt.

But the fire of evil...

...most flares up in the
shadow of the trust, right?

He deceived me.

I failed to see.

Forgive me, my Sultan.

The latest incidents
show that...

...Memun is Natik.

You know about your brother Alparslan
Bey's view about Natik, my Sultan.

He's not wrong.

He's not wrong.

Yet Alparslan Bey is a little,
with your pardon, impulsive.

He will demand Natik
from Byzantine for sure.

If they don't deliver him, he
will do things on his own,

...risk his life...

...and even put Seljuks
in a tight spot.

But if we go there first
and take Natik before him,

...neither Alparslan Bey nor Seljuks
nor Ghazne will be in danger.

You re right, Emir Bozan.

Go there immediately and take the
dark demon before my brother does.

As you order, my Sultan.


Look at the situation in which we ended up
before the people and soldiers. Disgraceful!

Open the gate!

Alright, this is it.

We'll go like this to the woods.

Nobody follow us.


Nobody will follow us!


Be careful.

Come on. We're in the woods now.

We'll release them
at the same time.

Are you alright, sir?

I am, Alpagut.

Let's go.

Are you alright, Akca Hatun?

I am alright, my Bey.

Uncle, are you alright?

I have to do this to
make Alparslan trust me.

I'll tell you everything.

Trust me.

Alpagut... He is going to
take Maria to the tribe.

Take the armoured units
and go after them!

Yes sir.

Welcome, Yinal Bey.

Thank you.

I'm sorry for your
loss, Batur Bey.

EmirAli has achieved
our valiants' goal..

...he was grated
with the shahada.

May he be placed
next to our Prophet.

Thank you, Yinal Bey.


I can't understand why they are risking
lots of men for a traitor Hatun.

If the Hatun is a traitor..

...why didn't Alparslan execute
her when he had the chance?

Why did he go to save her
after all the things?

Let's see how our nephew is
going to put our state at risk.

Yinal Bey... Akca
Hatun is innocent.

Akca Hatun is a brave girl who can
risk her life for her state...

...and who carries the love
for her state in her heart.

Then why did Alparslan send her to
the castle and put her in a dungeon?

Alparslan wanted to lure Kekavmenos
into a trap and kill him.

But... it didn't work.

As you know Akca Hatun was abducted
because of a plan that was made inside.

The traitor was not
only among us...

...there was another traitor who stood
next to Emir Bozan in Ghazne, Yinal Bey.

What does that mean?

Emir Bozan's helper Meymun was
the devil who they called Natik.

Now he is a captive in
the hands of Byzantine.

My Bey

Akca Hatun is entrusted to you, my Atabey.
Take her to the tribe.

If Kekavmenos didn't
believe it...

...and the things you told
him, he'll come after you.

Where are you going, my Bey?

To Bust.

To question Emir Bozan whose
helper was a Qarmathian demon.

May you go safely, my Bey.

Let's go my daughter.

Sir... If we take the short cut,
we'll have them in our hands.

Do you think they
can t think of that?

We can’t take the short cut. They
must've set traps on the way.

But sir.. If we follow them from behind,
we won t be able to catch them.

If we go fast, we
can catch them.

I won't risk my soldiers's
life for a traitor girl.

I would never hurt you, father.

I have tofao this to
make Alparslan trust me.

I'll tell you everything.
Trust me.

The girl you trusted so much...
Your daughter...

...ends up being!the
spy of the Seljuq!

She put a dagger on your neck, took
Alparslan out of the castle...

...and you are not even making
an explanation. Is that right?



I am waiting for an explanation!


Calm down a bit.


I don't know what happened.

But Maria has a plan.

She whispered...

...some things in my ear
when she was leaving.

Uncle... You can't
trust that girl!

We have Natik.

We have to focus on him
instead of fighting.

Ghazne's Lieutenant Governor
Emir Bozan arrived, sir.

Then let the games begin.

Let him in.

My father would always say...

"Even if you are sitting..... have to be above the ones
who are standing up to win."


Sit down.

The throne is yours unless
you leave the castle, sir.

Do as I say. Go and sit.

Vaspurakan's Governor is...

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