Mavera Episode 5 With English Subtitles HD

Mavera Episode 5

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What is this snake
doing in Baghdad?

He's just sneaking
around in Baghdad!

So, the owner of the
sneak has been revealed


Pehlivan Master
still hasn't returned

It was so close
to where he was heading.

Could something happen to him?

Come on! I am sure he
is okay. He is just okay.

It must be old age.

You can't fix the old age
by telling you are young.

Your essence should
be young, not your words!

Don’t exaggerate him. Pehlivan
Master talks big, but when he is walking...

..he pants for air.

I am sure he stops somewhere...

...and trying to fix his breathing.
Don't worry, he'll be here soon.

He is old, but he will be okay
with the permission of Allah.

I am sure he saw something
he needed to help on the road.

He must be working on that.

He meddles with everyone
but helps everyone, too.

Of course! If he
dies some day...

...this will be
written on his grave

He helped for no
reason, that's why he died.

Oh, look!

Speak of the devil!
Look, he's come.

I see you are in a
good mood, thank Allah.

Thank Allah.

I am not in a good mood at all.

IF you ask me it is
not the time to laugh.

What is it, master?
What happened?

Oh, Hace, oh!

What kind of a
trap did we fall into?

Are you going to tell it, or
should we burst with curiosity?

You know I went to pay the rent.

Yes, you did, master.

And who appeared suddenly?

I don’t care who
appeared. Why should we?

I am sure when he
appeared you grabbed him...

...and asked him what he
was doing in such an house..

...and gave him a little beating
Then all the bazaar went mad..

...and the matter got bigger.
Wasn’t it how it happened?


Stop telling stories!

ft is not someone
from the bazaar.

He is someone we used to know


I saw him leaving Leyla’s house.

Usta, are you sure?

Are you sure it was him?


I wish I hadn't seen him.

It was certainly him.

I realize that snake's
face under any shirt.

My Hace.

What is this?


Did you follow him?
Where did he go?

I did.

He left the city from the gates.

Before he left... You
know that Atifs man, Ferit?

He saluted him and then left.

Saltuk is right, brother.

We are alone here.

There are so few
people that we can trust.

So, we need to be so careful.

We need to keep one
eye open while sleeping.

And we need to check
behind while we are awake.

Master, by the way,
could you pay the rent?

Hace, are you
having fun with me?

I’m telling that he left
from Leyla’s house.

Should I have paid the rent and started to talk
with the women after all the things happened?

This is not a matter of talking.

Even if that woman
is our enemy...

...we owe justice to that woman

It is rightful due. Pay
it tomorrow, master.

My Hace.

You are talking about
rightful due, but...

This matter about
Dubeys is important.

Is this man a prey or hunter?

Why is he wandering in Baghdad,
where he wants to occupy?

If he is a hunter,
who does he aim at?

If it is a prey,
who will hunt him?

I know him well, friends.

He is neither a prey..

..nor a hunter, that Dubeys.

He can be only a vulture that tries
to eat the remaining after a hunt.

And tearing him apart.. the duty of eagle.

We need to let the two-headed
eagle know about this.

Forgive my sins, and
reward my struggles...

Why are we performing
ablution for praying, Race?

That's what Allah
wanted us to do.

But why?

Why do you think?

To be clean?

See, you figured it out.

Why hands?

Why the face? Why the feet?

I don't know Hace

We wash our faces,
because we go into...

..Allah’s presence
with Wf heart.

What goes through our heart..

..are reflected wen ear faces.

That’s why, while wo are going into the
presence off great Allah, we wash our faces.

Why hands and arms then?

Owr hands reach for
haram, unfairness...

...and evil.

Maybe we do not notice it, but our
bauds and arms get dirty where they reach.

Some get dirty from inside,
and some from outside.

But ablution
cleans both of them

What about feet?

Feet take the
person to somewhere.

It can take you to right
path, or the wrong one.

Sometimes it will
take you to goodness.

And sometimes to evil.

That's why, ttoa feet needs to
be cleaned of off the past too.

Why do we need water
for these, do you know that?

There is a great holy person that
comes from our Prophet’s lineage.

Imam Jafer Sadik.

May Allah bless him.

Is he a Hace like you?


When compered to his greatness,
we are nothing. Let alone being Hace.

We cannot even speak.

That person says...

"While performing ablution, ran to the water
like you would touct the mercy of Allah.

Allah made the water a
tool to get close to Him''

Just as Allah
forgiving our sins...

...and clean our
hearts with mercy...

...water cleans our body.

That's why, we touch the
water and remember Allah

Then I will perform ablution everyday.
I will perform it 15-20 times a day.

You don’t need to
perform it that much.

You are going to finish all the water in
Baghdad because you are enthusiastic.

What happened Hace?

I’m fine Kutluk, it's
nothing important.

Let me take a look

Let's go inside, I
will check it there



How did these wounds happen?

It's not important,
no need to worry.

Let's go on our way, Kutluk.

Ropes cut hrs shoulders
while carrying stuff.

Carrying stuff?


We started something.
with the help of Allah.

We needed to carry
heavy staff, so we did it.

InshAllah these wounds will
be a redemption of our wounds.

InshAllah that will happen.

But we need to take
care of the wound.

Or it will turn into a boil.



Yes father?

My daughter, we need to prepare
an ointment for a blistered wound.

What herbs do we
have? Do you remember?

Yes, father.

We need marigold.

-Do we have any?
-We have some dried, but not enough for ointment.

What's going on?

Hace has some wounds.

Okay, then I will go gather some
fresh ones from the mountain.

It's the season for
it. I'll be right back.

I shouldn't have
bothered you Kutluk.

Astagfirullah, what bother?


Your tenants are doing more now.

Carpentry was not enough,
now they are carrying stuff.

Whole bazaar is
talking about them.

And do you know why
they go through that pain?


They are going to open a pnblic kitchen
in the Sazlik, and feed the poor people.

They must be crazy.

I don’t know whether
they are crazy, but...

..they are different.

They are different than anyone.

Pehlivan Hamza is here.

Pehlivan who?


Who’s that?

That big man near Hace?

I see.

He brought the rent. Should I sent
him away after getting the money?

No, of course not. Invite him
in. Let’s serve him something.

Go out.

Adnan go out!


Come sit down please.

I don't like sitting down.

How are you?

InshAllah you are
okay. How is Hace?

We are fine.

We are grateful to our
Allah for every day we live.

It's such a good virtue to be humble,
and be consent with what you have.

May Allah give that
virtue to everyone.

May He make everyone consent.

May he not make
someone greedy...

...and work with
ugly, and evil men.

But not everyone is able to
choose who to meet in their life

I don’t believe that

It’s an excuse.

If a flower is really a rose..

...then even if it's surrounded with dirt, but
have soil under it. It will blossom like a rose.

But there are some..

...that look like rose
when looked from outside..

...but in reality, it's a painting
of a rose painted on a wall.

It doesn't smell when
you try to smell it..

...and when you try to
touch, you touch the wall.

It can only trick the
ones that look from afar

You spoke deeply.

Anyone that saw you would think that you are
not a poor dervish that came from Turkistan...

...but a philosopher!

Being a philosopher
is against our spirit.

We just love to state our ideas.

How nice.

Congratulations. May
you always stay like this.

Would you like a drink?

No.No need.

I heard what happened.

You had many burdens.

And for a good cause
no one helped you with.

That poor Hace.l’m so sad.

We're blessed not sad.

Instead of pitying us..

...people should
ask how to be like us.

We tried so hard
for a good cause.

Many people do all
they can to cause evil.

Everyone one's different.

Some think the
stones are heavy...

..some, a feather.

Some have a heavy
fate and some, sorrow.

Please tell Hace..

...we're ready to help with the
soup kitchen he wants to set up

No need

There are different matters
happening in Baghdad.

We don't know who's
working with who.

Keep working with
the same people.

I can’t be here any longer.

Drink a cold sherbet,
You‘ll fell better.

No.l get worse as I stay here.

No sherbet will
make me feel better

Okay then.Send Hace my regards.

I'll stop by.

Do you carry weight
on your shoulders?

I don't think so.

Don't bother.

If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on:
..........:: ::..........


Did something bad happen?

Rude man.

I’ve never seen such disgrace.

Never mind him sister.No
one in here is kind.

No.This one was worse.

Man threw the coins in my face

You should've
told me to kill him.

Adnan don't make me laugh.

You force me to say this..

...Look at you and look at him.

Get that off of my face.

A sife Sultan is asking to
see you Khalifat Hadrath.

Let her in.


I wanted to talk
a private matter.

We don't keep
anything from Atif.

Say whatever you
want as you please.


You must know Yusuf
Hemedani’s lodge in our city.

Of course I do.

Do you Know what's
happening there?

I don't and I
won't get involved.

Of course unless it's about
going against our state.

Do you know they kicked
the purest and kindest people...

...out of that lodge
using their swords?

Who kicked out who my girl?

Tell me clearly so I know.

I’ll do if I can do something.

Father.They kicked out Hace..

...who I know and
trust from his lodge.

I ask you to help
them get back in there.

Who's the head
of the lodge Atif?

Mervan, sir.

You know him.


I saw him.

But I don't know who he is.

Sir Mervan is the head of..

..Yusuf el Hamadani’s
lodge in Baghdad.

He dedicated himself to
the people of Baghdad.

He serves his dear state
and his Khalifat Hadrath...

..with the utmost respect.

He is and educated,
moral and religious man.

This man would
never harm another.

But if a man comes in..

...and he tries to bring
people in the lodge...

..who even the nSembers
would never accept...

...and then hangs around
the punks and the thieves...

...and shames the
members of the lodge...

..then Mervan
wouldn't let it happen.

Who shames who?What
are you talking about Atif?


Remember where you are my girl.

Fathef I apologize.

But please do something for me.

Hace Ahmed is a good
man father.Believe me.

What do you think about it Atif?

If you accept..

...I’d like to talk about
this matter privately.

Asife.Leave us alone my girl.

Father will you
listen to thih man?

Every word he speaks
is a life or slander.


Don't touch me.

I'll leave myself.

You see.

Hace and the man with him...

...has your daughter
Asife under their control.

She went to that uncivilized

..tribe of the nomads

Our girl, Asife.

Clearly, she learned..

..this attitude from there.

Unfortunately, Atif.

The current state of Asife
really bothers me, too.

Until now, I never hurt her.

I did everything she asked for.

She grew up without her mother

I did everything
she wanted so that...

...she wouldn't
feel an absence..

..and get sad about anything.

You would surely know
better than your subject, Atif.


...for the sake of
your daughter, sir...

Okay, Atif. I get it.

You don't need
to tell me the rest.

For my daughter's sake..

...I shouldn't do
everything she wants.

The subject matter is..

...the one and only daughter
of the Caliph of Islam.

And protecting that daughter.. my mission, sir.

However.. is very difficult
to control her.

She often escapes
from the palace...

..and goes out.

For who?

To see Hace.

Now, sir, if Hace was a
proper, knowledgeable man..

.she should have seen
him, of course. But...

...even the disciples in his
own lodge did not accept him.

He was kicked out
of his own lodge...

...he went to the
tribe of nomads...

..then he left there..

..and went to the
town of thieves.

He rented a store.

It is the store of
Kara (Black) Leyla.

I mean, sir..

..this man.. a mischievous man.

You are right, Atif.

You are definitely right.

That man could do anything.

However.. long as...

...he doesn't wrong
me or my state...

..don't touch him.


..the security of.. daughter
is also important.

We need to take some measures.


When your daughter leaves the palace
it is very hard for us to protect her.

It is almost impossible.

When this is the case
if you would prefer...

..your daughter shall not..

...leave the palace and
even her own room... the place ever again.

That is a great caution, Atif.

Ensure my daughter's
safety for me.

It is an honor for me
to follow your order, sir.



Wbat are yoo doing here?

What are these?

Just a small present, Hace.

The meat Mother Almas
dried, milk, yogurt...

Whatever that is
eaten by yorake.

We wanted to help
out to the poor people.

How will we ever repay you?

This is not something
to repay, Hace.

And don’t you always say?

This is something we
have to do. Our duty.

May Allah be pleased with you.


Yalgiz will help
you. Right, Yalgiz?

Thank you.


...what we say... heard in your tribe, then?

Your words are
meant to be heard.

Thank you

Yalgiz, give me that.

It’s so warm.

The milk and yogurt will be spoiled
under the sun. I'll leave them samewhere

Come on, help him

Come, Yafgiz.

Let’s find you a backboard.

Come, this way.

Thank you, may AHah
be pleased with you.

I would have put up with this..

...if he had made
this decision himself.

This is Atif's decision, nanny!

He cooped me up in my room!

The great caliph of Islam
Mustersid Billah Hadrath.

...listens to whatever
his right hand man says!

Does that make sense, nanny?

Girl, please don’t.

Caliph Hadrath should
not hear you say this.

He should hear It nanny!

My father’s ears wont hear
this as long as Atif doesn’t say it.


Don't, please.

If Atif hears, his attitude
towards you will get worse.

What would happen if Atif hears?

I am not scared of Atif, nanny

He might have entrapped
me here but I am not!

He will have to face
this one day anyway.

My anger is not directed at you.

Don’t be offended, nanny.

I won’t be, daughter.

But you are upsetting
yourself, that saddens me.

And I can't accept that..

...he doesn't listen to anyone's
words but words of Atif, nanny!

I can't stay here.

I’m going to Hace.

I'll tell him the lies of Atif,
how he manipulates my father...

..and everything one by one!

Our words our now useful.

Maybe, Hace's words
can affect my father’s heart.

You know your father’s
order! You can't go anywhere!

Aad what would
you do if I don't obey?

Are you going to kill
me with these spears?

My Sultan, don’t put me in
a difficult situation, please.

This is the order of your
father. We have to follow it.

Peace be on you

Peace be upon
you, Saltuk Efendi


Peace be on you.

Prace be upon you, Hace.

Saltuk brother.

It's nice to see you.

I have a really important
matter that I need to tell you

We need to let
Seljuk state know this.

What Seljuk, Hace?

What are you talking about?


You don't need to hide from us.

Your secret is secure with us.

We just wauted to let you know.

So, we are not your enemies.

We want to be your friends.

Don't get angry with me
because of my direct approach.

And don't be hard on yourself
by thinking yon are revealed.

You are not revealed.

In fact, you gained
friends and supporters.

What I mean that..

...we dropped by
someone on our way here.

When we said we were the students
of Yusuf Hemedani, he let us go.

I think he released us to keep
his relationship good with the lodge.

What we need to do.. letting you know that...

...Dubeys was in Baghdad
and met Atif's guardian last night.

And what you need to
do is warning Seljuk state.

Are you sure, Hace?

Because it must be hard
for Dubeys to enter Baghdad.

Pehlivan Master saw him leaving
Leyla Hatun's house last night.

He hid and followed him.

He saw him leaving from
the gates without any trouble.

Eyvallah, Hace.

It is good for us to know
Dubeys is able to enter Baghdad.

But I should have also known it.

I placed one of my
best men beside Dubeys.

But I haven't seen him in the
streets of Baghdad for a while.

Something must
have happened to him.

Allah bless you, Hace

The information you've
given us are pretty important


And we fully trust that..

our secret is secure.

-By your leave.

Only Allah can grant leave.

It’s time to change
your shift. Go and rest

Asife Hanim Sultan.
Do you need anything?

What is it?

Do you come to reason?

Would you help me,
if I need something?

Of course, ma'am

For example, I don't
want to be a prisoner here.

Can you take me out of
here? Why are you talking?

You have no conscience.

No conscience at all.

Don’t say that,
Asife Hanim Sultan.

I am so sorry
about your situation.

However a nightingale put inside a
golden cage searches for his freedom... also struggle
like him. I see that.

My conscience is not at peace

What it can change anyway?

You are afraid off Atif more
than you are afraid of Allah!

If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on:
..........:: ::..........

Sir. I've done what
you wanted from me

Asife Hanim has no
obstacle to go out before her.


We will wait for the night now.

He can't dare to
go out in sun light.

Make sure you
follow her toaaight.

Keep your eyes on her.

As you order.

Look. You will take these
fertilizers to Hisam Efendi's garden.

It must be dene quickly, okay?

We got it all, master.

You just prepare the other
goods before we arrive.


Make orphans, poor people,
and oppressed people happy.

Sacrifice yourself for them.

Share any food you have...

I spoke these as I learned
them from ttee Haqq.

Whoever asks the well being of
orphans, oppressed and the poor...

...earns the blessing of Allah.

Oh unaware one.

Your purpose in life
shouldn't be unknown to you..

I have said these with
the teachings of Mostafa.

My Race, wftot are you doing?


It doesn't suit you
carrying this dirty sack.

We cannot bear seeina it.

Tell us anything you need,
and we will give it to you.

My friends.

What I need is

...for you to show willpower.

And yoa saM that
you don’t have that.

I cannot make you suffer by asking
for something that you don't have.

But Hace

You don't ask help
for just anyone...

You want us to help thieves
who stole our hard earned money

Big adults..

..stole your money.

...but what about
the kids in the Sazlik?

What did they do wrong?

You are saying to those kids..

...that there are two
paths ahead of them.

Either they will take
haram, and become thieves.

Or they will be hungry and die.

You are indebted to.. a third
path to those kids.

I'm asking you to pay
that debt. That's all.

It’s hard to have your
goods stolen, Hace.


I want answer to my question.

Of course it’s
a sin that your.

..goods were stolen.

Do you think It's right to choose
between poor people while...

...helping them with the
money given Co you toy Allah.

Some are tested with prosperity.

Some are tested with poorness.

Don't forget that...

...Allah is just.

And He loves thejust
people, and being just.

Don't listen to them, Hace.

Isn't that Kara Leyla?

What's she doing
here? What is it?

She must have come
to seduce someone.

They must be
getting happy secretly.

They must be saying "Thanks
Allah it didn’t happen to us”

They must be very happy that they are
not carrying a dirty sack on their back.

That's the habit of
sacfchdad merchants.

When something bad
happens to someone..

...instead of
helping that person.

...they say "Thank Allah
it didn't happen to us“

But I learned it today.

I'm not goikg to say "I wish Hace
didn't carry a dirty sack on his back”

I'm going to say "I wish I helped Nace carry
it, and he a part of the good thing he is doing.

What's our fault
here, Kara Leyla?

Why are you holding us
responsible for your own sins?

I'm responsible for my sins!

I’m telling you your sins!

What’s our sin?

Tell us, so we can know.

My father was a
naught man, a gambler.

He did every bad
thing, but gambling... was as addiction for him.

When a gambler gets
lucky, he becomes blind.

If he gets lucky
while playing...

...he can stake
everything he has.

One day, he staked
us in a gamble.

We learned it afterwards.

He had lost that day.

I was 17, and my
sister was 12 years eM!

We were both sold to a man!

Like slaves!

And we ended up in a brothel!

Until then, no one
opened their mouths..

...and said anything to the men that sold
us, or to the men that stained our dignity!

We were just children!


Because the owner
of the brothel was rich

He was so rich!

All of you had a trade
business with him.

None of you wonted to damage
your relationship. You were all scared.

White our screams for
help shaken the skies... were counting the
money you earned in your shops!

I have many sins, that’s right!

But you made me end up here!

And I cannot let you do the same
thing to the poor kids of the Sazlik!

While you are carrying stone*
on your back for the poor people

...the stones I carry on
my neck are heavy for me.

Heavier than the
ms on your back.

May Allah bless you.

You don't understand.Dubeys
is in Baghadad.

Suleyman would've let
me know no matter what

If he didn't...

He must be martyred.

Dubeys is here. We can't wait.

Look Saltuk.

Dubeys has friends.

He's working with a lot of people like
the crusaders and Elemut's soldiers.

They're all our enemies.

Dubeys is the
Khalifet's enemy too.


...year enemy's enemy
isn't always a friend Saltuk.

Khalifet thinks of us as enemy

If we try to help him...

...he'll think we'll
suffocate him.

Acting now would put
Seljuk in a hard situation.

If Seljuk can't get a brave
man’s body when he's down...

...let them be in
a hard situation.

What are you saying?

Do you hear yourself?

Whose son are you?

Your father's Kara Pars

He was called a
traitor half his life

Why?Tell me.Why?

Because it was his duty.



They told him.. go

...and act like you're a
Patzinak fighting for Byzantines.

Your father stood
alongside them.

Even Ms brothers in his
tribe called him a traitor

They said " He went there
and became a foreigner."

What happened then?

In the Malazgirt plain,
in that glorious day...

...patzinaks, Uzbeks and many
Turkmen tribes left the byzantines

..and allied with us

Year father was one of the 5
brave men that made that happen.

He spent half of his
life being called a traitor.

And the other half, a hero

You'll decide...

..what you'll be.

My Efendi.

Either call me
a traitor or don't

I'll walk towards
death to get my friend.

If I get out of that
circle of death alive

you’ll call me a hero.

InshAllah you’ll get out Saltuk.

Saltuk the Hero.

In the name of Allah.

Did you see what Kara Leyla did?

He took the necklace
and have it to Hace.

Good for him.We don’t
think she's good but...

.she did what we couldn't.

You're right.We
couldn't do what she did

We came up with excuses.

Peace be with you.

Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you


How much is it?

We'll take care of it friend.


We can’t handle it anymore.

I don’t care what
the pope will say.

I don’t care about Mervan.l'll
do what I have to Hace.

Hace. We’ll try
hard from now on

Isn't that right
Hicabi and Behram?

Kara Leyla did it.We
must do it as well.

You said it right.

Hace Ahmet my friend?

We're ready.

We'll do what we must.


Eyvallah.Allah bless you.

May Allah accept your good will.

Amen Hace.

Master Ziya. we'll
take at least 10 bags.

How much do you want from us?

It's on us Hace.

Thanks.May Allah
accept your good will.

Ameen Hace.

May you live long.



We took care of
the meat and liver.

Thanks to Hicabt.

That's great. Now let's get
the fruits and vegetables.

Then we'll gather them here
and load them in cars.Okay?


Did we get the fruits
vegetables and bread?

We did. Traders
gave them for free.

Thank Allah.

Our debt is paid off.

Now the poor ones will
be able to drink a hot soup.

Let’s load them up.

Thank you.

Take care Master.
-Take care.

Asife.There are no guards.How?

I'll tell you later
Nanny.Don’t ask.

How are the people
and the market?

Who are you
asking about my girl?

The poor people
nanny.I worry about them.

Can they buy food?

We weren't there.

Poor people are good
my girl.Don’t worry.

They have a Hace now.

Hace is setting up a soup
kitchen in Sazlik for them.

All thye poor and weak
people in the state...

can go and feed themselves
whenever they want.

Allah Allah.Look at that.

This foreigner called Hace Ahmet is
doing what Baghdad needed all along.

When are they setting it up?

They start today.Hace,
Hace’s friends..

...and the nomads of the
tribe Will give out food together.

Nanny. Will you
accept my final request?

What favor is this again, Asife?

What trouble are
you bringing us?

I will go to Sazlik and
help when it's dark.

Can you find me
something to wear?

I shouldn't draw any attention.

If your father finds
out, he'll be furious.

I am not scared of
him or Atif, nanny.

Will you help me? Tell me that.

Ah, Asife! You crazy girl!


I will help you but I
won't deal with the rest.


Sahsuvar! Sahsuvar!

What happened, are
you memorizing my name?

Some people are coming!

Who is it? Tell us!

Lots of tradesmen from the
bazaar are walking towards here.

They ran out of
patience, I guess.

Come on!

Take the kids, go to the back.

Come on!

Come on.

Let everyone know.

Sazlik won't surrender easily!

Are there a lot of them?

There is but
that’s not the point.

They are coming with food!

And Hace is leading them.


What is he on about?

Did your Hace do it?

Good night, brother.

They are here!
Ask him personally.



Why did you come to Salzlik
like an army? You scared us!

Our army came to
conquer hearts, Sahsuvar.

Are you ready?

Let's taste the food first.

If your food is as
delicious as your words...

..we will discuss the details.

Stop jabbering and help.

Got it.

Come on, boys.
Help the brothers!



May Allah be pleased with you.

(Indistinct noises)

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Thankfully, we kept our word.


How are you, Necip?

What do you mean Asife
Sultan is not in her room?

We didn't send you to war.

We didn't tell you to bring us
the thieves of Baghdad either.

All you needed to do was

...preventing her
from leaving her room.

What did you do,
two knuckleheads?

You could not keep..

...a tiny girl in her room!


You will tell us...

..where Asife Sultan..

..might be, right?

I don't know.

She didn't tell me.

I hadn’t sensed she
would escape, either

So you didn't know, either.

But I can guess.

I can guess where she went.

-Good night.
-To you, too.

Are you okay?

Yes, may Allah be
pleased with you.

May Allah be
pleased with you all.

Mother Almas!

Tribes are not enough
for your great food, right?

May Allah be pleased with you.

May Allah be
pleased with you all.

Master Tarik.

Everyone is smiling,
thanks to you.

-May Allah be pleased with you.
-Our pleasure.


The spoon suits you
better than the axe, huh?

Good night.

Good night.

May Allah accept your favors.

May Allah be pleased with you.

May you never see
a hard day, Mother.

Check on the people
who might need something.

Come here, Necip.

Thank you, Aytolu.

May Allah be
pleased with you, too.


Enjoy your meal.


Good night.

Peace on to you.

May peace be upon you too.

We wanted to contribute to this
foodbank as the constructors of the city.

We want to set up
a bread house here

May Allah be pleased with you.

May Allah be pleased with you.

Come on, masters.

Say Bismillah. May
we do good here.

So, where should we set it up

Here, here.

May Allah be pleased with you.

Vizier Atif would like to
see you, Caliph Hadrath

Let him in.


Sir, forgive me.

I have an information but...

..I don’t know how I'll say it.

Don’t beat around
the bush, Atif.


Your daughter..

What about my daughter, Atif?

Tell me now. What happened?


Your daughter..

..our Asife Sultan..

...tricked the guards
in front of her door...

...left the palace and
got lost in the dark.

How could you fail to
keep a girl in her room, Atif?

Is there an
explanation for this?

I will personally punish the
ones responsible for this, sir.

Where is my daughter?

I don’t want to
hear anything else.


I think, your daughter is.. the Sazlik district.

What are you saying, Atif?

What would my daughter
do in Sazlik district?

If they hurt her..

...I’ll destroy that
district with them! I'll..

What makes man human.. extending hand to the
ones who are in trouble

...and helping them to raise.

If you extend you hand,
it makes you a human.

If you don't extend your hand..

...even if you share
bread with that hand.

...or pick roses...

...that hand has no difference
than the claw of the devil.

What separates your heart
from a wild animal's heart..

...which is ready
to kill, is just this.

So, when we see
someone, who is in trouble..

...we shouldn’t turn
our heads away.

When we hear
someone's cry for help

..we shouldn't ignore him.

If you can grab him, you'll grab
him and take him out of there.

Maybe, you might not
be powerful enough.

Maybe, when you
extend you hand... might also topple
down to the swamp.

Let it be.

It is better... be out of breath instead
of breathhas heartlessly...

..inside that swamp..

...without helping
the ones in need.

-Our Propher, PBUH..

..used to turn his head to the poor
all the time, when he saw them.

You know he used to turn his all
body, when someone called him...

..not only his head.

He used to turn himself just like
that to the poor ones. With his all body.

With his all heart.
With his all existence

One day..

...a sacrificed was
made in his house.

Our Prophet asked
our Ayse mother.

He asked what is left from the
sacrifice. And our Ayse mother...

...told him there was
only a piece of thigh sadly.

With his smile, which
warmed the skies and worlds..

..he looked at our Ayse mother.

He said this meant all the other parts of the
animal apart from the thighs was left for them.

So, you have what
you give, my brother.

Know that...

...what you really have is
not what you eat and drink...

..not what you hid..

...not what you saved for future,
but the things you give away.

Because what you hold in your hand
will disappear in the earth soon or later.

That's it.

You also increased the
treasure that is left to you today.

You extended your
hand to the poor...

..and suppressed ones.

May Allah bestow
you a good future.

May you have many
people to help you... case you also fall
on evil days, Inshallah.


You spoke well, Hace.

By your leave now.

Only Allah can grant
leave. Thank you.

May Allah bless you for
what you did, brothers.


Have a good night.

-May Allah bless you

Where did they find
this Chinese powder?

Did you see commander Suleyman?

Are you looking for
Commander Hasan Suleyman?

Come with me. I
will take you to him.

Where is Commander Suleyman?

So I fell into a trap, huh?

So you are the traitor that
dog Suleyman sold us to.

Our loyalty is
towards our state.

We are no traitors.

How many owners
does your owner have?

That's unknown

Do you think you will be
able to get out of here?

Do you know what's the
punishment of traitors?

Look, it’s Suleyman's blood.

He fought back,
but this is the end.

So you killed Suleyman, huh?

Then.. will pay for killing
a brave soldier of...

..Seljuk Empire!

Did you see what Leyla Hatun do?

She said that she had
nothing to do with Dubeys...

...and silenced all the
merchants of Baghdad.

She gave that big necklace, huh?

What a great Hatun.

Y u don't want to
talk about it either.

Of course. You won't talk
for the sake of poor people.

What did you do about Dubeys?

I gave him to those in charge.

Seljuk’s double headed eagle
had to see Dubeys was around.

We helped him see him.



Now I get it.The bird
of the state is on the air.

How did you know
Saltuk's Seljuk's man?

What am I asking?Of course..

You know people
by looking at them.

That's why we call you Hace.

But you know..

...I don't like peope
who aren’t direct.

I won't rest easy un 5
I beat my enemies up.

That’s why they
call me Pehlivan.

I'll keep my eyes on
Leyla Hatun.Know that.

Have a good night.

You too.

Isn't that Khalifat's daughter?

What's she doing here?

Shouldn't she be in her palace?

What good is a palace
that's filled with thorns?

If you're wounded
you go to a doctor.

And her doctor's here.

She can take her palace
and her thorns and leave.

She should stay out.

Obviously she wants
to help the poor.

She may be the Khalifat's
daughter but she's a human.

Doesn't she have a heart?

They’re here not because they...

...have a heart but
because of remorse

They do their charity to make themselves
fell better and go back to their palace.

It's not good for her
to be here at this hour

She'll get Hace in trouble.

My sweet, kind hearted daughter.

I know the fear in your heart.

I know what you say
and what you don’t.

Don’t worry.

Everyone fights in
the arena of love.

And only love comes
out alive from that arena.

Everything will be as
it should.Don't be sad.

Then they locked me in my room.

It's a game Atif played on
me because I backed you up.

He tricked my father.

My father doesn't know
what you are doing...

..and what happens in Baghdad.

He doesn’t know about
the starving people.

He has his faults.

But Atif..

...doesn't let anyone
open my father's eyes.

If he came and saw.

...what you're doing
here. lt's incredible.

He would support you.

That's why I'm here.

To support you
with all my heart.

I'll carry all the weight.

You honored us.

But being here without
your father's knowledge...

...will make your
father even more angry

We must do something about it.

You're right.


She is welcome here..

..but she's...

..not just a random trader's
daughter in the Baghdad market

It's the daughter of the caliph

There will surely
be people after her.


We need to act accordingly.

Don’t worry, Master Pehlivan.

We are always ready and on deck.

The ones who come here with
good intentions are welcome.

But the ones who
come to cause trouble...

...will see the real face
of trouble in these streets.

My father is not
actually like this.

He is merciful, he
couldn't hurt anyone

But Atif is very ambitious. He
always tries to provoke my father.

Don't worry.

Sit down, take a breath. We will
appropriately inform the palace.

Because your father will
be worried in your absence.

Afterwards, Allah will help us.
We will find common ground.

I am very grateful towards you.

You are a very
precious person, Hace.

I am very to be with you..

I mean, to be with
all these people here.

Thank you

They don’t have good intentions!

The good and
ill-intentioned all get one life.

Be careful, Mahmud.

What arrogance is
this! Can't you think?

Did you come to
get yourselves killed?

We will get Asife Sultan and
take her to the palace of caliphate.

We are not interested
in tile scums.

Don't get yourself
killed for nothing.

Hace! You made me
swear off too early!

I wish I could beat
the hell out of him now!


Asife Sultan

...came here with
her own free will.

She will only go
with her own free will.

Or we will not give her to you.

We can only give
her to her father.

Since we figured
your arrogance...

..has reached this point..

...we took the
necessary measures.

The parent of
Asife Hanim is here!

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Caliph Hadrath, in his
poor health condition...

...came... this trash
yard called Sazlik.

Are you pleased with
the situation caused by...

...the disgrace you are
responsible for, Hace?

And also...

...are you ready
to pay its price?

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