Destan Episode 2 With English Subtitles HD

( The Epic )

Destan Episode 2

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Let Gok Tengri know!

Shoot whistling arrows!

Gok Tengri, the owner
of the blue sky!

Hear the whistles
of our arrows...

...and listen to us.

Give an ear to Ulu
Ece of Ulu Gok Khan.

...who is the only ruler
of the dark ground.

We are scattering wheat
on the ground to...

...reach peace.

We are pouring kimiz
on the soil... stop blood shed.

We're releasing the
horses to get good news.

My Tengri who looks after..

...the blue sky,
the dark ground...

...and the wise water.

Give us a sign!

Will our path bring
us welfare...

..or darkness?

My Gok Tengri, give us a sign!

-Prepare to defend!

Protect Khan!

You shall die too.



-Protect him, alps!

Protect our Khan.

Don't cry. Take this.

For those two children.

There is the Paw of
the Two-Headed Wolf!

Open the door!

A messenger has arrived!

Vargi Beg.

Have they arrived? -We are
waiting for them Balamir Yabgu.

-Are the preparations completed?
-Yes, Vargi Beg.

We are just waiting
for our Khan.

May that Khan never arrive.

Don’t get mad at me, father.

I am going to marry
a disabled Tagin.

Don't you ever feel sorry

Balamir Yabgu!

The paw of the two-headed
wolf shot our Khan.

-How is my brother?
-Yabgu's wound is deadly.

I will beg to Gok Tengri...

...for my brother’s life.


Everyone leave.

My Gok Tengri...

When Alpagu...


...give your kut (divine
gift of ruling) to me.

Give his throne.. me.




I took the arrows out.

They didn't reach his heart.

When will he wake up?

One of the arrows...

...missed his heart.

But the other arrow broke
his shoulder blade.

Our Khan lost too much blood.

Gok Tengri knows...

...but it is hard
for him to wake up.

We set off for a wedding but
faced a disaster, Alpagu.

It all happened because
of this sinister man!

It all happened because of this
sinister and disabled man!


Gok Tengri did this to us...

..because of this sinister man!
-Mother, enough!

Enough! Enough!

Leave him alone! Does he even know how
to speak? How could he reject them?

What did he even do to you?

He drank the milk
of the Dag Khanate.

What could he do worse?

What about the bandit who shot our Khan?
Isn’t she guilty?

Mother... Mother... If my
father is going to die...

...may Tengri forbid...

...he is going to die because of that
villain archer. Not because of Batuga!

Batuga missed his footing and the
arrow missed my father’s heart.

Even if I have to search
the whole steppe...

...I promise, I'll find her.

I will throw the archer who
shot our Khan under your feet.



We don't know who it is.

A girl who hides her face...

...and calls herself the paw
of the two-headed wolf!

My Ulu Ece...

I saw her face.

Can you recognize her if you see again?

I have seen her for a very short time...

...but at this height..

...she has black eyebrows
and short hair.

The arrow slipped through his arm.

She has a wound.

You stay, Saltuk. My father gave the
duty of catching that looter to me.

My Tegin, you stay here.

Our Khan’s condition is serious.

You shouldn’t leave your father.

Is Alpagu Khan really dead?

Batuga stumbled.

The arrow didn't
precisely hit his heart.

He got two arrows on his chest.
He must be dead.

The bulls of Erlik Khan must have
taken him deep into the ground.*

Akkiz, we have
avenged your father.

I heard my father's
voice in my dream.

What did he say?

"Draw your bow and
shoot your arrow."

"Where it falls is
your fate", he said.

And the arrow hit something
like an eagle or a dragon.

That's Alpagu Khan.

You have taken vengeance. Your
fate was to take revenge.

It bleeds again.

Bandage it. I don't want to die
before I see Alpagu Khan's funeral.

You can't die before
you see our wedding.

Right, Yaman?

We got enough loot
to have a wedding.


Akkiz's arm is injured. I'll beat her
in the competition and marry you.

-I can beat you even with one arm.
-Sure. Sure, you can.

I can even beat you now.

Shall we?

Watch, my boy.

I will marry her if I win.


But if I win, you won't
mention Sirma again.


The tree in the
middle is the target.


You always lose in this game!

If you can't, I will beat Akkiz
and qualify to marry you!

You get on your horse! Don’t
make me tear your hair off!

No arrow competitions!
Go let Colpan Khan know!

As you order, Sirma Khan.

We’re going to the tribe and
hand out the goods now.

And we’ll have a
wedding next week!

Get on the cart! Now!

Alright, Sirma Hatun.
Don't be mad.

I'm already mad! Come on!

-Let’s go!
-Let’s go!

Don’t make Sirma angry. Come on!

Come, boy.

If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on:
..........:: ::..........

Why did you steal?

-I’m hungry, Colpan Khan.
-Everyone is hungry.

Why are we hungry? Why
doesn’t our Khan feed us?

Because Goks who killed my father and
sister don't let us enter Gok Orda.

They don’t let us sell
our animals and milk.

They don't let us trade in the Silkroad.
That's why we're hungry!

The reason of your
hunger is Goks.

But you stole from Dag.

Dag men never betray each other.

Dag men never steal
from each other.

Dag men gets what they
deserve from Goks...

...but never steal from Dag.
They can’t!

Our morals order us to kill
whoever steals from us!

I will let you...

...starve slowly to death.

Don’t do this, my Khan.
Kill me with your sword.

Only honest ones deserve
to die with a sword.

A vile thief doesn’t deserve
the honor of my sword.

You will die dishonorably
as you lived.

Tie her on the post!

You went for looting again?


But this time...

I didn't loot the tax
caravan of Gok Khanate...

...but the dowry caravan
of your nephew Batuga.


I shot Alpagu Khan... the heart.


Close the gate, Tilbe.

What have you done?

Alpagu Khan exiled
us from our tribe.

He left...

...both you and me as orphans.

He left your nephew motherless.

We just waited for years
without doing anything.

How do you know I just waited?

What about the promise you gave?

The oath you took?

My Khan gave her
tribe a promise.

She said Gok would
kneel before Dag.

My Khan couldn't do that.
And I did.

I made Alpagu Khan...

...get on his knees.

Get on your knees.


Get on your knees
before your Khan!

You think you made Alpagu
Khan and Goks kneel, huh?

You need to kneel first
to make others kneel!

You ruined my plans, Akkiz.

If I hadn’t promised Evren
Alp to protect you,

...I would kill you right here!

Sirma, Yaman. make
the cart disappear.

Kuzu Beg!

Have you seen Kaya Tagin?


He is in the room of throne.

May my Tengri give you
long life, my Khan father.

But... you want me
to be the Khan...

...after you?

The council will make
the decision but...

...lands are conquered by swords,
and kept with knowledge.

If your brother Temur
serves your mind...

...with his sword...

...Gok Khanate will
always be ruling.

My father... still alive.

He is.

And he won't die.

I was just...

You were just?


I missed seeing him here.


Why are you here? -I
was looking for you.


...told me that our Khan father was not
alright and that I should stay but...

...not being able to
chase that bandit....

...hurts me.

I want to take some Alps
with me and set off.

You can, if Saltuk
can't find her.

My father gave that duty
to me, not to Saltuk.

He said, "You will find the paw
of the two-headed wolf, Temur.'


Stay here!

We shouldn't be searching for you
if something happens to my father.



...something happens
to my father...

...we know where to find you...


Alpagu Khan died...

...before I could take
your revenge, father.


Forgive me. sister.

I raised Tutkun to be a
second wife like you.

She was going to
get in the palace.

She was going to steal the heart of the
Tagin who was going to be the Khan.

She was going to give
birth to his child.

And she was going to whisper into
Alpagu's ears before he died.

She was going to say, "Dag will
rule the Gok now, Alpagu Khan."

Alpagu Khan was going to die knowing
that he left Gok into Dag's hands.

He is still alive.

Colpan Khan.

We can rule Gok..

...even if Alpagu
Khan wakes up or not.

It is time to send
Tutkun to the palace.

How am I going to
get in the palace?

It's impossible now.

On the contrary.. is the best time.

Haven't you slept?


Shooting the Khan
who was given...

...the gift of ruling
by Gok Tengri...

...doesn't let one sleep.

May his Khanate be destroyed.

Didn't you say 'The
two-headed wolf will come...

...Gok Tengri will give his
divine gift of ruling to it."...

...the day when he burnt our tribe.

I said that it will
unite all Turks.

But you killed the Khan!

The new Khan won't stop before
he burns all the moorland!

How can we ever unite
Turks now, ha?

If Batuga wasn't disabled...

...he would be the new Khan.

And he wouldn't
burn the moorland.

How do you know
that he wouldn't?

That little Tagin
was a good boy.

He is not only the
child of Gok...

..but also Dag.

He would be a good Khan.

He doesn't have a mind.

He doesn't have hands even if he had his mind,
he doesn't have feet even if he had his arms.

I could be the Khan
but he couldn't.


They found out that
we shot Alpagu Khan!



Your soldiers are injured.

We tried not to kill
anyone as you ordered.

But there were
some who resisted.

Still, destroy the tribe.

We don't want them
to get suspicious.

Are you ready to be a captive?

I can even give my life for Dag.

Being a slave of Gok is
not going to hurt me.

Which Tagin is our target?

Who is closer to the throne?
Temur or Kaya?

Kaya Tagin will
have the throne...

...and Temur Tagin will
serve him with his sword.

Alpagu Han made an order...

...and wanted Kaya Tagin to
have his throne after him.

Then get in the palace and steal the heart
of Kaya. And give birth to his child.

We can't make Gok bow down in the battlefield
but we can make them kneel for their Hatun.

If you succeed...

...we will rule the Gok Khanate.


...if I can take the archer
who shot Alpagu Khan...

...I will throw her
in front of the Gok.

If I can take the archer
who shot Alpagu Khan...

...I will throw her
in front of the Gok.


What happened?

You wanted to talk to us.

You don't come when we
invite you for dinner.

And I called you here by saying that
I would talk to you about something.

Gunseli. -What? You never
leave your father.

Some of us might
leave our father...

...but can't leave his throne.

Alright. Let's eat.

Alright. Let's eat.

Yes, eat.

And I am preparing
food for Ulu Ece...

...I will take it to her.

Kaya Tagin. Temur Tagin.

Saltuk Bey sent a messenger.

He found the paw of the two-headed
wolf and he is bringing her here.

The paw of the two headed wolf?
Let's go.

Is it the paw of the
two headed wolf?

If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on:
..........:: ::..........

I don't know, Saltug Beg.

It doesn't seem like her.

If I can take the archer
who shot Alpagu Khan...

..I will throw her
in front of the Gok.

Arrow or sword?


My Khan... -Shut up!

Please... Forgive me.

Forgive me, please...


You said that... shot her from
her shoulder...

Check her shoulder.


Shoot her arm.

The arrow head of the Goks
shot scratched her arm.

She is hurt.

This is the girl
who shot my Khan.

Which tribe is she a member of?

She is not a part of any tribe.

She has no one.

Then how did you find the girl?

I know many people, my Tagin.
You know.

She says she shot Alpagu Khan.

They said she went to
Dag Tribe to hide.

I went there. I found her.

I shot her.

So Colpan Hatun

...hid the archer who shot
my father is that so?

She does not know you
shot Alpagu Hatun, Tagin.


The betrayal of her
mother from Dag

...cost us hundreds of
our alps lives once.

I burned Colpan Hatun's tribe.

Took her daughters as prisoners.

They will be here tomorrow.

My Yaman?


Sirma, are you okay?

She is fine, don't worry.
She just passed out.

- Yaman.
- Shh, it's okay.


It will be over, okay.



You, me, Yaman.

We used to set prisoners free.

Now Yaman is not here.
We are the prisoners.

We will be free.

My Ulu Ece.

I made them prepare
you something.

You have been hungry
since the guest tent.

My Ulu Ece.

You like Tutmac soup.

We made lemon balm tee.

Maybe you'll sleep for a while.

When I first saw him,

I though he was God Perun.

God Perun?

The most powerful god

..our tribe believes in.

Of course.

You were a Pagan back then.

Russian Valecs were.

I grew up believing
in many gods.

But I was afraid of him the most.
From Perun.

The god of storm

and thunder.

Did you think our Khan was the
god of storm and thunder?

If you had seen he made our tower
burst into flames and ashes, would think that, too.


How human is he?

Ask her they met
She will cheer up.

How did you meet our
Khan, my Ulu Ece?

We did not meet.

He took me as a prisoner.

Did he take the Russian
Princess as prisoner?

Our Khan!

He did not know I
was a princess.

My father put soot
black on my face.

So that the Tiurks would
not know I was a princess

...and would not ask for gifts.

Soot black can't cover up your
noble beauty, my Ulu Ece.

Our Khan would have known you
were a princess, right away.

What did our Khan do
when he realized?

He was shot because of
this sinister disabled.

He lies here.


We have news that
will cheer you up.

Temur could not capture the
paw of the two-headed wolf.

But Saltuk found her
and killed her.

As I promised.

My Ulu Ece.

Applause to my Gok Tengri.

Live long, Saltuk.

I was afraid that

...Balamir would blame
my sons to be unskilful.

Balamir Bey is coming!

Kuzu Beg.

My Kaya Tagin.

Plant a post here.

We will put the head of the paw
of the two-headed wolf there.

It will be a lesson
for everyone.

Temur Tagin...

...made an order for that
last night, my Kaya Tagin.

They will bring the post today.

He couldn't find her
before Saltuk...

...but he made an order before I did
and he wants to hang the girl, ha?

Is there anything
to get suspicious?


Temur Tagin never
leaves our Khan.



But what, Kuzu Beg?

Look, I sent you after
Tamur for a reason.

Tell me if there is
something suspicious.

Don't hesitate.

You know better...


...the person who we should
be putting our eyes on...

...for the throne
is not Tamur Tagin.

It's Princess Mei Jin.

Mei Jin?

What did that 9 headed snake do?

She did what we
expected from China.

-She put her eyes on the throne.
-May she lose her eyes.

We can take them
out, don’t worry.

Why did you come here?

Something happened.

I asked Temur when I
couldn't find you... your father's room.

And he said..

He said what?

He said, don't look for Kaya... my father's room. Look for
him in the room of throne...

..he must be there.

I will cut his tongue off!


...don't fight with Temu

Mei Jin set her traps.

If you don't protect
your brother...

...China will.

My Kaya Tagin!

Balamir Yabgu is at the
walls with his army!

He wants to take the throne
after my father dies!

Were you with your father?

You haven't slept for days.

I'll sleep after he heals.

If he doesn't heal
and if he dies...

...your father won't
let Kaya be the Khan.

You know that, right?

We are not going to ask who
is going to be the Khan... the Emperor of China!

Temur.. -Shut up.

Shut up.


I can be silent.

But can the lion inside
you remain silent?

That lion has been
roaring since the day...

...your father wanted
Kaya to be the Khan.

Don't you think I know?

That lion is going
to roar at Balamir.

That man, my uncle..

...took his army and
he is at our walls!

If you are going to
get mad at someone...

...don't get mad at my father's
order but the army of my uncle!

Let's welcome the first vulture.

Let's see who will be the
next-vulture after my uncle.

Gan it be our Russian
grand father?

Dear prince wouldn't want the
miss the fight for the throne.

-Let's not forget about your
father-in-law, the Chinese Emperor.

My father gave the
Khanate to you.

Not to me.

There is nothing for the Chinese
Empery to be concerned.

Does Mei Jin know that?

She should know.

Come in.

You called me, my Princess.

Send news to Tai Zu.

He will inform my emperor father about
the Gok Khan who is about to die.

He is going to tell him that the
throne of Gok is now empty.

Balamir Beg will sit on it
if we don't take action.

Kaya Tagin will
stand in the way...

...even if we get
rid of Balamir.

He should tell my father that his loyal
daughter is waiting for his orders.


Why did you come here
like this, Balamir Yabgu?

Are you making a raid?

I came here to see my
brother Alpagu Han.

How dare you say that?

Since you came with the
half of your army, uncle.

Do you doubt about my
loyalty, my nephew?

Sure, he doesn't have
doubts, my Yabgu.

But your army might disturb
the people of Gok.

We will prepare tents
for your Alps here.

You and my cousin...

...will be welcomed
in Gok's army.

Inform Commander Pars.

Once Alpagu Han dies... will invade this city.

And take the control
of the palace.

Let me fix your collar... Kircicek
will like you, ha?

You are saying that there is a lot to fix
until we need to fix the collar, right?

But Gok Tengri might
show mercy...

...and give your mind
back to you, ha?

I want to see my brother.

It's like he doesn't
have a heart.

He lost too much blood.

But my Gok Tengri
will protect my Khan.

Who is the murderer?

Could you catch her?

We caught her, my Beg.

She will be hung in the
middle of the yard soon.

What is your name? Who cares?

Now your name is
"come here, slave".

What is your name? Who cares?

Now your name is
"come here, slave".

Let's go out.

My Khan needs to rest.

The stone of my ring...

I guess I dropped
it in the room.

Let me take it.


Help Kircicek...

...and find the
stone of her ring.

You are saying that we shouldn't leave
the little snake alone with our Khan.

I found it.

-Did anything suspicious happen?

She was really looking for the
stone of her ring on the floor.

When the sun goes on top,

...Kam Hatun will have a ritual.

We will make.. offering for Erlik Khan,

...and beg him not to
take our Khan's life.

So... Herbs didn't heal him.

We have to rely
on Kam Hatun now.

Kam Hatun can't help him either.

The poison will get in your father's
blood even before the ritual begins.

Then I won't be the bride of
a disable one like you...

...but the Bike of this
palace, mindless Tegin.



Do you remember the kid...

...whose chest you
pressed a bowstring on?

This boy speaks for the
first time since that day.


...I became silent the
day my mother died.

And I speak the day
my father has died.

You go to your room.

If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on:
..........:: ::..........

Batuga Tegin... just a kid. He
can't betray you.

Today he is a kid.

But tomorrow..

-He'll grow up, Saltuk Bey.
-We will have...

...a Tegin, son of
both Gok and Dag.

He will know all the
secrets of the state.

What if he also betrays
us like his mother did?

We've fed an enemy
in the palace.

Should we feed an enemy
again just because...

...Dag delivered a
disabled Tegin for Gok?

Ulu Ece is right.

Batuga Tegin will want to take
revenge of his mother from us.

How can he do that? He
has no hands or feet.

He doesn't need hands or
feet to take revenge.

Just mind is enough.

Bring the executioner.

They're going to kill me.
I'm going to die.

He doesn't need hands or
feet to take revenge.

-Just mind is enough.
-What if...

What if I'm mindless?

You were going to kill your son.

Your son.

Just because I didn't have a
mind to take revenge from you, spared my life.

But that mindless disabled
boy protects you now.

You know that?

You are a great Khan.

But the girl who you let in the
palace as a bride-to-be for me... poisoning you.

You know that?

While I hadn't still taken
revenge of my mother from you,

...I protected you
from that arrow.

I saved you from the poison.

You know that?

In case there is a fight
for the throne...

...and the state
divides if you die,

...I have forgotten
my vengeance.

I both want you to die...

...and do everything to
stop you from dying.

The day the girl who gave me
this wooden sword shot you, said...

If you said something,

If I heard your voice once,

...I would get those
mountains destroyed.

And I would get this
silent river dried.

Just say something.

Just say something", you said.

Would you say something.. a man who killed..

...his mother in front
of a little kid?

Would you give consent?

Would you give up on
your childly right?

I'm not... you my voice.

I'm not giving you my consent.

I'm not giving up on... childly right.

You will tell Gok Tengri why.

I hope... won’t pass away... easily as my mother did.

But if you...

...rise to the hell,

..know this.

I'm not like you.

I will protect my family.

Even if my hands don't move,

Even if my feet don't run,

...I will protect my family.

I will take care of your sons.

Don't worry.


Move, slave! What's your name?
Who cares?

From now on, your name
is "come here, slave".

Move, slave! What's your name?
Who cares?

From now on, your name
is "come here, slave".

Move, slave! What's your name?
Who cares?

From now on, your name
is "come here, slave".


Get her up.

Sirma, get up.

We need to be strong.

1 don't need strength.

-I need death!

Don't say that.

I was going to marry! My fiance was
going to go for a wedding hunt.

I was going to have a
wedding next week!

I was going to be a
mother and have kids!

I won't be a slave!

I'd prefer death instead!

Kill me!

Please stick your
sword in my chest!

Stop my suffering! Please kill me!
Don't take me to that palace!

Shut up, Dag woman!
Calm her down or...


Sirma, we will survive
and get away.

Yaman will survive too.

We will escape. I promise you.

She says Dag can
run away from Gok.

Move, slaves! Move!

We are not slaves.

We are captives.

I swear to Gok Tengri...

...I will make this palace
collapse over you...

...but won't be a slave!

We won't!

Dag speaks!

Let Gok hear!

We are not slaves!

We never kneel before Gok!

What's going on here?

The ritual for Alpagu
Khan is about to begin.

Put them inside
before it begins.

Go away!

Come on, go away!


I wish you had a mind and
would be the khan of Gok Khanate.

You would not let me be a
prisoner in this palace.

It is not allowed
to speak to Tagins.

The paw of the two-headed
wolf is there!

You are her.

You are the paw of
the two-headed wolf!

You are the archer who
shot Alpagu Khan.

She did not shoot Alpagu Khan.

You shot him.

She is not the paw of the wolf.

You are.

Temur Tagin...

...will take your life.



Let go!




My Khan was the one who
created the skies.

My Khan was the one
who fed the tribe.

My Khan was the one
who made it rain.

Death came and my Khan fell.

They set up secret traps.

They shot my Gok Khan.

They took our life.

Death came and my Khan fell.

The ritual has started.


Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on!

You are our guest until
the ritual is over.

Why are you praying
to Gok Tengri?

You hurt the Ulu Khan who
he gave the power to.

Do you think Gok
Tengri would hear you?

Only Erlik Khan's
bulls would hear you.

They will shoot you on your
neck and put you underground.

Erlik Khan.

He sits on a silver throne a palace made of
green iron underground.

He has nine bulls with

nine saddles at his command.

What do those bulls do?

They kidnap the souls Gok Tengri
does not allow in his heaven.

And they take them
to Erlik Khan.

Erlik Khan makes them..


That is why you should

..die with you honor.

With you sword in your hands.

Then Gok Tengri will see you

...and take you to his heaven.

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..........:: ::..........

A dog only barks

...because it is
afraid of the wolf.

- What are you saying?
- Are you not a Gok dog?

Aren't you talking because
you are afraid of the dog?

Erlik Khan's bulls
will take me, you say.

They will take me to the
underground, you say.

So be it.

At least we will fight.

Erlik Chart's bulls

..are not cowards like..

Alpagu Khan's dogs.

Come on, hit me.

If you are not brave
enough to fight me,

hit me!

Is that so?

Fine. Let's fight. You will see
if I am brave enough, or not.

I will first tear
up your tongue.

Then I will take your heart out.

Give me a sword, so that...

I will take you heart out.

If I can find it, of course.

Untie my hands.

You are provoking me on purpose.

You are afraid that you will die without a sword and
not go to heaven. That's why you are asking for one.

I want to die with my honor.

Give me a sword.

Or I will take your
remaining honor.


Are you okay?


You can speak.

Give me your hands.

You are sane.

You are not insane.

I am not insane enough
to shoot Gok Khan, yes.

I shot Gok Khan avenge those two
kids he left as orphans.

Are you calling me insane?

You are insane.



Do you want me to keep going?

Gok Tagin,


You are Dag's Tagin... much as you are the sky's.

Okay, you are the
nephew of Colpan Khan.

We obey you

...and accept you.

But be careful what you say.

Or what?

What about you?

You pretend to be insane.

You pretend to be disabled,
even though you are not.

Because if my mind is here,

my head would not be.

They would be afraid that I
will avenge my mother of Dag.

They would choke me.

They should be afraid of, not me.

But they did not know.

I will do it.

Why are they afraid of you?

Instead of avenging his mother,

Dag's son sits quietly at
his Gok Father's palace.

He thinks

someone brave enough
to avenge is insane.

A Dag person who shot Gok Khan
and ended up in Gok dungeon,

glowers at the Gok Tagin who
will save her from there.

Is this sane?

If it is not sane,

it is because of Dag courage.

Pardon me, Gok Tagin.

What is going on?

Why is Kam Hatun shivering?

Even if I told you, a Chinese who does not
believe in Tegri, would not understand.

I will ask lllu Ece, then.

I will say I would like to
understand Turkish religion

...but your elder
bride won't tell me.

Kam Hatun is standing
before the gods.

They are offering sacrifices.

She is negotiating for
the life of our Khan.

What happened?

Erlik Khan did not accept.

The color of the fire
has turned into death.

You were the one who
protected you father.

You stumbled on purpose.

In the guest tent.

I drew the bow.

The arrow flew...

You pretended to stumble.

That's why he is not deati
and fighting for his life.

Because I could not shoot
him right on the heart.

Because of you.

How could you protect him?

How could you protect that man?

Is it okay to protect you,

...but not him?

The blood of the sacrifice
was not powerful enough.

We need the power of blood
with divine gift of ruling.

I will give my blood with divine
gift of ruling to my Khan.

I will give my blood with divine
gift of ruling to my Khan.

I will give my blood with divine
gift of ruling to my Khan.

The power of the body.

The power of the mind.

The power of the soul.

Where is the power of the soul?

Where is the power of the soul?

What do you mean?

The body of the Gok.

The mind of the Gok.

Where is the soul of the Gok?

I am the soul of the Gok.

I am of Alpagu's blood, who
has divine gift of ruling.

I am the one..

...who is a rightful
heir to the throne.

Uncle! Kam Hatun... asking for the

Do not mistake it for
the throne of the Gok.

Batuga Tagin is of blood
with divine gift of ruling.

Can he be the soul of the Gok?

Is there Gok soul in the milk
of someone from the Dag?

I will bring Batu Bey.

So that Kam Hatun will see.

Bring him here, she will see.

He has no hand, no
foot, no brain.

Maybe he has a soul.

No, none of them unlocks it.


You can break it with this.

-How can I escape from this place?
-By digging.

Digging what?

There are secret tunnels.

At the end of the tunnels, there
is a door to the outside.


Because my mother and I escaped through
it, my father blocked the way.

You need to dig it again.

You couldn't dig it
for so many years?

I had no hands to dig.

You didn't even have a
wooden sword either?

Break that thing already.

Kuzu Bey.

Have you seen Batuga?
They say he's come here.

Kirac Alp took a
girl to dungeons.

-Batuga Tegin was walking after them.
-Why is she in dungeon?

I don't know, Temur Tegin.

We thought you were mindless!

Did you make that girl set the bow
that your hands couldn't hold?

You got your father
shot by that girl!

We thought you were a Tegin, but
you turned out to be a traitor!


Hold on, Batuga.

Batuga, look at me!

My brother, look at me.
Look at me!

Are you alright?
Are you injured?

Is he injured?

Is he injured, woman?

What happened here?

What happened here?

This Gok man.

He attacked Batuga Tegin.

What was my brother doing here?

Why did he attack?

I don't know. He came after us.

They say he's mindless.

Death must have called him.

When he came here,

...that evil man
attacked the poor guy.

Why did Kirac bring
you down here?

What was your offense?

We should ask you
that, my Tegin.

Setting an eye on
captive Dag girls,

...taking them to a
quiet dungeon...

...and trying to touch them... a tradition in Gok Palace?


Watch your words.

If you hadn't saved
my brother's life,

..I would take your life here.

Such things never
happen in Gok Palace.

Take him.

Gok men!

This inglorious man...

...hurt my brother Batuga!

And he paid the price
with his head!

From now on,

Whoever tries to hurt my brothers,
they should put their heads... the wolf's mouth!

I swear on the eagle,
the soul of Gok.

I owe you a life.

For my brother.

You will pay it one
day, my Tegin.

Take her to the head warden.

Come on.

You wait here. Bring
the head warden.

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Pull your bow and shoot the arrow, Akkiz.

Let the place where the arrow falls be your fate.

Let the place where the arrow falls be your fate.

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