Destan Episode 10 With English Subtitles HD

( The Epic )

Destan Episode 10

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This note was
found on the..

...Chinese man who
lured us into a trap.

What does it say?

It tells the way we
use to the Chinese.

Our number,
our order...

It tells everything.

It's not possible, Balamir Bey!
Only a few people knew this!

My Holy Khan.

There is a traitor
among us.


Who is it?

What does the note in
our Khan's hand say?


Are you ready?

It is time for you to get what
you deserve, my Batuga Tegin.

It is time for you to stand in front
of your father and say "Dag didn't...

..betray Gok. My mother
was not a traitor.

And I am not



The ones who set a trap
against Tilsim Bike...

...lured us into
a trap as well.


Akkiz, don't!

Don't, Akkiz!

Akkiz, talk to me.
Don't, Akkiz!



Talk to me!

Tell me!

Talk to me.

Tell me, Akkiz.
Talk to me, Akkiz.

We are so stupid.

We thought we were going
to take the seal...

..go to your

...and end everything...

We thought.

They knew that we were
looking for the...

...for the...

They knew, yes.

Yes. Talk to me
Akkiz. Please.

-Tell me.
-We couldn't...

We couldn't..

We couldn't think.

Did ones who made my father
kill my mother 15 years ago...

...start coming after you now?
Was that what we couldn't think?

Couldn't we notice our enemies?
Tell me, Akkiz.

The enemies were like a
fireplace around us...

...and we were the fire.

We sat there...

What else did
Tonyukuk say...

...except for


He said, "Don't be afraid as they are crowded.
Do not hesitate as you are not crowded."

But we are

We are... It's just
me, an orphan..

..a motherless

We are not

We are, Akkiz.
We are.

We are crowded, Akkiz.
Look, we have wooden swords!

we have more!

If the enemies surrounded us
and turned into a fireplace...

..then we have to unite
and turn into flames.

It's time.

What are you

We have to get


Are we going to
build an army?

We are Akkiz.
We can.

And you will command our army.
But first, we will treat you.

I can't ride a horse
and ask for help.

I will now
shoulder you..

I will take you to
the tribe, alright?

No... If you
carry me... will
expose yourself.

They'll understand
that you can think.


They will kill you.

They won't be able
to kill you or me.

The ones who killed me because
I was looking for the seal...

...will do worse if they find
out you were not disabled.

Don't go.

Let me die
beside you.

You can do everything
beside me, Akkiz.

But you can't die!

I am banning you from
talking about death.

We will both
survive this trap.

Let's not go. The one who placed a snake
here must've placed a spy here as well.

They will find out that
you are not disabled.

The tribe is far away.

It's far away.

You can't carry me until
we go to the tribe.

I can carry you as
long as I live.

Come on, Bride Hatun.

You abducted

We didn't do such
a thing.

Then where is
the Monk?

Why isn't he in
the palace?

Our Khan was mad
yesterday, as you know.

He was mad enough to remove you
from the position of Captainship.

When Alpagu Khan ordered the Chinese
army to step back with his furor...

...Tai Sui went to my
Emperor Father to ask.

That's why he is
not in the palace.

You are not telling me
the truth, Bride Hatun.

I searched for Tayangu's family in
the morning, they all disappeared.

You threatened Tayangu with his
family and made him abduct Balamir.

Then you killed Tayangu
and his family.

It's the work of China.

So that it's the work of Chine, listen
to this Chinese woman carefully.

I had to marry Temur because of the trap
you set after uniting with China...

...against Tilsim Hatun.

But where is Temur now?

He ran away with a slave.

I am as mad as your Khan.

But, I am helping you when I am young
to stop them from exposing your trap.

Thus, be kind.

Think before blaming
China... gain Khan's

...and take you
chair back.

Think, so the snakes you
took from me for Akkiz...

...won't bite

What is this

This palace lost
its control!

How could everyone
be asleep?

How could they
abduct Balamir?

How, DanisAta?

It's great weakness, my Khan.
You are right.

Captain Saltuk started
investigating but...

...I am really

I trusted Tayangu
too much.

I made a mistake.

It's not a mistake

Tayangu was a
trustworthy man.

I would never expect
him to do that.

You wouldn't expect your son to abduct the girl
who was going to marry his brother as well.

My Khan. What
happened yesterday?

Don't ask me as if you
don't know what happened.

Balamir ran away!

What happened before
Balamir ran away?

You've been breathing
fire since yesterday!

There is a fire inside
you, but it is burning us!

What happened to you?

Akkiz is not

Did she do

I am right.

It's about Akkiz.
What did she do?

I am mad because
I was betrayed.

I am the Khan of Gok
Khanate, Alpagu Khan...

I killed the person who I loved the most
in my life just because she betrayed me.

I tried strangling my son who
just witnessed 10 springs...

...with a bow string just because
I thought he might betray.

Now... I am surrounded by
different kinds of betrayal.

Tayangu takes my brother, makes a
fool out of me in the council.

My son takes a girl, the
Chinese are at the border.

My niece works with her
father, sets me up.

One of my brides
poison her rival.

The other threatens
me with war.

DanisAta. Some people
will lose their heads.

Eveyone should be
afraid of death.

Here... of those people
who should fear death.


Vargi Bey, what happened?
Did you find Balamir?

I would give my life for
you, my Khan. But...

But what?

But what, Vargi?

You are the closest
man to Balamir.

You didn't tell me while he was
setting me up in the hunting feast.

You didn't tell me while he
was surrounding the palace.

You didn't tell me while
he was running away.

But what?

My Khan, I told you. I did not know any of it.
He did all those things without telling me.

I learned that he was going to raid the
palace, last minute. I couldn't tell you.

But...I swear

...I will find Balamir Bey
and bring him to you.

Thank Tengri, Vargi.

Temur is after a girl.
Kaya is following him.

I don't have sons who
will go after Balamir.

That's why I will
let you live.


You will find Balamir and
the person who took him.


My Khan..

The person who
took Balamir...

Tayangu took
Balamir Bey.

And he is

Tayangu could not
have taken Balamir.

He doesn't even know that
Balamir was going to be taken.

What do you

Tayangu, what are
you doing here?

What is going on?

What are you doing

Where are you
taking me?

Get up.

Balamir was surprised
to see Tayangu.

If Balamir did not
hire Tayangu,

...there is someone who
hired and threatened him.

You will find him for me.

Who took you

Who hired Tayangu?

My Ulu Ece, I didn't even know that
my father was going to get away.

What do you mean
you didn't know?

What do you mean?

How does one not know
where her father is?

My Ulu Ece,
I betrayed my father.

I am on your side. Do you think my father
would tell me he was going to run away?

On our side!

You were going to send us
away and take our rooms.

If your Khan hadn't promised to let you
live, I would take your life right here.

I will go crazy.

Someone made everyone at the palace sleep and
took Balamir. We cannot find out who it is.

My Khan.

Batuga Tagin is not here.

What do you mean
Batuga is not here?

I sent Calayir Bey to
check if someone got sick

...because of the opium
that was put in our food.

I made them put clean sheets
on Batuga Tagin's bed.

They are not slept on. No one
has seen him since yesterday.

I will givesyou one day.

Only one day.

No more.

Either Alpagu Khan
takes me for you,

...or everyone will find
out that you are sane.

He must have gone while
the palace was sleeping.

My Khan..

Akkiz is not here,

Did that girl take
my son?

You will find both
of them for me.


Hang on, Akkiz.

Akkiz, you did not
pass out, did you?

You did not pass out,

We cannot trust
Colpan Khan.

If you carry me, they will
find out you are sane.

Don't worry about me.

She is my aunt. She
will not let them know.

Even if she does not
tell them,

...if someone else might
see and tell them.

We don't know who
the enemy is.

Get well, Akkiz.
We will find out.

Come on, Akkiz.
Hang on.

Come on.

Batuga. I cannot

...feel my hands and feet.

Akkiz, please
hang on.

Akkiz, please
hang on.

Do not leave me alone.


...gave us one day.

If she tells them you are
sane, save yourself.

Do not leave me alone

My sword.

Erlik Khan..

Erlik Khan is
calling me.

Okay, please hang on

For me. Please.

Someone is coming.

Hang on, Akkiz.



Akkiz! Are you okay?

Snake... A snake bit me.

Hang on.

Hang on.

Hang on.

Saltuk Bey is coming!

Kun Ata!

Get KunAta! A snake bit her!

- KunAta.
- Akkiz!

A snake bit her.

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