Mavera Episode 6 With English Subtitles HD

Mavera Episode 6

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First, I told myself that...

...that man, who gained the
trust of Great Hemedani Hadrath...

...took over the
great Baghdad Lodge!

He never let Caliphate
Hadrath fall into this trap.

But then, I told
myself shame on them!

Since this man
came to Baghdad...

...he did every shamelessness
we thought he couldn't!

Am I not right,
Caliphate Hadrath?


...know, from where we
should learn the manners.

If since we came to Baghdad... became uneasy
for the every step we took...

...then it means we always
walked on the right path.


Asife, are you there?

I am here, father.

Come on.

Let's go, daughter.

Let's not put up with
this baseness anymore.

I love these people.

I am here to help them.

I won't tell you
to come with me...

...if you love me.

If you love these people...

...for whom you
left the palace... come with me.

Most probably...

...the fire of my anger will
burn wherever it touches.

These ones will be wasted.

I am coming.

I am coming for them.


This issue is getting worser.

This man called, Hace,
is not a decent man.

And you saw it with
your own eyes, sir.

All the thieves and
impudent people of Baghdad...

...gathered in that
cursed place called Sazlik.

Allah forbid...

...could this Hace...

...put a spell on
our Asife Sultan?

I mean why did she left the palace
and took shelter there anyway?

Did you say spell?

Spell, huh? Why does
he do such a thing?

You also know it, of course.

Hemedani has a
connection with Seljuk.

Why did Hemedani sent
his followers Baghdad...

...while even knowing that
they can even fight for him?

They will try to hurt you
by using your daughter.

Even if it will be hard...

...a have an idea to solve this.

What is it?

You'll be longing a bit, but... need to bear it for the
well-being of your daughter.

We’ll send your
daughter to Basra, sir.

And her brother,
Sultan Resat, is there!

I am sure he'll do his best to
keep her from feeling your absence.

If I need to stay away from
my daughter, I can even do that.

Do whatever necessary, Atif.

Choose your best men for
the security of Asife on the road.

I don't want to worry about her.

As you command, sir.

It is not even a city.

It is a poison.

You either get ambushed
or get hit in an ambush here.

My Hace.

Let's go away from here.

Do you think it
befits our dignity?

My Hace.

I know.

You don't befit running
away from the fight yourself.

You saved me. Even back then... didn't run away.

I didn't even know you, yet.

I was just a kid. But, you jumped
into the fight and saved me.


...this place is something else.

This is not the place, where we
threw rocks each other in child's fight.

This is a blind fight!

It is not obvious, to whom we need to attack
or by whom we are going to be punched.

You are right, Mahmut.

Baghdad has many faces.

Sometimes a rabbit hole...

...and sometimes a sunrise.


...Baghdad is our destiny.

Baghdad does not need Hace.

Ahmet needs Baghdad.


What does that mean?

This is a home for bandits.

Caliphate came and
took her daughter by force.

We are struggling to put
the thieves on the right path...

...but in this city is given
under the care of that vizier.

He himself is a bandit.

What are we doing here?

We go to the lodge, and the
palace's guards stand in front of us.

We were kicked out of our own
lodge, and we cannot go in there.

What are we still doing here?

Don't worry Mahmut.

We saw the signs.

Allah is with those
who stay patient.

What's the sign?

What's the sign? You have been
talking about signs Pehlivan Usta.

What are they?

Dubeys is in Baghdad.

Weren't we kicked
out of the lodge?

And you saw what happened
tonight. These are all signs.

They are all signs.

What does great
Allah say us here?

"You are irons, you will become
steels by being forged within the fire."

We need to be patient.

"That's your exam" He tells us.

Right Hace?

Pehlivan Usta is right.

Everything comes from Allah.

If Allah tells us
to be patient...

...we will be patient.

If He tells us to fight against our
enemy, we will fight our enemy...

..and if He tells us
to fight our nafs...

...then we will fight our nafs.

See how good Hace stated it.

We will stand against what
Allah tells us to stand against.

If our enemy, we will stand against them.
If our nafs, we will stand against it.

Eyvallah Usta.

Hace, there is something I
need to take care of. Excuse me.

In the name of Allah, the
merciful, the beneficent. Stay safe.

I wonder where
Pehlivan Usta went.

He went to fight...

...with his own nafs,
and with the enemy.

We are ready, Hace.

Where is Sahsuvar?

We should say our
farewells to him, and depart.

He was around here,
he was sitting alone.


-He doesn't hear.


Come here.

We are going. Do you
need anything from us?

No Yoruk mother. Stay safe.


What happened to your hand?

What did you do
to your hand,son?


...these bastards did that outrageous thing
in my neighborhood, in front of my guests... I couldn't relax
without breaking something.

Either my hand, or the stone.

Well I couldn't break the stone.

Almas mother.

If you allow us, and if
Sahsuvar is available...

...we will stay
in Sazlik tonight.

The kids are fed, thank Allah.

But what feeds the
hearts are beautiful words.

I would like to
tell them a tale.

Of course.

Like he said, let's
do that this time.

Our place is your home too.

You can be a guest in someone else’s
tribe, but you can live only in your tribe.

Thank you, mother.

That's not what we
are used to, mother.

Look, where we stay,
trouble always comes.

And now trouble
has found Sahsuvar.

If you have a cameleer as your neighbor,
then you need higher fence, Mahmut.

We have endured many storms.

This wind is nothing for us.

A brave one knows
how to endure a wound.

You have found each
other at the right time.

Good night now.

Thank you mother.

You can leave.


You did good, today, Leyla.

Everyone was surprised.

But most importantly,

...including Hace
respect you now.

This diamond will
compensate for your necklace.

We will do many things together.

Don't worry about
little amounts now.

Thank you, sir.

But I don't know
what else I can do.

You can do everything
I tell you to do.

So these men didn't do
anything bad to anyone.

They fed the hungry.

They took care of sick people.

They even gave me a
chance, and listened to me.

So what?

Baghdad didn't see
any evil from them.

They are like heroes.

I don't want to do anything bad to
them and take all Baghdad against me.

So... you want to
take against me?

Leyla Sultan?

Taking me...

...against means...

...taking whole
world against you.

Don't you know that?

But sir...

You are a respect...

Shut up Leyla!

Stop so your sister...

...and her innocent
little Meryem...

...can rest easy next
to her milk mother.

My lady.

What's wrong with
that man again?

Are you okay?


Necat knows about Meryem.

My Allah.

Mahbube call Adnan now.

He should be
careful.We’re leaving.

Meryem can't stay there tonight.


My lady.

Look at them.

What's going on?

I heard what you
told Hace today.

You seemed like you didn't.

You seemed like your
head was somewhere else.

I heard you say
something like I'd say.

So I paid attention.

You sounded as mad as I am.

You're right Brother
Mahmut. You're right.

Baghdad isn't a place for you.

This city...

...and this fire will destroy
you if you don't leave.

If Baghdad burned to
the ground I wouldn't care.

But I'm worried
you'll go down with it.

If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on:
..........:: ::..........

Hace's coming.

Did you tell your tales
to Necip's little friends?

I did. They're sleeping soundly.

Tales are nice Hace.

But the truth isn't.

All the monsters in
teles are right here.

They walk around
like you and me.

And they're more cruel and
vicious than the ones in the tales.

Do you think it's true Mahmut?

You know me. It's who I am.

When I hear something true...

...I keep my silence.

Monsters in here are vicious.

In the tales we
see monsters as...

...wild animals
with a cruel heart.

But... matter how
wild they are... animal stops
when they're hungry.

But our meat isn't
enough for them.

They drink our blood too.

You're too old for tales.

Let me tell you a story.

Our story.

We came here from
far away Sahsuvar.

From the lands of Turkestan.

They call it Maveraunnehir.

It means in our
language Arabic...

...'across the rivers.'

We started this
path.We crossed...

...rivers to get to cities.

From there we went...

...further than
our eyes can see.

From the world beyond
(mavera) to another.

We didn't see anything
in this world that's worthy.

Is there anything beyond?

What you do in this world...

...determines what the
after world will give you.

What will you give
to this world Hace?

A piece of bread to a handful
of poor and a peaceful sleep?

What about the
ones you can't give?

It's all I can do.

When I can't...

...Mahmut and Mansur will do it.

And when they can't you will.

We'll pass away.

After us, Necip
will feed the hungry.

After that, the kids
Necip told tales to.

That's how the cycle goes.

So you can’t get a
moment of peace.

I came all this way
with a horse and sword...

...and a dream.A horse dies.

A sword breaks.

But the dreams of people...

They last...

...longer than life, Sahsuvar.

Ours will be like
that, too, InshAllah.

When our bodies lay
breathless under the ground...

...our dreams will
be under this sky...


Before us...

...Baghdad was the city of visions
that were smothering the truth.

After us... will be the city of...

...dreams that turn
to the truth, InshAllah.

Our district isn't seen well.

Few like us and...

...many fear us.

When people
looked at this place...

...they always saw mud.

But you...

...saw the good.

You didn't listen to them.

You trusted us.

You said "Their mud
can be cleaned..."

"...they can turn to good."

Look, Hace.

I didn't even trust my parents.

I want to trust
you, believe in you.

Maybe one day, I will succeed.

But not today.

Today... a man with...

...lots of anger
and little of wit...

...I will go and...

...sleep while my hands hurt.

What is it at this hour?

Call Meryem.

What happened?

Hurry, call Meryem!





My Nur.

Come, we are going
on a trip. Okay?


Who are you?

They warned you, Leyla.

Let us go!

Let the kid go!

In Baghdad...

...does everyone
sneak on people?

Does no one fight like men? Huh?

I don't know you, old man.

But you will be a dead man.

Only Allah knows
when our lives end.

But you will be...

...left with one hand.

And you will be crippled.

Come on, we are going.

Where are we going?

Somewhere they can't find you...

...and even if they do...

...they can't take you.


Run home.

Tell Adnan to take measures.

These men are after me.

You won't get hurt, InshAllah.

But Necat can do anything.

Come on, go.

Let's go.

Sahsuvar is a lucky man, Hace.

He can fall asleep.

After every day
that ends with...

...empty words, where I
don't get to swing my sword...

...I can't even fall
asleep because of anger.

Do not get me wrong.

Just as you saved me
when I was a tiny kid...

...and just as I...

...swore... you that I would never leave
your side back in those days...

...I am still under the same
oath, in the same place.

My belief in Allah...

...and my trust in
you is integral, Hace.

But... hope is running out.

You should know.

I did not lose hope on anyone.

I won't give up
on this land, either.

Our sage did us a favor.

We came to this land.

We stood up like a sapling.

We stood up to the cruel ones.

But in order to
oppose cruelty...

...we need to have roots.

If our roots don't hold...

...and our words
don't resonate...

...we will be scattered.

My Ahmet.

My brother.

You kept all your
promises to me.

Everything you
told me came true.

It will be the same
again, InshAllah.




If the cruel ones
make you suffer... Allah.

Open you hand,
pray and be patient.

If you couldn't get rid
of your bad thoughts...

...just remember that I told
these words by feeling the same.

How is it? Did you
like reading horse?

I did.

Oh, you scared of the horse?

Just a little bit.

MashAllah, MashAllah!

I can give you a ride,
whenever you want, okay?

It is not needed.

Welcome, son.

Thank you, mother.


I've brought you a guest.

Welcome, sister.

Thank you.

I guess you are tired.

I am not tired but, I can
say we had an eventful night.

I'll pull myself together,
if I can rest a bit.

Please, come in,
then. Have some rest.


Our guest is in trouble.

We need to hide him here.

With great pleasure, son.

You've brought
her here with trust.

We got the rest now.

We can protect her with
the permission of Allah.

And it is said that the guest comes
with happiness in our tradition.

Thanks, mother.

I am here. I'll be
here. Let her rest now.

Then, we can decide
what we do with her.

Here we go.

Here we go.


He became a martyr.

Didn't he?

May Allah rest his soul.

Have a sit.

Your heart is on fire, right?

One the real heroes of Seljuk...

...fought to the death... be worthy of Karlu... be a real watcher.

He put the sword of
bravery to the skies.

Her name will be in our heart...

...and his sword
will be in the sky...

...until the judgement day.

I raised a few
soldiers like Suleyman.

And you...

...who knows how many
soldiers you raised for Kargu.

Who knows how many
of them became martyrs.

How could you endure
this pain piercing the heart?

Who told that I could endure it?

The one looking
at the volcano...

...can't see the
fire boiling inside.

But if you don't want to
burn your surrounding...

...if you want the existence of people that
lean on you considering you as a mountain... need to learn
to become a volcano.

I will learn.

For Kargu.

I’ll learn in to be
worthy of the watch.

I stumbled upon
something weird... the headquarter of Dubeys.

It might be important.

It is Chinese powder.

What is Dubeys
going to do with it?

I think this game to way
beyond the treachery of Dubeys.

The monsters helping him..

...want to open the gates of hell by
aching somewhere with the hands of Dubeys.

Is there too much of this?

Who knows where th are going
to blow up with all thoes powder.

Investigate this
issue in detail, Saltuk.

Go until the end.

Obviously, there will
be a calamity soon.

You had the
chance of stopping it.

Vizier Atif wishes to be accepted
in your presence, my Sultan.

My Sultan, you don't
need to honor me like this.

I just leave by reporting
an important matter.

Tell me, Atif Vizier.

What are you going
to do this time?

Do you want to have me
thrown into the dungeon?

No, my Sultan.

Who do I think I am that I had even
the slightest part of such an idea?

Yet, some precautions
must be taken...

...for your health and security.

What are they?

My Sultan, you are going to
leave Baghdad immediately...

..and go to Basra.

Baghdad.. not suitable
for you, my Sultan.

It is decided that at least your
health will be okay in there.

Whose decision?

How dare you to to
say something like that?

This is the capital
city of my lineage!

This palace is
my father's palace!

Are you going to kick
me out of my own home?

Estagfurullah my Sultan.

Who am I to make a
decision for you like that?

This idea is
Caliphate Hadrath’s.

And this poor soul has
stated that it’s a good idea.

Also, your brother
Sultan Resat is there.

He will do everything
within his power for your.., and health.

This is where I was born!

Why do you think that I
would like to go to Basra?

My Sultan.

This is beyond
personal feelings.

This is the order
of Islam Caliphate.

We are bound to obey.

You can go with
Asife Sultan too.

But be quick about it.

In the morning, you will
leave with the guards.

If my father made
the decision...

...then I will ask him myself!

I will see what kind of father
would decide to not see his daughter!

And you! Get out
of my sight, Atif!

My Sultan

I think the reason for
these vulgar words... because you are sad.

This poor soul is not important.

But don’t forget...

...I am...

...the hand that take care of the
state matters for Caliphate Hadrath.

We need to buy the
necessities of the public kitchen.

Brother, you will take care of
the shop when we are gone, right?

-Of course Hace.

The kids in Sazlik
are waiting for food.

Oh my Hace.

You are someone to lead
people into the righteous path...

...but instead, you
became a cook.

Akay, is this how
it will continue?

I'm devastated because
of chopping onions.

I haven't cried this much
since the day I was born.

How long has it been that you
have become an adult, Mansur Can?

long has it been since you stopped breastfeedin
that you are counting days since your birth?

Mansur Can, our job is tough

It's hard

We know.

But if we become a family to the
orphans, and friend to the alone ones

...then Allah will
help us in our path

We will stand together with the
hungry people, not the rich ones.

That’s the law of our path.

Peace be with you, Efkan Usta.

Peace be upon you,
Hace, what are your oredrs.

Estagfurullah. not an
order, but a request.

Can we go visit other merchants to
buy the necessities of the public kitchen?

No need for that Hace.
We already took care of that.


What do you mean by that?

That day, when the first meals
were given, people got relieved.

Those who went told others

Now those who didn't
help also want to contribute.

We cooperated among
ourselves as the merchants.

We already gathered
the necessities.

Thank you very much. Live long.

But that's no good, Efkan.

Allow us to take a part
in this good deed too.

If it wasn't for you, none of
these would happen Hace.

Efkan Can.

You are tempting our nafs...

if you compliment us
more, I will think that's true.

It’s all true.

Even more can be said.

If you excuse me now, I will
shout to other merchants... everyone will
bring the goods here.


My brothers!

My brothers!

Bring the goods that will
be given to the public kitchen!

May Allah accept your charity!

If you appreciate our work , support us and be a member on:
..........:: ::..........

Thank you.

May Allah bless you.

Thank you.

May AlMi bless /ou.



May Allah bless you.

Look Faris.

May Allah bless you.

They are working like ants.

May Allah bless you.

They are working like they are building
a palace for themselves in jannah.

Their eyes are
covered, my hodja.

We are going to tear
that cover on their eyes.

May Allah bless you.

May Allah bless you.


We brought candies
so the kide could enjoy them.

Moy Mah bless you Tarik Usta.

Also, we have
spoken with others.

We decided to
gather some clothes.

We will give them out soon.

May Allah bless you.

You thought so well.

May Allah bless all of you.

May Allah accept your charity.



Oh Baghdad merchants!

Oh my brothers who want to do
charity with their hard earned money.

This man came one day

And came to you with
the word of our Pir.

And you trusted the
man that our Pir sent.


...because of the bad
things this man did...

...we don’t allow him
into our lodge anymore.

I see that you
still trust him...

...and give him.. out of your pocket. Money,
which is the right of your own children.

You are giving him, thinking
that you are doing charity.

If you are doing it...

...because this man is a
Hace sent by Hemedani...

..know that..

..he is not a man like that!

He is a man that cannot
even enter his own lodge!

My Hace...

...I would die for you, but..

Don't stand in my
way no matter what.

I will crush this
snake's head...

...with a big
tongue in his mouth.

You saw it.

When we tell the truth all they
can do is to grab their sword.

Because they are
filthy, they are rascals.

They will spill the
blood of innocent men

...who only follow Allah's
path in the middle of Baghdad.

To save the lodge...

..we need Muslims.

And brave men with swords.

Our aim to have both.

Look at that man.

If you spill his blood.. won't be an honor,
it'll just dirty your sword.


Everyone's trying
to help people.

Don't you know how to
compete in charity work?

That's what we did. Do
something better.

Efkan.My innocent brother.

Look around you.

Who are they?


Hicabi and many foreigners.

And a lot of weird men.

Do you think you're
in the right path...

...after you started to hang around
thieves in Sazlik when you left the lodge?


You think our path will get
dirty with the vile words you say.

Rain will clear out
this filth in no time

But the damage
you did to the lodge...

Can never be fixed by anyone.

Tell me fake Hace

What did I do to
damage our lodge?

You didn't want the poor
people who came to get help

When they were in
pain and suffering... shut the doors. It's not a
saint's home, it's a den of thieves.

What did you want Hace?

For us to open our arms and
greet the thieves to our home?

I won’t accept tfoat.

I don't care if
you rule them all.

I don't aim to do that.

I don't chase after
power like you.

To me a friend
is more important.

Is that so?

So you don't care
about being Hace.

And you don't want status.

Then what do you want Hace?

Will you take over
Sahsuvar’s position?

Will you become the
Hew thief gang of Sazlik?

I will be..

..the soil, the breath..

... the fire and water
to whoever needs it.

I'll do all 4 of them and
I'll carry the trouble...

...of the poor in my heart.

I don't care about status.

But I won’t let you spoil
the lodge of our master...

..and ruin it.

Know that.

Wait for me.

Be on your way.

We shall.

I said what I wanted.

Rest is up to your conscious.

Come on brothers
let's carry them


Don't worry.We‘ll handle it.


May Allah bless
you all. Eyvallah.


Mahmut Can.

Let's go to the tribe.

If Master Pehlivan isn't
at the shop, he's there.

And Almas Mother...

... would make you
an unfermented,...

white kumis with crop milk

I don't want kumis now.

But I'll give my left arm
for a white foamy ayran.

Now you made me want it too.

What will I da? There's
none in the shop.

You won’t come toteave
your arm Mansur Can.

Why?Because you
are a brave Alp...

...who knows how to
write and use a sword.

You need hath of
your arms and hands.

But all I need is one
arm to hold a sword.

Mansur Can.Go to the shop.

Let's keep making money.And
the people should be able to come.

The tribe always has ayran
and yoghurt.Don't worry.

If you're meant
to have it you will.

If you're not, even if you
wait while it's being made. can't have a
drop.Have a nice day.

Take care.

How can you do
this to me father?

Will you send your
daughter into unknown lands?

I’m not sending you there.

I'm your father
who had ti help.

...while you were
drifting into unknown.

I’m sending you to
Basra for your own good.

You'll live there like a sultan.

Your brother will
take care of you.

You'll have a
life fit for a Sultan

Be sure that it's
not unknown lands.

Do I want that father?

Do I care about being Sultan?

I’m doing it for your own good.

Don't object.

And go get some rest.

Trip's shot but you'll be tired.

Not those roads but..

...those roads distancing
me from Baghdad will tire me.

Those road will
eat me up inside.

And you will sit
in your throne...

...give orders and
rule, won't you?

You know what
Omer Hadrath said..

..."If a lamb goes missing near
the Euphrates, I know about it.’

Homesickness will
consume your lamb.

Longing will kill her.

Do yoii accept this, Caliph?!


Accompany Asife Sultan.

And lock the door of her room.

Ensure her last
night in this palace.

Instead of you losing
a single eyelash...

...accepted longing for life.

If you knew how..

..heavy this is... would be crying for
your father, my daughter.

Put it in its sheath.

Your sword can't cut us.

I am surprised to see you.

You appear in moments
I least expect you.

The famous vizier of Selcuklu...

thought the same

...right before one of our servants
put a dagger through his chest.

Don't forget.

Me being able to get here...

...does not mean
everyone can get in.

But it means that some people
can definitely get in someday.

I hope that won't be us.

I see.

I will increase my measures

Well done.

Now listen closely.

The daughter of
the caliph will go to...

..Basra with a group.

There will be only a few guards.

To save you the trouble.

They will use this road.

And you will lay an ambush here.

If we want Baghdad...

you have to handle this.

You can trust me, sir.

We will see, Dubeys.

We will see.

How could I not cry, nanny

I am leaving everyone
behind here in Baghdad.

My memories... laughter...

...fny happiness.

I am leaving everything behind.


...I am leaving
Hace here, nanny.

Did you fall in love, daughter?

My poor unlucky child.

When I saw him..

...I was filled with
peace for the first time.

I had never felt that feeling.

As if

...there was an
iceberg inside me.

And it suddenly melted.

Clear and..

...very deep waters
ran inside me.

If thtai is love...

..then I fell in love.

I have a request
from you, nanny.

You will go to Hace for me.

I want to have

..his love in my heart.

...and his prayer
with me when I go.

While I set off to
unknown roads..

his preyer will protect me.

Okay, daughter..

I will go.


..this woman..

...lent a lot of support
to these evil men once

Then they had a falling out.

They did so that...

...they even wanted to
hurt that poor little child

So these scums even
try to harm children, huh?

You should have destroyed them,
Master Pehlivan. You should have.

I did, I did.

I did but Mahmut...

...that is not the only point.

These men are cruel.

The kid is a victim.

The woman is a victim.

But she used to be cruel.

It gets blurry there.

I thought so.

And I brought them both here.

That is the situation, my Hace.

I brought you the
suspicion in my heart.

I am leaving it to you.

You figure the rest.

Just because there was a
snake nest under a house..

does not become Sahmeran

They might have just built
their house in a bad place.

Let's wait for Leyla
Hatun to wake up.

Let's hear it from her, too.

Sahsuvar! Sahsuvart

Hmm... What?

Are you sleeping?

No, I can't sleep.

Why? Because of me?

Because of you and Hace.

Did Hace tell you something?

He told me a story.

And I heard he told you a
tale. Didn't you lose you sleep?

No, I had really good dreams.

Allah Allah. What did you see?

I was just like Hace
and learning wisdom.

I helped everyone.

Wasn't I in your dream?

-You were.
-So, what am I doing?

You told me you
were proud of me!

I told you right.

I proud of you!

Let's go. We're going.


To do something that
make you proud of me.

Move there.

Gather around me!

Put all the goods we
stole last night to the cart

We are taking them
to the Baghdad Bazaar.

All of them will be
returned to their owners.

Come on! Move!

I'll hang all the slackers from their
foot to the entrance of the district!

If Hace heard what you said,
he would get angry with you!


I haven't completely started
to walk on Hace's path, yet.

And the ones you see
haven't started at all.

Slowly, Necip. Slowly.

You understand?

Come on. little Nace. You
are also coming with me.

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..........:: ::..........

Allah Allah...

I'm thinking about
it all the time.

I could read anything
all these time, too.

My human soul is toying with me.

I wonder if there is
ayran inside the pitcher.

If I had it in my fate,
there will be a glass of it.

Well... Let's see.

So, I had h in my fate.

It is just a glass full.

The more it gets
old, the better it gets.

In the name of Allah, the
merciful, the beneficent.

Welcome. Do you need spoon?

No, son. I am looking for Hace.

When does he return?

He doesn't come in this time.

And where is he now?

I need to deliver him
something important.

He is in the nomad tribe.

But don't tire yourself
by going there.

My Hace will be
certainly here tomorrow.

No, I need to see him today.


I'll go to nomad tribe.

Stop, stop. You've come
here by walking under the sun.

Please, have a sit and get some
rest. Let me offer you something.

I can drink some
ayran, if you have.



You had it in your fate.


My Hace.

You are favored, but.. also cause
me to lose my ayran

Bon appetite.

Aren't those our goods?

Yes, they are ours.

Isn't it your goods?

Why are they here?

Arent they the
goods they stole?


People turned into
stone, when they saw me.

They can't even take their
goods, even if I let them.

They don't want to lose their gold,
while trying to get their lost goods.

Let's call them, so,
they can get their goods.


You trust people
too much. Don't.

You cannot trust everyone.

If you leave them alone,
they will loot everything.

We know what we took
from which shop, right?

Give me the book.


I know you cannot
believe what yog see

But this is real.

For the first tame, I’m giving
back something I stole.

And the reason for that
is the man called Hace.

Well, there is a saying
Allah's man", he is like that.

He is b hodje,
and he ie the man.

Be careful with Hacet

From now on, if we get
on bad terms with you... would happen only
if Hace's heart is broken

And also if you don't
make a nice queue.

Guys, come on, control everyone.

We will give them the goods and
go beck to Sazlik, I’m bothered here.

Come on.

Give them the pots.

There are 2 little
boxes as well.

Be careful with that.
Quickly, come on.

Give ham.





Come here.

Rest for a while.


Sit down.

I was going to carve...

...this wood, and make signs.

Then I gave up

Do you know why?

Because woodworms have
devoured the insides of this wood.

When you look from
outside, it looks strong.

But the woodworm
that attacked this tree.

...has eaten its
insides, and emptied it.

Revenge is something
like that woodworm.

I know.

You hold a great
grudge against...

...the people that took your
mother and father from you.

You get prepared for that day.

That's why you train like this.

But if you are going to
take a sword in your hands

You need to learn about the

...Hadrath All first, who
was the Pir of swordsmen.

May Allah bless him.

Now put that sword down.

I will tell you
about Hadrath Ali.

Hadrath Ali.

Allah's lion.

In a battle, he put his
enemy on tho ground.

And get on top of him,
and drew his sword Zulfikar.

Just when he was
about to behead him...

...his enemy
spitted on his face.

Hadrath All stopped.

He looked into the
eyes of his enemy.

Then wiped the spit on his face.

Then get up off his enemy...

...and left him there like
that, and walked back.

The enemy was shocked
and asked why he did that.

Lion of Allah turned
around and said..

...I was going to kill you
because you're cruel.

But you spit at my face.

This is hard to accept.

I’m afraid if I kill you now...

...I won't do it
to stop cruelty...

..I’ll do it to avenge myself.

We should do that too Yalgiz.

If you’re going to
hold that sword... it for something
bigger than you.

If we’re going to
sacrifice our lives

...we‘ll do it for
something bigger than us.


Do you like me Yalgiz?

Do you believe me?

Then we'll use this fire
of revenge inside you...

...for something
bigger than us...

...and fora more
valuable cause.

I know what this
dagger is to you.

It's the symbol for
your parent’s revenge.

I'll tie this dagger... your sword.

The will for revenge in you..

...will turn to
the light of truth.


May you live long my boy.



I heard what you said to Yalgiz.

Is being patient with the
fire that's burning you...

...always a cure for us?

If you want to get
rid of that fire...

...the only one that
can help you is Allah.


...what if you don't
want to get rid of...

..the fire?

We must pray.

We must wait.


...what if that fire
burns your heart?

Both the roses and
the fire are red...

..because Allah
made it that way.

We must accept.

We must be willing to
burn and to be wrong...

if we wish to wait.



Where are you Meryem?



What is it, are you okay?


Come here, honey.

I am okay.

I am, thanks.

I was just scared when I
couldn't see Meryem with me.

Nothing would
happen to her here.

She is full and secure.

And she gets on
well with our kids.

They keep running
around like gazelles.

Did you sleep well?

Our beds are not
very comfortable but...

...when you make the sky
your blanket, you sleep well.

Thanks, Mother. I slept well.

We actually slept a lot.

Did Pehlivan leave?

Eat a little bit of
food, daughter.

Everyone is here, do not worry.


Let her go, now
it’s time for food.

Feed yourself first.


May Allah be pleased with you.

First, I will fix the bed.

Relax, this place is yours.

Who is this woman

It's clear from her outfit
that she isn't a nomad.

Maybe Necat sent
someone to snoop around!

May I come in?

Welcome, come in.

Everything's fine, InshAllah.

It doesn't seem
fine to us, Hace.

But it will lead to
good things, InshAllah.

I come bearing news about Asife.

Her father is

...sending Asife to
Basra, to his brother.

She's very sad she won't be able
to help you in the public kitchen.

Did this happen because of us?

It happened because
of evil people.

You only tried to do good.

And Asife saw that.

She believed in
you and your actions.

That is why..

...she didn't want
to go without...

...letting you know
and getting your prayer.

And she had bread here.

She asked for your blessing.

You know..

Basra is far away.

An important guest
will go to Basra.

If you can abduct that guest... will strike the
caliph in such a way that...

...the caliph will be
dethroned without war.

Only Allah knows what
happens to the passenger.

She is giving all
her blessings to you.

We do, too.

There is good in all of Allah's
actions. May she go safely.

Father's orders
must be followed

My Allah!

What will I do, my Allah?

It's hard to delve
into this trouble.

Not doing it is death.

She did all she could for us.

The poor people
were happy with her.

May Allah be pleased with her.

May Allah protect her.

Thank you, Hace

May Allah be
pleased with you, too.

May Allah keep you safe.

Have some ayran with us.


Your help gave me
some in your store.

I already had my ayran.

And no one knows I came here.

I should return
before they notice.

May you go safely.

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..........:: ::..........

She called Mansur the "help".

Why do you say that, Mahmut?

He is the help!

They will abduct
the caliph's daughter.

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