AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 6 With English Subtitles HD

( Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Season 2 )

AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 6

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What is happening
here, Karaca Hatun?

Your voice can be
heard from the tribe.

Don't get mad at me, you should've
noticed the traitor among us.

See what the snake that... tried to protect
and marry Alparslan...


She is sending letters
to Vaspurakan!

I receive those letters.



What do you do in
Vaspurakan, Akinay mother?

Don't protect this traitor.

I am sending letters to
carpet traders in Vaspurakan.

Why are you looking at my face as if you don't
know we are buying carpets for our tribe?

Drop your swords.

Go mind your own business. Go!


You are the one who is
protecting me in the tribe.

And you were the one who
brought me the necklace.

Protect the Lord!

Who are they? -What
does it matter?

Dear Lord...

Apparently, you
received good news.

Nothing could be better.

Alparslan is going to take
the gold to the quarters.

Tell your soldiers to get ready.
We will go and get him.

The gold will be taken to the
quarters through the mountain way.

We will go to the quarters
with empty chests...

...and you will follow us from behind,
leaving a gap as a precaution, father.

We heard that the traitors are
going to set a trap but..

...we don't know where they
are going to lay an ambush.

We will think of a
following distance.

Then we will cut
the infidels, son.

Where are Alparslan and Hasan?

They went this way, my Bey.

Let's go!

Protect Alparslan!


Stand up, God damn you!

Kill them all!

Kill them all, valiants!

Wejust left the shooting range.
-Damn you, Cagri..

He might not let us go
after seeing his son.

We know who is attacking us.

But where are they taking us?

Somewhere different than death.
That's what matters.

Why did we stop? -Who are you

Damn it, why did you save us?

Not them...

I saved you.

Emir Bozan...?

I told you that Alparslan
was not an easy prey.

My old friend...

We owe our lives to you.

So our secret ally in east
against the Seljuq is you.

Even though we couldn't
take Alparslan...

...collaborating with you
was the best decision.

I can see that, Bozan.

Let's not waste time here.

We are still in danger, dear Lord.
We have to go backfto the castle.

No good deed is
left unreturned...

...dear Saint Kekavmenos.
We both know that.

The gold is lost, my Efendi.
The chests are empty.

Son... son...



...where is he?


Alright, son..

My Bey!

My Bey, stop! Stop!

Let me go, my Atabey!

-My Bey!
-I will cut that dastard's head off!

-You can’t go, son.
-Father! Let me go!

My Bey...

My Bey..

My Bey...

Son... -My Bey!

Alparslan is entrusted to us.

Go into the forest!

Find that snake, Kekavmenos!
-Yes, my Bey!

Artuk! Take Avar with you and
see if there is someone around.

Yes my Bey.


-My Bey.

My Bey...

If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on:
..........:: ::..........

So they sent you to our
tribe as a spy, ha?

They think I am a spy.

But I will lure them into each
trap they set, inshaAllah.

I will keep fighting until
Vaspurakan becomes our homeland.

Infidels set a fire in our
hearts in Vaspurakan...

...years ago that can
never be put off.

I lost my son because
of that disaster.

When the infidels made a
raid, he was in the forest.

Alpagut never came back.


Yes? Do you know him?!

I was at the parting
of the ways.

I was either going to go to the tribe, although I
didn't know if my father and mother were alive...

...or I was going
to come after you.

I couldn't let infidels have a
Muslim Turk girl in their hands.

I went after the ones who
abducted you, and came to Ani.

I got in the castle as a slave.

Thanks to Allah,
Kekavmenos chose me...

..and let me be your shadow.

Do you know him?

Bring the doctors here! Go!

My Bey...

My Bey!

Stand up, Alparslan.


Stand up.

Because you exist to wake the
ones up who are asleep...

...and help the
ones who fell down.

It is a long way, and
there is no time.

Wake up... Wake up...

He woke up, Akinay mother.

He opened his eyes.

Thanks to Your blessing...


There is no time.

There is no time, I
have to stand up.

I have to go and tell them.

Stay with him.

Stop my Bey! Where are you going?
You are badly injured!


It’s time.

It's time.

Let me stand up.

Son, you can’t stand
in this situation.

Alparslan, stop.


Did you catch that dog, father?

I sent alps after him.
But we couldn't.

The heathen disappeared
into thin air.

I will cut his head off.

I will crush that snake’s head.

You should rest first.

Your wound should recover.

Before I wet my
sword with blood, wounds won’t
recover, father.

They won’t.

Be patient, son.


My Bey.

Go ahead, Artuk.

Did you catch that dog
called Kekavmenos?

My Bey, Shahzade Human...

We found his dead body among
the blacks who attacked us.

Why would a Ghaznevid

...sacrifice himself for
that snake, father?

It seems those blacks have
worked with Byzantine all along.

Shahzade Human who
betrayed our state...

...attacked Seljuks with his
black-wearing men and Byzantine.

The brave alps.of
Seljuks killed him...

...and sent his corpse to us.

That traitor
attempted to kill...

...Begim Sehver Sultan
and our shahzade.

Hang his corps on the castle
walls to make an example!

And then let dogs eat the body.

Take him away!

There is no Shahzade Human left
for Alparslan to come after?

Even if Human collaborated,

...why would he put his
head before our swords... an ordinary
soldier, father?

We will find out.

-Now it's time to kill Kekavmenos.

His wound’s bleeding, my Bey.

-Don’t let him go.

Rest, my son.

A wounded lion is
hunted by jackals, son.

Ge some rest first.

Let your body be strong again.

We don't have only one day to
fight against heathens, anyway.

What's the rush?


I was so close to killing
Alparslan, but he survived!

This is the twist of fate!

-What do you think you are doing?

-How could you sacrifice so many soldiers..

-...just to avenge your son?

General, please.


You will account for
this to the emperor.

You think the emperor will call me
to account for attacking Seljuks?

Seljuks are not your enemy!

Your enemy is Melik Alparslan
you failed to kill!

What reaction do you think
Seljuks give after this attack?

-They’ll get more ambitious!
-Let them be!

When they come here, I will greet
them with the armies of Byzaritihe!

It’s from the emperor, sir.

This is the death
warrant of Seljuks.

Uncle, is it bad news?

What's up, Gunduz Bey?

It is as it should
be, Hadhrat Melik.

We work without resting.

You can rest after the campaign.

Carry out my instructions
properly first.

I want no mistakes.

As you order, Hadhrat Melik.

I think you should win the
favor of army beys, Suleyman.

If you wonder with what
you can win their favor,

...the answer is the
gold you will give them.

What gold are you talking
about, Yinal Bey?

Don't all the soldiers
get paid well?

The mistake... spoiling the army
beys with offerings!

We don’t want bribe, Gunduz Bey.

This is out of morals.

Someone will teach
for sure, Temur Bey.

I just wanted to
remind the tradition.

We need to check if the new-soldiers coming
for Nisabur need anything, Erbaskan.

Our Sultan didn’t give
the duty to Alparslan.

And Suleyman will stumble
and fall down soon.

You are the person who
our Sultan will trust

..for leading the army
after him, Yinal Bey.

I will destroy the
heathens again.

Then our Sultan may see
who deserves the throne?

May your work be
easy, Akinay Hatun.

I would wish the same for you.

But your work is never
easy, Cagri Bey.

You combine both
yarns and people.

Your putting two
colors together... not coincidence.
I know that.


I need to consult you.

The one who you think is
appropriate for Alparslan.

Akca Hatun who came
from the foreign land.

She’s been with you for long.

Tell me.

Are her manners as
beautiful as her face?

Well, Cagri Bey.

I don’t know about her family.

But her nobility can
be seen from her eyes,

...and her good manners
from her steps.

So you say...

...the cloth made of
those strong yarns...

...will be a fine cloth, huh?


Is there any medicine to heal
my wound fast, Akca Hatun?

How long will I rest like
this without doing anything?

The medicine to heal you
must be patience, my Bey.

We know the hole where
the enemy is hiding.

What's the rush?

I have a score to settle.

I have waited long enough.

For what?


He’s the killer of my mother.

I recognized him from the
scar I made on his face.

Why did my father let me be with
Byzantine people for years, mother?

Why didn't he save me?

Kekavmenos killed your mother.

And my father?

Your father is alive.

But he thinks you are dead.

Look at your daughter
for one last time.

I will name her after you...

...and raise her... a Turk-hater
true Byzantine.

Your soul will never
rest in peace.

For all those years, in every
heathen face I came across....

...I looked for that scar.

And I finally found it.

Does Cagri Bey know that?

He doesn’t.

If my father and my
Atabey hear of that,

...things will be
more complicated.

My father isn't
healthy these days.

If especially my Atabey knows... was Kekavmenos who
left his daughter and...

...his wife in flames,

Let me go!

He won’t stop, right?

Like you.

Every breath he takes
is forbidden to me.

And his blood is halal to me.

I hope when you gather strength, will take Kekavmenos'
life and also Vaspurakan.

If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on:
..........:: ::..........

I actually wonder how you can get
rid of the trouble of Seljuks...

...that your son caused without the
emperor's support, Honorable Lord.


How can the emperor
not send an army?

Seljuks is a bigger threat
than Uz and Pechenegs.

If they don’t get
eradicated soon,

...Seljuks who you made angry...

...will take both
Vaspurakan and our heads!

-Dbn' me uncle again!

You are also involved
in this incident!

Get out of here!

What are you still waiting for?

Even if Seljuks didn't rush
to prepare for a battle,

..Alparslan would
make things fast.

Whatever move we are to
make, we should hurry up.

Someone who isn’t benevolent
can't lead an army.

How long will we have to stand
this immaturity, Yinal Bey?

What do other beys thinks?

Goktas Bey and Temur Bey
are with us, my Bey.

They expect benevolence too?

If the commander doesn't know
the morals or give offerings,

...tell those beys to go...

...and ask for it from
the owner of the army.

Our Sultan always gives an ear to the
words of such respectable army beys.

As you order, Yinal Bey.
By your leave.

Look, Gevher. That woman
will ruin your brother.

Why would she, Karaca?

Don’t you see? She's always with him.
She always plays around.

Making cream and applying
it on him all the time.

It seems this unknown woman...

...will be your sister-in-law
and my brother-in-law's wife.

You've got tired of looking after my
brother. Give me. I can take it to him.

Alright. You can.

He’s gone.

My brother's gone!

He's gone! My brother's gone!

My brother's gone!
His tent is empty.

Where is my brother? Weren’t you here?
How could you not see him?

My brother left!
His tent is empty!

I am telling you that my brother left!
His tent is empty!

What do you mean?

Where is Alparslan?

My Bey..
-How could his Alps don't know where their Bey is?

How didn't you see him?

What about you?

What were you doing?

He left in front of you, or behind you.

We know that he doesn't have wings
and can't fly!

What are you waiting for?

Don't come back before you find your Bey!

How could you let your Bey go?

We couldn't see him. my Bey.
-If you don't have eyes... shouldn't be watchmen.

That crazy man might’ve gone to the Vaspurakan castle...

...with all his injuries.

-Isn't there a trace?
-No. my Bey.

Let’s go' Hurry!

Let's go!

Hadhrat Melik...

You are injured.

I have to see our Sultan.

Bring me the ones that are not completed.


What happened to you?

What’s wrong?

I have to talk to our Sultan.

You are injured.
Don’t waste my time, Hace!

Alparslan! Stop!


Son... son, stop.

I can't stop, Hatun

I have to talk to our Sultan.

You can't even walk, my son.

What happened to you?
Bring our doctors!


Son. stop..

Alparslan.. my nephew...

Soldiers! Bring the doctors!

Don’t bring anyone here, my Sultan.

I want to talk to you about something private.


Tell me.
What brought you here?

I have to be the commander in the Vaspurakan battle.

Allow me to be the commander, my Sultan.

Is that what you are going to say?

Why would I dismiss Suleyman and give
the duty to you?

Because Kekavmenos’ is not halal to

..but to me.

We lost many lives because of the raid in Vaspurakan...

...and he is the dastard who killed
my mother in front of me.

What are you..

...what are you saying?

Are you sure?

Dastard snake..

Allow me to be the commander.

Does my brother know?

He will know once I cut that dastard's head off...

...put his head at the end of my sword and show him.

You did well by not telling him.

Now... It won't be good if I take the duty from Suleyman
and give it to you.

My Sultan..
I know the fire inside you.

And what you said is true.
But... it a must for you to be the commander.. take that dastard's live?

f Kekavmenos is going to be the commander of their army...

...shouldn't I be the commander of our army and stands
against him? My Sultan...

..don’t. I can talk to Suleyman
and tell him.

I've made my decision, my nephew.

First, you will go and see a doctor.

Then you will go to the quarters...

...and share your ambition and passion...

..with our soldiers...

..and support your brother.

Come on, my son.

How could he go out?
He can't even ride a horse.

Only Akca Hatun...

...can know where he went.

You were the one who saw him.
Where did my brother go?

Did he tell something to you?

Kekavmenos... is the killer of my mother.

I noticed it from the wound I opened
on his face.

Every breath he takes is haram for me.

His blood is halal to me.

No... He didn't.

No? Gevher is right.
You were with him.

I said I don't know.

If knew that he was going to left,
I would stop him.


What is done is done.

Let's pray for him to come back safely.

You have to have some rest.

You will put it on your wound
in the mornings and at mght.

Let me take it.
-Here, my Sultan

I have to go. Hatuncan Mother.

Didn'it .you hear what the doctor said?

I can’t wait and rest right now, Hatunca Mother.


You are not waiting for anything.

Look... We are finally going to take the revenge
of that raid which has been a fire in us for a long time.

Everyone is getting ready for the battle.

They are all working for it

We were on the way to the tribe with your uncle Sultan
Tugrul that day.

It had been a long time since I hadn't seen your deceased mother.

I was very happy as I was going to come together
with her.


...she came together with Haqq before we could.

Not being able to visit her grave
on the hands of infidels...

...and pray for her...

...still hurts, my son.

It won't hurt anymore, Hatuncan mother.

It won't.



Put on the ointment...

...with your healing hands for the last time.
Then I should go.

Why are you wasting time, soldier?

Temur Bey! Gunduz Bey!

The duties that should be fulfilled as soon
as possible are still waiting.


Go and do your jobs.

Welcome, Emir Kunduri.

I heard that you counted the swords.

I came here for confirmation, Hadhrat Melik.

-Suleyman Bey.

Melik Alparslan visited our Sultan
and asked for his allowance... be the Commander.

May Allah forbid, did something bad happen to you?

Suleyman Bey? Suleyman Bey!

I am looking for the ones who want to survive,
who are the strongest.

...and who draw their swords to kill!

I am looking for ones who would die to kill Turks!

I am surprised that you are still alive.


Well done, soldier.

Go back.

Go now!

Get in a line.

Can you feel the breath of Turks...

who are coming closer?

I can!

If you wan to live longer..

..and kill more Turks... have to feel it!

You are the strongest soldiers who were
chosen to...

...protect Vaspurakan!

Never forget...

...the door of this quarter is
the door of Vaspurakan!

Those who break that door take Vaspurakan!

Diyojen is a strong soldier.

He is choosing the best soldiers to
protect the quarters.

From now on, you will protect the
door of Vaspurakan...

...and quarters.

Yes sir.

Go to your duty stations!


Don’t you ever stop?

Did you go to the palace
right after getting rid of the sword of our enemies?

Won’t you learn to be content with what you have?

How could you...

...ask for a duty that Sultan gave to me?


I wouldn't go there if there was not
a reason.

There are things that you don't know.
-I do.

You are just jealous because I'll be the one...

...who takes Vaspurakan.
I know that.

There is no one who is better than you, right, Alparslan?

There is no one that deserves better than you!

There is no man in the Seljuq except for you, right?!

You are just arrogant!


I said my words to our Sultan.

After all the things you said...

...I have nothing to tell you.

Go and do your job.
-Of course I will.

No matter what you do... won't be able to take this from me.

Your guest has arrived, dear Lord.


I understood why you don’t want to give Vaspurakan to Turks...

...when I saw it with my own eyes, Dear Kekavmenis.

Yes... but I might lose all this beauty...

...when the Seljuq arrives.

I have to waste their time until I receive... from the Emperor. Bozan.

You must’ve thought of a solution
since you called me here.

You did good job with your men in black clothes, my
dear friend.

Now... I want you to... something impossible, as you always

Kill Sultan Tugrul.

Then the fight for the throne will
waste their time.

If you kill someone every time you
feel stuck, you can't move forward, dear Kekavmenos.

You should look for a radical solution.

Like what?

I am actually thinking of a way.

If you can succeed, the Seljuq...

...won't be able to take a stone from Vaspurakan.

If you look for the thing you are
searching at a place where you should 've checked first...'ll be late, like me.

Right, Alparslan?

I don't know what I am late or..

...early for, my Atabey.

Stop telling your problems to your
arrows and bow... to your Atabay.

I am in such a bad situation that... matter where I go, I get hurt.

I can’t control myself and my feelings.

I don't know why you talked to our Sultan..

...and asked for Suleyman's duty.

But I know something that you also know...

...I guess I can tell you a story
to solve this.

When polytheists stepped forward and
asked for men.. fight with in Badr...

three men from Ensar stepped
forward with excitement.

Polytheists from Mecca arrogantly said,
"Who are you?

We are asking for men to fight
who are equal to us."

Then our beautiful named Prophet (Sallalahu ALaihi Wasallam)...

...called them back.

Then no one...

... said "Let me stand against them, ya Rasulullah"
and stepped forward.

Why didn't they step forward. Alparslan?

Because duty is received by order.

They all knew...

...if that Holy Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam)

...said go, they'd go,
if he said stop, they's stop.

And that's what happened.

When he said, "O Ubeyde, go.

O. Hamza, go.

O, Ali, go."

Those three valiants...

...stood against the enemies before everyone in the
field could hear him.

You are telling me to fulfill my duty
and stay away from other things, my Atabey.

No... I am telling you...

...fulfill your duty in such a way that...

...the other things will follow a different

Then let's not waste time, let's set
off and arrive in the quarters.

Let's fulfill our duty...

A nail saves a shoe, a shoe saves horse...

...a horse saves a man...

...and a man saves an army.

I will go and be a soldier in my
brother Suleyman's army

If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on:
..........:: ::..........

My Sultan... I know how much Vaspurakan means to you
and to the Seljuq.

We think a young commander, Suleyman can not...

..succeed in a battle like this.

My dear Sultan, we can't let them drop the Sanjak of Seljuq.

We just want our Sultan,
the owner of our army... know that.

The things that need to be done will be done...

...for the safety of our state
and our soldiers... they were done before.

No one should worry about that.

Honorable Lord.

Seljuks are non-stop continuing
to make war preparations, sir.

Will we wait like this
without doing anything?

How do you know I’m not
doing anything, Diyojen?

Sorry, Honorable Lord?

You know that I have powerful
allies who like to help me.

Don't hurry. You will understand
everything when it’s time.

It seems Alparslan decided to
be a soldier for the army...

...when he realized he
can't be the commander.


One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven.


Look at this.

One, two, three.

Three loops.


Count that one.

Mother Akinay has always been with Akca
since she first came to the tribe.


She opened her tent and
made a bed for her.

You saw the girl with a note and
mother Akinay instantly defended her.

Gevher, they are
up to something.

Look, we should keep our eyes on
them for the welfare of our tribe.

You can't make catapults
from this tree.

You both wasted time and trees.

Why didn’t you ask
if you didn't know?

What tree should be used to make catapults?
Let us know, Alparslan.

If you don’t want the catapult to
break into pieces in the first shot, should use birch tree.

If you use this tree, your army will lose
catapults before you reach Vaspurakan.

And you would be happy. So you could
be the commander of the army.

I would be happy only if
Vaspurakan were conquered.

As a commander or a stone thrown from
the catapult. It doesn't matter.

Hadhrat Melik, our Sultan wants
to see you and Alparslan Bey.

You have to be faster!

Keep your eyes on your opponent!

It’s nothing.

You have to be faster!

You need to be one step
ahead of your opponent...

...and guess what
he will do next.

And take position accordingly!


Otherwise... will die!


I mean it. You were born to
be an unbeatable soldier.


The soldiers are too incompetent
to protect you or the castle.

Until your plan to
delay the war works,

...we should intensify
the defense.

Honorable Lord, you should
transfer your soldiers in Ani... Vaspurakan
as reinforcements.

Thanks to the beys,

...our Sultan has heard
Suleyman's failure.

You know, he didn't accept
Alparslan's demand either.

Now it's clear who he will
appoint to lead the campaign.

You will march first to the victory
and to the throne next, Yinal Bey.

Go take the seal of
the campaign, my Bey.

Now you wonder why
I summoned you.

Bring them.

Whoever doesn’t like our head...

...should find a
new head for him!

And who can’t make those
rebels get their heads down...

...should get his head
between his hands and think.

Suleyman, I have heard that...

..the army beys who have
just been beheaded...

...said that...

...they didn't want
you as the commander.

The army beys backed me up in the
army camp before, Yinal Bey.

What changed their
ideas suddenly?

Someone may have
affected their thoughts.

Think about it, Suleyman.
Who was the one...

...who wanted to
take your place...

...and be the commander?


You and I need to
talk about something.

You first begged to our
sultan to be the commander.

And now you provoke
the army beys?

Are you hearing
yourself, Suleyman?

Who deceived you and you
are telling me this?

Nobody needs to say anything. I've
known your intention all along.

You think I don’t deserve
to lead the campaign!

Just because I didn't lose
my mother in Vaspurakan?

I lost my mother in Vaspurakan. But I
don't know where you lost your manners.


Go away. Mess with your
enemy, not your brother.

Act like a brother, not
like an enemy then.

Honorable Lord.

Did you get the news
you expected, sir?

Not yet. But I will.

There are some issues
that confuse me.

The ambush we made
for Alparslan.

The golden chests were empty.
Besides, his father Cagri Bey...

...showed up as soon
as the ambush started.

It means?

It means they knew
about the ambush.

I think someone among us... leaking information
for Seljuks, sir.

For every single day I spend with
heathens, and with the heathen religion,

And for every single moment,

...I'm asking for
forgiveness from You.

My father became a
martyr in this land.

For leaving my
mother with tears...

My son. make this land
a home for my kin,

...I'm asking for
forgiveness from You.

For serving these
heathens for fear that...

...they would raise a
Muslim girl as a traitor,

...I'm asking for
forgiveness from You.

For gritting my teeth
and doing nothing.

...while they were
torturing Muslims,

...I'm asking for
forgiveness from You.

My Allah.

I did them all for the big day.

I did them all to be able to...

...put a gravestone for my father's grave at which
I couldn't even look to avoid being caught...

...and to be able to kneel
before it and pray freely.

My Allah, only You can know...

if I did right...

...or made a mistake.

The day I expected
has arrived now.

Let the army of our mighty
state be victorious, my Allah.

Let them conquer
Vaspurakan where had to...

...bury many martyrs.

Although being in the enemy army not
in that army tears my heart out,

..give me patienpe until
the moment of victory.

Give me strength, my Allah.

Don't deprive of Your help
that You promised, my Allah.

Commander Alpagut,
are ou in there?

Come in!

-Sir, what are you doing on the floor?
-Are you blind? I'm wiping the water off.

What do ou want?

-Lord Kekavmenos wants to see you
-Alright. Get out. I'm coming.


What kind of thing
is that, Yinal Bey?

How could our Sultan behead two army beys
before the campaign without hesitation?

It seems our Sultan completely
trusts Melik Suleyman.

What? Are you afraid of
losing your head, Gunduz Bey?

Our Sultan completely
trusts Suleyman

But the half of the army
completel trust you.

Besides, do you think our Sultan doesn't
know those beys are loyal to you?


...why is your head still
on your shoulders?


Because our Sultan needs you.

-Do you think so, Yinal Bey?

To make Suleyman
lose Sultan's favor,

...we need to know his words have
no power among the soldiers.

How will we do that, Yinal Bey?

Our soldiers are quite worried
after their beys' executions.

Soon, nobody will
be worried at all.

Listen to me carefully now.

Let all the soldiers
in the cam know

...Shahzade Hasan died due
to Suleyman’s mistake.

If soldiers know that, they
will neither follow him...

nor obey his words.

You summoned me, sir?


is like a snake, Alpagut.

It approaches you...

silent and very slowly.

If you don't notice die.

What's the matter sir?

Whoever betrayed,

...let me take his
heart out and...

...put it in your hands.



Work harder. We're
running out of time.

Make swords faster.

-There are too many to make.
-We can't prepare them in time.

Reluctant work can
never be good.

Do your job properly.

Soldiers, don't you hear? Melik
Suleyman is talking to you!

Melik Suleyman who caused.
Shahzade Hasan to pass away?

Tell me, Hasan. What do
we call this mountain?

This mountain is called
"Tendurek" Suleyman

There is a valley behind it which
Byzantines call Kaptelon.

...and Turkmens call Pasinler.

-Let's go and see it then.
-We have to walk around the mountain.

And it will cost us 3 days.

-There must be shortcuts.
-Yes, but they are very steep.

Besides, we may be
ambushed there.

-Are you scared, Hasan Bey?
-I am not scared, Suleyman.

But it's meaningless to go
into the nest of danger.

Then take the half of
the Alps and go back.

And I will pass the mountain
through the shortcut with others.


All for one, one for all.

Who betrayed us... Maria.

Are you sure sir?

At least as sure as I'm
sure of your loyalty.

What's your plan?

We take no orders from
a novice like you

Melik Suleyman

Now I will take my soldiers
and leave the camp.

Then come crush me first
if you can, traitor!

We haven taken an oath to fight heathens!
Don't make us shed brother's blood.

Who could shed our blood?

You, Melik Suleyman?

Put your swords down.

Put them down!

We have no problem with
you, Melik Alparslan.

On the contrary, we want to see a
brave man like you to lead the army.

This is our Sultan's order!

Whoever doesn't like our head...

...should find a
new head for him!

I swear that...

If I heard a single voice
against Melik Suleyman...

...who leads the army with
the order of our Sultan,

Whoever can't understand...

...what a state,
morals and unity mean,

...I will cut his head
off like this traitor.

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Melik Suleyman is the
commander of our army.

Obey him now.

-Reinforcements are here, sir.
-Open the gate.

Do I have permission, my Bey?

Come in, my Atabey.

The holy day we
expected has arrived

-May our campaign be holy, my Bey
-Amen, my Atabey.

The campaign is ours.
Victory belongs to Allah.


While Prophet Effendi
(Alaihi Salatu WasSalam)

...was coming back from a battle
in which he defeated the enemy,

...he told his friends...

Now we're going back from the
minor jihad to the major one.

The friends beside him couldn't understand
what he meant by saying major jihad.

When they asked Ya Rasulullah
what the major jihad was,

...Hadhrat Prophet (Alaihi
Salatu WasSalam) said...

The major jihad is fight
against the nafs"

Now you have just acted according.
to the Prophet's(SAW) words...

...and got victorious
in the major jihad.

The heathens can't harm you now.

Thanks to you Atabey.


You showed the bed to the wild
rivers flowing in my heart.

And the destination to the
wild horses inside me.

May Allah be my witness....

Even if I know nobody
will follow me,

...I will still march towards
the heathens alone...

...and fight to the
last drop of my blood.


Walk in the path which
you think is right

...and rot there
if you are to rot.

The army is ready
to move, my Sultan.

May Allah bless your
fight my soldiers!


My Sultan.

Our Caliphate must have sent his
good wishes before the campaign.

Read it.

From the Caliphate of Islam, Kaim bin
Emrillah to Seljuk Sultan Tugrul...

...who is the protector of
Muslims and the innocent,

...As-Sultan-ul Muazzam, Amr-ul
Jaleel and the Shah of shahs.

When you get my letter,

...cancel the preparations of
the campaign of Vaspurakan.

What does that mean, my Sultan?

Doesn't our Caliphate know...

The messengers sent from
Byzantine to us stated...

If Seljuk army...

...marches to Vaspurakan,

...Muslim people in Constantinople
will be slaughtered...

...and the Arab Mosque, which is
marked with a bow and arrow...

...according to the
Pasinler Treaty,

...will be burned to the ground.

It's important that Sultan Tugrul
should cancel this campaign...

...for the welfare of Muslims.

Allah is with those
who exercise sabr.

Aren't we going to take the revenge of the
poor people's blood they shed, my sultan.

Byzantine is apparently running
away from the battle...

...and making plans
behind closed doors.

They are using the innocent
people as a shield!

It is my order! Gather the
council of Meshveret!

It is from the Emperor, sir.

We received the news we
were waiting for, Diyojen.

The Seljuq gave
up on the battle.

How did you do that, dear Lord?

What are you thinking of, Bozan?

If your Emperor...

...threatens the Caliph with killing
Muslims in the Constantine...

...and destroying
the Arab mosques...

...he will want
Seljuq to step back.

This is ttfe only thing
that can Stop Turks.

But first, you have to
convince your Emperor.

Dear Lord..

Your ally in the east
is not only brave...

...but also very smart.

Yes... Since we
handled this issue...

...we can take care of
the traitor among us...

...right, Alpagut?

Yes sir.

Nice. Let's go.

Come to the place where we always
meet in the forest. Hurry!

She left again.

Where are you Gevher? I need you
right now, but you are not here.

If we unsheathe our swords...

...we don't ensheathe them before we
paint them with the blood of infidels.

If we put on our armors...

...we don't take them
out before we fight

The only thing that
can stop us...

...from doing that... the life of a Muslim.
the blood of a Muslim.

We ensheathed our swords for the
lives of Muslims in the Constantine.

Even if we hate it...

...there is good in it,
like it always is

Letting them destroy our...

...masjid in the Constantine
and kill Muslims...

...would be a torment for us.

Maybe today, maybe tomorrow...

...we will take what we deserve,
we will take Vaspurakan.

...with Allah's consent. -Amen.

They can do whatever
the want there.

But my Holy Allah who makes
the impossible possible...

...will grant a Turk with the
conquest of the Constantine.


I told you that I was going to
announce my heir after Pasinler.

Thanks to Allah, He
granted us with victoy.

Now, it's time.

I, the Sultan of Seljuq...

...Mikail's son, Sultan
Muhammed Tugrul... is my order, when I
come together with Haqq...

...the person who I think
should be the Sultan..

...who I want to be obeyed
by everyone in this room... Cagri Bey's son...

...Muhammed Alparslan.

She thinks she can
play games against me.

She pretends like she works for us, but
she is giving information to the Seljuq.

-It's not possible.
-Maria is a traitor, Alpagut.

And you better...

...believe it

You will kill her.

Maria would never betray you.

-I know that.


...can turn into a
traitor one day.

Including you!

Kill her.

Alpagut. Do as I say! Shoot the arrow!
Kill that traitor! Do it!

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I will always be proud
of this decision... you thought I am
suitable for a blessed duty.

But... should choose a
different heir, my Sultan.

Because I can't be a heir.

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